A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

"It's been five years since I've seen my hometown. What if they don't remember me? What if everyone's moved on?"

In Homecoming, you take on the role of a young Japanese snow fox (or human, if you're so inclined) named Hiroyuki Nishimura. After moving away from your hometown Minasato to Osaka five years ago, you receive an unexpected letter from an old friend inviting you back for one last summer vacation before completing your senior year of high school. What complicates things is how you've neglected to contact any of your friends over the years. Although nervous, you accept the invitation.

What awaits you back in Minasato? Will you be welcomed with open arms, or has it been so long that everyone has forgotten about you? Will this be yet another wasted summer, or will you finally have the chance to experience what makes life worth living?


Homecoming is a visual novel about nostalgia, romance, living life to the fullest, reconnecting with old friends, and learning to face your demons, all wrapped up in the cute Japanese kemono aesthetic. The game Homecoming is based on, Morenatsu, is considered to be one of the classic entries in furry culture. Although it was cancelled in 2015, dedicated fans have continued to keep its legacy alive through fanworks such as this. While rough around the edges, the original game captured many hearts, including the members of the Stormsinger Studios development team. We aim to create the best visual novel we can make, doing justice to the source material that has inspired so many like us.


NSFW Warning!

 The game is intended for mature audiences! Explicit scenes and images featuring same-sex romances can be found throughout the game. Please do not download if you are under the age of 18!


Our Public Discord Channel!




Stormsinger Studios is not affiliated with Morenatsu Team. This is a fan reimagining and is not meant to be seen as a replacement for the original game. If you are interested in seeing the original, consider checking out the Revival team's Ren'py port.

Homecoming is a work in progress. All content within is subject to change and is not necessarily representative of the final product.

Some updates may require starting a new game to avoid game crashing bugs. Please understand this is a part of the development process and is something you agree to deal with when playing an early access product.


The Stormsinger Studios Team

Official Team Page:

DzahnDragon - Studio/Project Director
Devilizer - Art Director
Lesli-Chu!? - Composer/Writer
   Soundcloud   YouTube
Frostclaw - Assistant Director/Programmer/Writer
  Website   Twitter
Tealfox - WriterTwitter
HypoNova - Staff Artist and Musician

Homecoming is being developed using the Ren'Py engine.

Project Development Status

Homecoming is a work in progress. Since we're a team of volunteers, work proceeds when we have the available time to spare. Because of this, it is unwise to commit to a rigid schedule. We will try to release an update at least once every two months, though with our rough schedules the periods can vary wildly. We thank you for your patience while we develop Homecoming!

You can check the progress of the routes on this spreadsheet, that way you know ahead of time how far along your favorite character is in terms of development:

We hope you enjoy your stay in Minasato!


Homecoming - Version 12 (Windows) 521 MB
Homecoming - Version 12 (Mac) 516 MB
Homecoming - Version 12.0.1 (Android) 535 MB
Homecoming - Version 12 (Linux) 497 MB

Also available on

Development log

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I enjoy this labor of love you guys are working on. I look forward to revising Minasato soon.

Really hope we'll see some sort of an update soon!

man i really wish torahiko route was finished

Think like a Developer:

You're remaking a visual novel that everyone who's 25+ loves. That lots of people tried to re-do but none did to the end. You was able to fetch attention to the Remake, and the routes everyone wants the most are Kouya, Kyouji and Soutarou and Torahiko, the last three never had their routes finished. 

Torahiko is also the "main route" of the game.

If his route is finished, there's a huge change most people would lose interest in the game. So it will obviously be the last one. I believe Torahiko itself will be the last route to be added and will also only be added once all artworks for his route is complete, because once his route is done, the game is also done. But I may be wrong.

dayum i  didnt expect someone to write whole paragraph and im definetly not saying that developers do smth wrong or not i just say it would be wonderfull if torahiko route was finished cuz of how good it is and i mean yeah youre prob right but  im also sure it makes me and lot of other players sad that his route is heavily unfinished despite being main route beacuse lets take your logic

Think like a Developer:

if torahiko is main route shouldnt he be finished first? if main route in game isnt finished then its just weird and im well aware that in oryginal he wasnt finished either so yeah thats all i wanted to say

p.s. dont take offense pls 

I think it can be for having the hype up, or something with other routes that had to be added first in order to make Torahiko's route worth, like a history plot or whatever that it needs, I guess its the second one.

yeah i kinda get it but at this point  it wont get anymore popularity by making us wait for tora route honestly rn amount of players decrease if i am not wrong

I read it a year ago the devs said something about Torahiko will be the last route to be developed since his story requires other character routes to be finished first.


idk why but im having trouble with tatsuki route I cant seem to get a good ending to it. no matter what I do!! it always ends bad 

(1 edit) (-1)

When you complete a route you get a password that unlocks the guides I’ll tell you the password and how to use it in the spoilers.


