I'm going to have to disagree with some of the people in the comments. The new sprites are great! The old ones were fine too but, they felt less Morenatsu and more St. Lucia, and while there's nothing wrong with that (St.Lucia is pretty cool so the concept of Homecoming using it's art style itself never put me off initially but still) , I LOVE the new direction they're going with! Also, according to what I've heard, it's less time consuming for them to make the game with the sprites in the way that they are now, so that's a plus in my opinion
I agree so much, the first sprites were amazing! New ones have an old-ish after taste, tora for example, I'm under the impression that he is constantly squinting.
Gonna have to agree with this. The new sprites, for what they were, was a bit of a change, but I think this was something that gave them a bit more identity in the end of the day, making them less tied down to the original in that regard. It's a shame to see that artist's work go to waste.
The new ones feel like fanart, and not nearly as refined as the originals.
Thanks for the feedback! I understand it's a controversial change, and everyone's opinions is valuable to us, but the changes were made both to revert some (very) unpopular design decisions, as well as make the art more manageable to Nova and I. The old sprites were a lot more time consuming than we foresaw them ever being, and we both decided to change them to something more easily manageable. In doing so, we changed a few design elements here and there (but kept some of our own design ideas, like Kouya's earrings) and the changes have been for the most part welcomed by players.
I understand an art style shift mid project is upsetting for a lot of people, and as a small team, it was a hard choice to make, and we ultimately decided it would be the best course of action if we wanted to be done with the project within a reasonable time frame. Please understand we're trying our best to accomplish our vision and satisfy as many people as possible, and that sometimes mean we have to make hard decisions. This was one of them.
I can absolutely understand that, but please hear me, it's not just a petty complaint (as you can see by my the dislikes on my opinion haha), but rather something that is a bit of a criticism to the art as well. The biggest issue with the "old" sprites was that there was a bit of inconsistency with the heights like Shun being small, but he's absolutely tiny in comparison to Tatsuki, and some people felt that there were *too* many liberties taken with the characters IE, some feel that Torahiko was too skinny-- which is a mileage may vary sort of thing, but that's a refinement that can happen over time. The sprites needed to be refined as it was clear that the artist was getting the feel for the style that they wanted.
Now, the height inconsistency is going to be even more apparent because of how big they are in this version versus the original: take a look at this: Tora is a little more than half of the screen here, and almost a head shorter than Tatsuki. Now let's compare them here
Torahiko is taller now (which he needed to be as the original Torahiko was way too small in comparison), but now there's really no room left to make Tatsuki a head taller than Torahiko , much less any adults that'd be taller than Tatsuki, like his father. Tora is still less compact in build than he originally was, but he now loses the swimmer's build he had, so he feels like some sort of strange compromise between the two. People like Konosuke just straight up lost weight:
"chubby" doesn't even come to mind anymore-- versus the original ones seemed to remember that. It's not really so much that I "hate" the new ones, but prefer the old ones, because the inconsistencies feel even more distracting at this point since now they're trying to mimic the old Gamma style, but still don't *quite* look like it while still keeping the issues that some of the original ones had, and somehow bringing in new ones with the shift.
Bear in mind, this was never meant to be some sort of knock towards a shift, but rather a "I prefer the older ones because they seem less problematic." I hope that helps with what I was saying earlier.
I can understand your concerns on the sizes, but this was a move we chose to give everyone's sprites more room to shine. As you pointed out, the old sprites had wild differences in size between each other, while this one will "streamline" everyone. There will still be size differences (Aichi is still huge compared to Kounosuke), but less pronounced (no more Shun barely poking out of the dialogue box).
Do keep in mind everything we're doing as of now is a work in progress. There's a likelihood we'll revisit everyone's individual sizes once every sprite is fully implemented in the game (I have sketches ready for every character I'm working on, but it can be deceiving at times), and feedback will be taken into account then, but as of now, we'd rather leave things as they are before over-correcting in any particular direction. While you might say the sprites are more problematic now, a lot of people have said the exact same thing about our previous sprites (not a lot of people saw our old Torahiko as "fit", but rather described him as "anorexic", for example), and just as many have voiced their appreciation over the new designs. We're always willing to listen, but unfortunately, everyone has an opinion and we do have to make our choice at a certain point.
Finally, I'd disagree on Kounosuke not being chubby anymore, having drawn him myself. Maybe his stance covers that a bit, but I'd say he looks similar, if not ever so slightly heavier than our previous version, especially when the clothes are off, so to speak.