In the options page there will be a blue button that says “Enter password” click it then write “Sakura” with a capital S once you’re done go to the gallery click guides then click the picture of whoever’s guide you want to see.


We're getting close to the 1 year mark since the last update. How are things going in development?

Is the tiger's route finished?


Nope, it seems to be the last route to completed.


Oh, that's a shame. Thanks for the reply!

Will Ten Kodori get his own route?


he has his own mini-route but you have to get Juuichi's bad ending to access it


who can tell me What is the difference between the remastered version and the previous version?


Revisited is not a Remake, it's a reimagination of Morenatsu.

Essentially the Original is unfinished, and full of social problems, such as having underage characters, rape, kidnapping, grooming and other aspects that are not cool. Those were completely removed from Revisited, all characters are +18 and the main protagonist now can be a Human or a White Fox, all characters are re-drawn and all routes will be different and finished. Some routes haven't changed a lot, but some of them are being completely rewritten. So yeah, that's the difference.

If you wanna see NSFW scenes, only the Original MOrenatsu have them, Revisited will focus first on finish all routes, THEN, they'll make the NSFW scenes, those are expensive or costly to make.


Anyone know when next update? 


I had a weird thought on this, but I wonder if it'll have a general "best friend" ending. Like, not going for a romance and just be the best friend possible to everyone (and maybe resolve some issues like Kouya and Tora's constant bickering).


super awesome game once again. sending good vibes to stormsinger dev team! 

I cant download the game is something wrong with where it's stored?


hope you all have a great day or smt cause you guys def makes my day! My first VN game 😭 so much memories 😭 every char have their unique personality and their charms 😭 really looking forward for Tora cause he is my NO.1 from the OG game (sr for my bad english)


I really hope we can get an update to this project soon! 


Hope to hear more from y'all

Deleted 113 days ago

I can't find the shin route guide and I can't find anything on the storm studios page, any help pls


Not too long ago, an hour tops, I was riding the bus home, and suddenly I had a craving to visit Minasato village.


it's absolutely Amazing, i'm loving playing the game and i can't wait for more updates

i'm sure will help the project when my life gets a little better

i'm from Brazil and i'm loving Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks for all of your hard work! I've been waiting for a complete version of this for YEARS and the crew at Stormsinger has been doing a fantastic job! I've played a lot of VNs but for some reason, Morenatsu hits different. I can't wait to experience all of this beautiful story.


I want the development team to know this is an amazing work and I'm so glad you've kept working on it this whole time. You guys are immensely talented and I'm in love with what you've made. I can't wait to see the completed product and I believe in you guys! 

When I replay an event in the gallery, I always lose the affection feature and I can't get it back even in normal playthroughs. Is it a bug?


It is a bug, often caused by returning to the main menu before the event finishes. For the time being, try watching another event to its completion. When it returns to the main menu normally, it should reactivate the flag which summons the affection feature. In a future build, I'm hoping for it to be fixed.

Thank you!


can we get a progress check, or an estimate on when build 13 will be released? I'm too excited to wait! シ


Well, they work on this game for free, while working on the game that ACTUALLY give them money to work on. So we should just be glad they found an artist who is kind enough to donate his art for this project OR that they have the spare money to invest in the project because Art is expensive especially good art, good music, etc. So I'm not complaining, I'm gladly gonna wait for months, even years as long as they keep updating the discord every now and then saying that they are working on it slowly or not. 

Just remember it's very, very hard to make a visual novel, and work on one for free, and give quality work like they are doing? We should be forever grateful. 


Yes, I have previously read the information on their page and I understand that the artists and the writers of this VN are volunteers. I'm extremely grateful that this VN has continued for such a long time. Though I never intended to incite the developers to "hurry up", I wanted to know if any progress has been made. I hope you understand. Good luck!!!

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

they didnt do anything wrong by asking for a progress check. You wrote a condescending novel over literally nothing. You seem like a complete nightmare and no one cares that youre such a wet blanket, you would wait obediently for years without asking for a simple update and chastise people that do. As an artist myself, I would be embarrassed if someone tried to simp for me this hard. Get a life.


Hey dude, chill. I see where you're coming from, but there's a right way and a wrong way to provide feedback.

That said, I'm afraid the only update I can provide at the moment is I've managed to make quite a few changes to the back-end, and have completed the expansion of Kyouji and Soutarou's camping trip event (it was a bit lacking in the last update, and Lesli had actually written an event for that day, but it went unnoticed by all of us, oops!) All that we're waiting on for build 13 is for Kyouji's content to be coded in (the story itself is already fully written) and for any other sprite or CG updates. However, those are for Dzahn and Devilizer, and with both of them being busy, not to mention Dev being our sole artist at this current point in time, it's making it a bit difficult for them to find time.

I myself am eagerly awaiting the public release of build 13, because I'm not only keen to see what people think of the new content, but also because I actually have big plans. All I can say is that I appreciate everyone's patience.

(1 edit)

Hi! I can see where you're coming from, but it's a shame they're busy. As another fellow artist, I can completely relate to the schedule issues. Though, it's also nice to know this project hasn't been abandoned lol. Honestly, I haven't looked at it in a couple of months, so I forgot to check (T^T). Please, take your time for this VN, no rush!

(1 edit) (+1)

really enjoying this vn so far!! do we know when to expect the next update? and which route is going to be completed next? my favourite so far is Tarou, cant wait for more of him! ;3

does anybody have a guide on how to get the ten kodori route?

Have to get Juuichi bad ending i believe


Is there any chance we have the OST from OG Morenatsu? The music was so beautiful and nostalgic.


The chances of that happening are less than 0%. While we have used the OG Morenatsu theme as a motif for some tracks, we will not be using any of the original tracks.


It's alright, it would be nice if we could have them at the Gallery at least. So nostalgic.


As I DO think the Morenatsu characters were released to the public domain, the music probably belongs to someone else, so it would be wise to AVOID any legal stuff especially for a fan-project that raises no money at all.

Deleted 199 days ago

Is there going to be sex scene/ Naked scene on the VN?


Idk but I hope so!!

(1 edit) (+6)

If you're talking about CGs, they will be implemented later.

As far as story goes, so far only Juuichi, Kounosuke, Shin and Tatsuki have sex scenes.

by any chance is there a button that will play the game on auto?

any route guides to access juuichi route? any tips?

played the games and ended up with torahiko's route 😩

(1 edit) (+2)

Did you successfully do the quick-time event to wakeup for the fireflies scene with Juuichi? If you fail to wakeup in time for it and get the phone call from him instead, you are completely locked out of the route.

I heard bonus routes are not gonna happen? Is that true or are the devs gonna finish the game first? 


They already have a bonus route for Ten Kodori in the game, so they're clearly not completely opposed to them.


Hehe, I remember when we decided to actually implement the Ten route into Homecoming. The amount of times I had to say "No, we're not bringing it back..." while the whole time I was internally like "I'm bringing it back, and improving the writing."

As for if we're planning on implementing others, at this point in time, no (truthfully)...although I do have other things planned for the future.

(1 edit) (+2)

You could probably base a whole spinoff on Hiroyuki going to work with the Midoriya Carpenter's Guild. The amount of thirst I've seen for some of those characters is unreal. 

I know you said you're keeping the nude sprites without any bits to maintain a normalized average size, but are there any plans to have them in the gallery? Or for that matter, just having a sprite viewer with all the various costumes in general?

Deleted 103 days ago
Deleted 103 days ago

I'm really in love with this game! I first found this one on the Apple store and just today had to go check out the original. Love how there's much the same as the original, but much is also new and improved! (I will admit I like this version better) I hope Tora gets a revised and better ending tbh... the original end was kinda bland (odd for what's supposed to be the "canon" relationship).


I like how the artsyle seems quite modern yet pays respect to the old artstyle. I'm probably gonna play this after I finish the original.

Deleted 103 days ago

Yeah, picked that one up after build 12's release. It's already fixed for the next build.

Deleted 103 days ago
(1 edit)

Let's see they make about two releases in one year. Each release have about two to three parts. I guess it will be 2-3 years until they complete it


I've downloaded the latest update but juiichi still only goes to day 15 before it says End of Demo? Can anyone help please?

Is there a way to hide the text box on mobile? I know there is on desktop, at least.


Have you found passwords in the game yet? I myself have not found :(


Anyone know where I can find route guides? Thanks in advance.


When you finish a route you get access to its guide in the gallery

ah okok thanks again

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