Sure, it's more so because of how the menu sizes and general resolution base choices of Ren'py that's kind of the issue here. IE, Taller sprites are harder to do because you seem to have less height in general to work with than the original Morenatsu engine (I forget what they used).
I'm aware. That's the reason I was trying to give feedback ahead of time so it's easier to notice from a "non-dev" perspective. I figured feedback would be useful in general.
It's not really chubby. He's just kinda averagish in body type.
OG sprite is a bit pudgier. And the revamped one takes it to the point where I wouldn't say he's chubby anymore.
Eh, I do like Kouya's new design, I don't like Tora's though, for the same reasons, Kouya's original design was very good, so going to a design closer to that is good. But Tora's original design doesn't feel good for me, it's goofy and just strong for the sake of it, for someone who only swims his body should be fit and good-looking, not bara-like. But even so, It's understandable to change the style. Because the old style was very inconsistent, Kouya's design wasn't that good compared to others, and at least in this new closer to the original one, they are kinda looking like all of them are drawn with the same quality control in mind.
I won't come here asking for a re-design again for Torahiko, I do prefer his previous design but then again, I prefer a cast that has the same feel to them rather than a cast where half of the characters looks good and the other half looks bad because of a lack of consistency. As long as the other images in-game such as sex scenes and other scenes feel like they were drawn by the same artist that would be good for me. That's a thing in almost all VN's I play, at least the furry ones: The sprites and the cutscenes appear to be drawn by different people, that's why Kouya looks one way in the sprite and completely different in the scenes on his route on the original Morenatsu. xD
Anyways, I know you don't like it, so just do it like me: Save a print of the sprite you like, and keep it in your heart. If they are saying it's better and easier for them to work with the new spirits, let them do it. I prefer to see this game finished rather than canceled because they need to keep with a level of detail and workload way too big for them to finish this.
yall why do they look 10x better than before suddenly did they change kouya or am i seeing things? edit: ahh it didddd i just checked.. i remember it was hard for me to look at kouya before cause he looked so different, omg lemme start playing thisss
So, I notice Torahiko's sprite is different, maybe that isn't new since I haven't downloaded a new build since 6 months ago, but I like how it looks! There's some issue with the scaling though, Torahiko looks a bit too tall, maybe it's the other sprites that are the problem? I don't know.
All characters were changed to be juniors and seniors in high school from what I heard; since it is apparently common in Japan (Due to how their school year starts and ends at different points in the year than the west) for Juniors to turn 18 their junior year and for seniors to start the school year 18 and turn 19 before graduating.
You commented on another post. However, the bug you've found, I can confirm as an issue with Ren'Py. Have you tried a complete uninstall and reinstall? You will lose your progress, but it should hopefully fix the issue.
I think that anything "extra" will be added only if they really want to. It's not like we're paying them for recreating this game, for free I might add, so for now we should just expect all the routes to be slightly changed to fit the new age of some of the characters and the removal of any weird-ass ending the original had, and of course, the routes we never received. But who knows, maybe they'll do it, eventually. Just don't expect more than what they are giving us.
does anyone by any chance know how to get on the Juuichi route or at least have more interactions with Juuichi since we haven't reached the official route split yet?? i figured that's the only way to keep his jacket when it gives you the option because when i was mainly focusing on Torahiko and it got to that part the option to keep his jacket was grayed out and couldn't be selected so i can only assume if you mainly focus on him then you get the option to keep it haha. so if anyone could help that would be great :3
Yes, you have to spend time with Juuichi and evade Torahiko. Though, it's not necessarily to evade all characters. Above the downloads, there's a guide in the "here" link.
To be able to borrow his jacket, one specific event must be completed: the firefly event. As WhiteBear25 mentions, there are guides available. They’re not up to date with the options to select on day 12, but are still relevant. I’ll be working on updating them a bit later.
oh wow! Idk how I've never seen the guides in the "here" link above. well i appreciate the help with that, I honestly didn't think anyone would reply but I'm grateful both of you took the time to. so thank you both again for the help ^_^ (also WhiteBear25 that "evade Torahiko breaks my soul only just because i turned him down to go to the pool and he was crying and I wanted to cry for making HIM cry x_x!!! never again! lol)
Probably a bit late, but so that others don't miss that event, you have to make sure Hiroyuki stays awake to see the firefly event. Also my bad RustleBoi for saying that you have to evade Torahiko. I initially thought that was what had been preventing you the jacket option 😅
The story isn't finished yet. Overall, about 45% is complete. But once we get past a specific point, we'll be focusing on one character at a time. A few of them already have completed storylines that just need to be coded into the game.
At the moment, we've reached Day 12 for most of the characters.
Oh, so you guys don't pretend to change the existing storylines for the characters that had them finished in the original game. That should "quench" some people thirst that's for sure XD
Actually, a few of them did receive a massive change. Kounosuke has had his route entirely changed, due in no small part to how badly his original storyline was written. For others, they’ve had a few tweaks here and there.
Haha, yeah I can see that. The original story was good when I was young but if I play the game now I just cringe at half of it and feel horrified by the other half, with some exceptions of course. But those bad endings were nothing but disturbing in some cases.
Ok, thanks for reply . This story just make me recognize a lot of things , cause moneratsu is the first visual novel that i play after i become a furry . A lot of moneratsu fan make a lot of moneratsu 2 visual novel but the main character is with juuichi and now i find this . You let me can replay it and i can with torahiko again. I like it a lot , keep doing it ! ( p.s. my english is so terrible, plis forgive me .)
Minor question: Noticing that you've added in a sprite for Kounosuke's father. Are there plans to do the same for Juuichi's dad? I remembered running into him when getting a ride from Tatsuki, and I was just curious as to how he looked compared to Juuichi.
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in script
$ ui.interact()
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
$ ui.interact()
Exception: Required parameter p has no value.
I have the full file copied in case more data is needed. Came here to report the error and saw that something had been updated 4 hours ago, so downloaded and ran that version of the game, and encountered the same error.
I think a library background image may be missing, since I had to skip through (i'm assuming a scene's worth) of stuff in kouya's route after leaving Kounosuke's place (I think it went from line 1646 To 2022 on day 10 If that helps at all)
I don't think you did anything wrong, since I was just following the prefect route guide and didn't see and sea salt ice cream to select there either. I guess the main question now is whether its a bug or if they removed it for one reason or another
Sea salt ice-cream option was removed when Dzahn took control of the project. Considering the connection to Kingdom Hearts is quite heavy, he decided it would be better to not have it in there for now. We’re discussing how to proceed going forward.
I am a little disappointed with that decision but it's not my call to make and it does not effect all the great work everyone has placed into this. I do miss that extra point.
My guess is that they will either put it back once they put all the new sprites of the characters. Another possibility is that they plan on putting Special Scenes/Images in certain events, like for example, let said they put a Special Image of when Hiroyuki is peeking on Juuichi. At least that's my guesses since the NSFW Warning is on this page.
While we've indeed cut the sprites off at waist-level, this wasn't done in a move to get rid of the NSFW content, but simply for practicality's sake, as it made some of the smaller character barely peek through the dialogue box. Resizing them would have and having them keep everything below waist-level made some of them look freakishly large, so we've decided to follow in OG Morenatsu's footsteps, and cut them at the waist.
I really appreciate the art style and character changes, compared to the original Morenatsu. Most notable are Shin and Shun. Shin has a more refined design, and his personality is somewhat more fitting than in the original game. Shun was a cute character in the original game, but looked and acted like a kid, so I really love his new more mature design and personality, and creators still kept everything about him that made Shun - Shun.
Also, the protagonist being a furry is a welcome change,
Either way this has to be one of the best Furry VNs I've ever played.
Shun looks less like a minor, which I actually like more, and find way cuter than the possibly-8-year-old version in og morenatsu. At the same time everyone has a right to have an opinion, so if you find the old shun cuter, good for you ^^
it feels Shun & Shin is a whole different character , not even comparable to the OG Morenatsu . Shin talks too much and not as snappy as the OG Shun's way of thinking and the way he talks is too mature since he is supposed to be the youngest one. It's like the one who is the youngest is the MC itself.
Yes, it is. As mentioned in the notes for 6.5, we're actually planning something quite big, so the next update may take a bit of time, but I can guarantee the wait will be worth it.
For some reason, I can't seem to install the 6.5.1 update even though I can install the 6.5 version in the past. 90 gb of free space and I can download and install other visual novels just fine so I can't seem to figure out what's wrong. Playing on android.
Oh I absolutely love this game. I like each and every character so far and can't decide with who to go with. This game is so good!!
This may be a spoiler so please don't read it if you don't want to get spoiled:
But there is just one thing that is confusing me, who the hell is Nanafuse!!? He just appears randomly out of nowhere claiming he was with us in on scene with Shun, Tora and Kounosuke. Am I supposed to know who he is or what? Honestly he is kinda scary appearing out of nowhere and everyone don't find it stange? Is he a ghost? A friend that died a long time ago. I am so confused. Lol
He's an enigma. In the original Morenatsu, he was merely a mischievous spirit who was given form thanks to Hiroyuki and Shun. Because you could rename Hiroyuki in that version, his first name would match whatever you chose. However, as we've gone quite a different way with him, I can't exactly tell you who or what he is. :P
That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol
Despite the question already being answered. Yeah, in the original, he's just a spirit given form by Shun and a name by Hiroyuki. And depending on who you go with during the test of courage, he'll either pop up as their old teacher Botan, show up once as Kounosuke, or show a glimpse of himself for a short few seconds. The problem is he's not meant to be recognized for exactly what he is.
If you do, he'll stop you and complete wipe all memory of him from you. But he will always show up when you least expect him.
If they do more to add to him, i'd be glad to see it. The only instances I've ever seen him play a deeper part is once during Juuichi's route and multiple times for Kounosuke's. But we'll have to wait and see what the creators do with him here.
That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol
Heyy I got a suggestion, can u guys make some intense NSFW moments?? Like animations or pick an action (😏) something like that? This will not affect how the story goes afterward, just purely for fun. Hope this make it in the game 😂
PS: The game is really good man, brings back some memories from the old morenatsu, keep it up Stormsinger!! Tatsuki is super hot in this remake 😳🥵
It is highly recommended as new condition flags may be added in newer builds. I do acknowledge that this isn’t ideal, and you are free to use your existing saves, but you do so at your own risk. The likelihood of errors increases exponentially when using an older save in a newer build.
Its probably something on renpy´s end but, i been playing the ios ver. and in the newest update the screen isnt full screen, it makes certain buttons harder to press, tho its probably because i am using an iphone 7, and it still has a home button so it doesnt fill the front of the phone, that might be cause of the resizing.
Thank you for reporting that. I have run a search and found it has been a bit of an issue in the past for other Ren'Py projects, but is easily fixed. I have implemented this adjustment and it should hopefully be rectified by the next build release.
Small rant on accessibility issues, beware of potential spoilers:
I have to say: as someone with mobility issues, QTE's in VN's feels so out of place, especially for those of us who regularly use eye tracking / voice control / other special control systems to use our PC's
Luckily I can use a mouse, my issue is just with using one for more than an hour or two, but suddenly missing a QTE out of seemingly nowhere because the eye tracking "click" action takes a second, and then having to dig out a mouse, load a save and try again isn't too fun.
I'd like to see more authors add an option in preferences to either prolong the time you have to react to these events / a way to disable these events, if possible :)
Other than this, I'm loving this one so far :D
Edit: or add the option to use the keyboard to activate the button, as it seemed to ignore the usual arrows + enter to click....
This is actually a good criticism, and as a matter of fact, I'm considering coding in a way for using 1/2/3, or something similar for those QTEs. This may take a bit of time to get sorted, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. The last thing I want to do is be exclusive to those who need to use alternatives to clicking.
If you're talking about using saves from 6.5 with 6.5.1, you can do so without issue, as no additional flags were added into the game between these versions. However, aside from that, it is not recommended to use save files from a previous build, as there is a higher potential for game-breaking errors.
I know that this game doesn't have a set schedule and Santa Lucia is the main focus, but are you going to try and keep a decently steady upload schedule? Not a firm one, but just a "we're going to try and upload every two months" or something. This game is great and I love it a lot, and I would just like to know if you're trying to keep a schedule or not.
I'd like to quote this line which is in the project description on this page:
Homecoming is a work in progress. Since we're a team of volunteers, work proceeds when we have the available time to spare. Because of this, it is unwise to commit to a rigid schedule. We will try to release an update at least once every two months, though with our rough schedules the periods can vary wildly. We thank you for your patience while we develop Homecoming!
I am glad that you are enjoying what has been released so far, and would like to assure you that we're working on this when we can, and while we can't exactly commit to a firm schedule, we will push out each release as soon as we can.
Out of all the weird character design changes, especially with Shun and aging him for what... US sensibilities? Why doesn't Kouya wink! That's his trademark. Also it's weird that you still kept was Kyouji's eyes closed, which I always hated that he never opens his eyes... makes it hard to connect with him. Also Kouya's face needs some work. The improvements of the characters I like are Kounosuke, Shin, and Soutarou. But yes they're all supposed to be high school students like the protagonist so making Shun 18 when he's supposed to be the youngest makes zero sense... also isn't Hiroyuki (you) supposed to be human? I always thought it was a self-insert.
Nota lot of people liked Shun being 16 also with maybe future content do you really wanna see Shun naked if he was 16? In the game Shun said he turned 18 a month ago so he technically is still the youngest. I do agree with you on Kouya though, He needs a little work on his design but that can wait until the story is finishes, I would like to have the story finished then them takeing the time to fix Kouya.
Regarding the character designs, we have stated on multiple occasions that these are subject to change. In addition, the reason Kouya doesn't wink is because we haven't provided that image yet. As far as the code goes, Kouya does have calls for a winking sprite, but for the moment, the image it uses is just his smiling sprite. Again, this is just temporary until we get additional sprite work done.
With Kyouji, we decided we wanted to keep his eyes similar to the original for one main reason. In Japan, "fox eyes" is a common trope used to identify when a character is very wise and reliable. Both of these are intrinsic qualities for Kyouji, and so, it was deemed appropriate to keep them like that.
The aging up of characters was done for one major reason: legality. While the national age of consent in Japan is 13, all prefectures have overridden this with their own age, most of which are around 17-18. While the original team could have gotten away with having sexual interaction with a 16 year old (who acts like an 8 year old), we won't. Not to mention, Soutarou was originally the youngest at 15, so yeah...there's that too. Now, Shun is the youngest of the group, even if he is 18, because he was the last to have his 18th birthday.
Finally, Hiroyuki: Originally, he was a self-insert, but therein lies the problem. Self-inserts are notoriously difficult to write for, especially for consistency purposes. The original game, as much as all of us in Stormsinger Studios enjoyed it, suffers from an extreme level of inconsistencies, especially where Hiroyuki is concerned. To remedy this, it was felt that making him have a specific personality and removing the self-insert aspects would be best. We have mentioned multiple times in the past about why we removed humans entirely. You can see this in the FAQ (which does admittedly need updating a bit).
Thanks a lot for the detailed response! I agree with most of it. The aging up is weird but yeah... legal reasons. It's much more acceptable in Japan to like younger characters as it's all fantasy. I would have preferred to have this game as a sequel then a remake.
I'm really enjoying the game so far. I do have a question though.
Are there any plan to make the "route" a bit more clear? Like in the original, how you used the map and could see who you're mainly hanging out with for an event. I noticed there are a few events where you go to them, and to get to the other event you have to blindly decline. Instead of making it blind, maybe adding a hint as to what happens if you "go do something else." Because sometimes the declines are just full event skips where there is no other alternate event, or it is a different event with a bunch of other characters, and it's really hard to tell without rewinding and checking both paths. I can understand some of the mystery, but it's annoying when "Not today" could mean "I go for a walk and find an entirely different event" or "I go home and sleep for the rest of the day.
I ran into this issue that then ran into a bunch of others after hitting ignore (this was after choosing not to do what comes up in the shop and occurs a few lines after exiting said shop on the 10th).
Yeah, this is unfortunately a bit of a bug with the Android build, which I will be rectifying ASAP. Tom (the creator of Ren'Py) has advised that the latest version of Ren'Py should fix this issue, and I will be releasing an update soon with this fix. Think of this future version as 6.5.1.
The unfortunate part is that I don't have an Android device myself. My family do, but they'd object to me using their devices as test subjects.
Unfortunately, you will need to start fresh, as your save files aren't compatible with this update. The warning at the beginning mentions that it may be possible to Ignore your way past any errors, but this is not a guarantee.
← Return to visual novel
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I'm going to have to disagree with some of the people in the comments. The new sprites are great! The old ones were fine too but, they felt less Morenatsu and more St. Lucia, and while there's nothing wrong with that (St.Lucia is pretty cool so the concept of Homecoming using it's art style itself never put me off initially but still) , I LOVE the new direction they're going with! Also, according to what I've heard, it's less time consuming for them to make the game with the sprites in the way that they are now, so that's a plus in my opinion
Hey quick question, is there still NSFW content in this game, or has it been removed?
Yeah, I can't seem to toggle it no matter the content settings.
I agree so much, the first sprites were amazing! New ones have an old-ish after taste, tora for example, I'm under the impression that he is constantly squinting.
Gonna have to agree with this. The new sprites, for what they were, was a bit of a change, but I think this was something that gave them a bit more identity in the end of the day, making them less tied down to the original in that regard. It's a shame to see that artist's work go to waste.
The new ones feel like fanart, and not nearly as refined as the originals.
Hey, Devilizer here!
Thanks for the feedback! I understand it's a controversial change, and everyone's opinions is valuable to us, but the changes were made both to revert some (very) unpopular design decisions, as well as make the art more manageable to Nova and I. The old sprites were a lot more time consuming than we foresaw them ever being, and we both decided to change them to something more easily manageable. In doing so, we changed a few design elements here and there (but kept some of our own design ideas, like Kouya's earrings) and the changes have been for the most part welcomed by players.
I understand an art style shift mid project is upsetting for a lot of people, and as a small team, it was a hard choice to make, and we ultimately decided it would be the best course of action if we wanted to be done with the project within a reasonable time frame. Please understand we're trying our best to accomplish our vision and satisfy as many people as possible, and that sometimes mean we have to make hard decisions. This was one of them.
I can absolutely understand that, but please hear me, it's not just a petty complaint (as you can see by my the dislikes on my opinion haha), but rather something that is a bit of a criticism to the art as well. The biggest issue with the "old" sprites was that there was a bit of inconsistency with the heights like Shun being small, but he's absolutely tiny in comparison to Tatsuki, and some people felt that there were *too* many liberties taken with the characters IE, some feel that Torahiko was too skinny-- which is a mileage may vary sort of thing, but that's a refinement that can happen over time. The sprites needed to be refined as it was clear that the artist was getting the feel for the style that they wanted.
Now, the height inconsistency is going to be even more apparent because of how big they are in this version versus the original: take a look at this:
Tora is a little more than half of the screen here, and almost a head shorter than Tatsuki. Now let's compare them here
Torahiko is taller now (which he needed to be as the original Torahiko was way too small in comparison), but now there's really no room left to make Tatsuki a head taller than Torahiko , much less any adults that'd be taller than Tatsuki, like his father. Tora is still less compact in build than he originally was, but he now loses the swimmer's build he had, so he feels like some sort of strange compromise between the two. People like Konosuke just straight up lost weight:
"chubby" doesn't even come to mind anymore-- versus the original ones seemed to remember that. It's not really so much that I "hate" the new ones, but prefer the old ones, because the inconsistencies feel even more distracting at this point since now they're trying to mimic the old Gamma style, but still don't *quite* look like it while still keeping the issues that some of the original ones had, and somehow bringing in new ones with the shift.
Bear in mind, this was never meant to be some sort of knock towards a shift, but rather a "I prefer the older ones because they seem less problematic." I hope that helps with what I was saying earlier.
I can understand your concerns on the sizes, but this was a move we chose to give everyone's sprites more room to shine. As you pointed out, the old sprites had wild differences in size between each other, while this one will "streamline" everyone. There will still be size differences (Aichi is still huge compared to Kounosuke), but less pronounced (no more Shun barely poking out of the dialogue box).
Do keep in mind everything we're doing as of now is a work in progress. There's a likelihood we'll revisit everyone's individual sizes once every sprite is fully implemented in the game (I have sketches ready for every character I'm working on, but it can be deceiving at times), and feedback will be taken into account then, but as of now, we'd rather leave things as they are before over-correcting in any particular direction. While you might say the sprites are more problematic now, a lot of people have said the exact same thing about our previous sprites (not a lot of people saw our old Torahiko as "fit", but rather described him as "anorexic", for example), and just as many have voiced their appreciation over the new designs. We're always willing to listen, but unfortunately, everyone has an opinion and we do have to make our choice at a certain point.
Finally, I'd disagree on Kounosuke not being chubby anymore, having drawn him myself. Maybe his stance covers that a bit, but I'd say he looks similar, if not ever so slightly heavier than our previous version, especially when the clothes are off, so to speak.
Sure, it's more so because of how the menu sizes and general resolution base choices of Ren'py that's kind of the issue here. IE, Taller sprites are harder to do because you seem to have less height in general to work with than the original Morenatsu engine (I forget what they used).
I'm aware. That's the reason I was trying to give feedback ahead of time so it's easier to notice from a "non-dev" perspective. I figured feedback would be useful in general.
It's not really chubby. He's just kinda averagish in body type.
OG sprite is a bit pudgier. And the revamped one takes it to the point where I wouldn't say he's chubby anymore.
"Not chubby", eh? For Japan, Kounosuke is actually quite fat. The clothing we've given him does a better job at masking it.
Eh, I do like Kouya's new design, I don't like Tora's though, for the same reasons, Kouya's original design was very good, so going to a design closer to that is good. But Tora's original design doesn't feel good for me, it's goofy and just strong for the sake of it, for someone who only swims his body should be fit and good-looking, not bara-like. But even so, It's understandable to change the style. Because the old style was very inconsistent, Kouya's design wasn't that good compared to others, and at least in this new closer to the original one, they are kinda looking like all of them are drawn with the same quality control in mind.
I won't come here asking for a re-design again for Torahiko, I do prefer his previous design but then again, I prefer a cast that has the same feel to them rather than a cast where half of the characters looks good and the other half looks bad because of a lack of consistency. As long as the other images in-game such as sex scenes and other scenes feel like they were drawn by the same artist that would be good for me. That's a thing in almost all VN's I play, at least the furry ones: The sprites and the cutscenes appear to be drawn by different people, that's why Kouya looks one way in the sprite and completely different in the scenes on his route on the original Morenatsu. xD
Anyways, I know you don't like it, so just do it like me: Save a print of the sprite you like, and keep it in your heart. If they are saying it's better and easier for them to work with the new spirits, let them do it. I prefer to see this game finished rather than canceled because they need to keep with a level of detail and workload way too big for them to finish this.
also is the mc human still?
No. Hiroyuki is an arctic fox, which is one of the changes we made when first starting Homecoming.
yall why do they look 10x better than before suddenly did they change kouya or am i seeing things?
edit: ahh it didddd i just checked.. i remember it was hard for me to look at kouya before cause he looked so different, omg lemme start playing thisss
So, I notice Torahiko's sprite is different, maybe that isn't new since I haven't downloaded a new build since 6 months ago, but I like how it looks! There's some issue with the scaling though, Torahiko looks a bit too tall, maybe it's the other sprites that are the problem? I don't know.
I get confused by the age of each characters...
Cause in the wiki they all are 18- (only Tatsuki seems 19...)
There are some changes? Or they are still underage? (Outside of Japan)
All characters were changed to be juniors and seniors in high school from what I heard; since it is apparently common in Japan (Due to how their school year starts and ends at different points in the year than the west) for Juniors to turn 18 their junior year and for seniors to start the school year 18 and turn 19 before graduating.
So nobody is underage anymore.
Wait. What happened to my comment on a bug I found?
You commented on another post. However, the bug you've found, I can confirm as an issue with Ren'Py. Have you tried a complete uninstall and reinstall? You will lose your progress, but it should hopefully fix the issue.
The "chick hunting" scene had me D Y I N G. I cannot wait for more updates lol. Great Work!
I laughed so hard in that scene as well! XD
Will there be a Ten route in the future? I enjoyed his route on the previous game and was hoping that he will have a genuine route to play on.
I think that anything "extra" will be added only if they really want to. It's not like we're paying them for recreating this game, for free I might add, so for now we should just expect all the routes to be slightly changed to fit the new age of some of the characters and the removal of any weird-ass ending the original had, and of course, the routes we never received. But who knows, maybe they'll do it, eventually. Just don't expect more than what they are giving us.
does anyone by any chance know how to get on the Juuichi route or at least have more interactions with Juuichi since we haven't reached the official route split yet?? i figured that's the only way to keep his jacket when it gives you the option because when i was mainly focusing on Torahiko and it got to that part the option to keep his jacket was grayed out and couldn't be selected so i can only assume if you mainly focus on him then you get the option to keep it haha. so if anyone could help that would be great :3
Yes, you have to spend time with Juuichi and evade Torahiko. Though, it's not necessarily to evade all characters. Above the downloads, there's a guide in the "here" link.
To be able to borrow his jacket, one specific event must be completed: the firefly event. As WhiteBear25 mentions, there are guides available. They’re not up to date with the options to select on day 12, but are still relevant. I’ll be working on updating them a bit later.
oh wow! Idk how I've never seen the guides in the "here" link above. well i appreciate the help with that, I honestly didn't think anyone would reply but I'm grateful both of you took the time to. so thank you both again for the help ^_^ (also WhiteBear25 that "evade Torahiko breaks my soul only just because i turned him down to go to the pool and he was crying and I wanted to cry for making HIM cry x_x!!! never again! lol)
Probably a bit late, but so that others don't miss that event, you have to make sure Hiroyuki stays awake to see the firefly event. Also my bad RustleBoi for saying that you have to evade Torahiko. I initially thought that was what had been preventing you the jacket option 😅
before i start playing. Is this game story finish or haven't?
The story isn't finished yet. Overall, about 45% is complete. But once we get past a specific point, we'll be focusing on one character at a time. A few of them already have completed storylines that just need to be coded into the game.
At the moment, we've reached Day 12 for most of the characters.
Oh, so you guys don't pretend to change the existing storylines for the characters that had them finished in the original game. That should "quench" some people thirst that's for sure XD
Actually, a few of them did receive a massive change. Kounosuke has had his route entirely changed, due in no small part to how badly his original storyline was written. For others, they’ve had a few tweaks here and there.
Haha, yeah I can see that. The original story was good when I was young but if I play the game now I just cringe at half of it and feel horrified by the other half, with some exceptions of course. But those bad endings were nothing but disturbing in some cases.
Ok, thanks for reply . This story just make me recognize a lot of things , cause moneratsu is the first visual novel that i play after i become a furry . A lot of moneratsu fan make a lot of moneratsu 2 visual novel but the main character is with juuichi and now i find this . You let me can replay it and i can with torahiko again. I like it a lot , keep doing it ! ( p.s. my english is so terrible, plis forgive me .)
Minor question: Noticing that you've added in a sprite for Kounosuke's father. Are there plans to do the same for Juuichi's dad? I remembered running into him when getting a ride from Tatsuki, and I was just curious as to how he looked compared to Juuichi.
Yes. Many of the side characters will be getting sprites.
Hello I have the problem every time I want to unzip the Windows file from Morenatsu that 3 errors appear.
Because 3 certain files cannot be copied
those with the names style_selected_intensitive_function.so
I encountered an error while saving my game:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in script
$ ui.interact()
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
$ ui.interact()
Exception: Required parameter p has no value.
I have the full file copied in case more data is needed. Came here to report the error and saw that something had been updated 4 hours ago, so downloaded and ran that version of the game, and encountered the same error.
the android version has this problem again, what should i do?
and I couldn't do Torahiko's event on August 10th, help!
It’s caused by an error in the engine version that Dzahn used when compiling it. I’ll fix it when I get home from work and re-upload it.
I think a library background image may be missing, since I had to skip through (i'm assuming a scene's worth) of stuff in kouya's route after leaving Kounosuke's place (I think it went from line 1646 To 2022 on day 10 If that helps at all)
Am i doing something Wrong or you removed sea salt icecream in soutaru route? Now there Is chocholate or macha choice only
I don't think you did anything wrong, since I was just following the prefect route guide and didn't see and sea salt ice cream to select there either. I guess the main question now is whether its a bug or if they removed it for one reason or another
Sea salt ice-cream option was removed when Dzahn took control of the project. Considering the connection to Kingdom Hearts is quite heavy, he decided it would be better to not have it in there for now. We’re discussing how to proceed going forward.
I am a little disappointed with that decision but it's not my call to make and it does not effect all the great work everyone has placed into this. I do miss that extra point.
Is there a reason all the NSFW was taken out?
Removed window mode?
Will this new build have new content?
Also is it true that this new build gets rid of NSFW content?
where did you see it? Apparently yes, I do not know why
My guess is that they will either put it back once they put all the new sprites of the characters. Another possibility is that they plan on putting Special Scenes/Images in certain events, like for example, let said they put a Special Image of when Hiroyuki is peeking on Juuichi. At least that's my guesses since the NSFW Warning is on this page.
Thanks for the answer.
Hey there!
While we've indeed cut the sprites off at waist-level, this wasn't done in a move to get rid of the NSFW content, but simply for practicality's sake, as it made some of the smaller character barely peek through the dialogue box. Resizing them would have and having them keep everything below waist-level made some of them look freakishly large, so we've decided to follow in OG Morenatsu's footsteps, and cut them at the waist.
Thank you all for understanding,
- Devilizer
Will there still be other NSFW images and/or scenes in future content and builds?
"Having them keep everything below waist level made some of them look freakishly large"
Awww.... why you gotta call out Juuichi like that. 😉
Oh please, let Ten have his own route.
I really appreciate the art style and character changes, compared to the original Morenatsu. Most notable are Shin and Shun. Shin has a more refined design, and his personality is somewhat more fitting than in the original game. Shun was a cute character in the original game, but looked and acted like a kid, so I really love his new more mature design and personality, and creators still kept everything about him that made Shun - Shun.
Also, the protagonist being a furry is a welcome change,
Either way this has to be one of the best Furry VNs I've ever played.
imo Shun looks less cute in this style, Shin's design too
Shun looks less like a minor, which I actually like more, and find way cuter than the possibly-8-year-old version in og morenatsu. At the same time everyone has a right to have an opinion, so if you find the old shun cuter, good for you ^^
it feels Shun & Shin is a whole different character , not even comparable to the OG Morenatsu .
Shin talks too much and not as snappy as the OG
Shun's way of thinking and the way he talks is too mature since he is supposed to be the youngest one. It's like the one who is the youngest is the MC itself.
Is this VN still alive?
yes is still alive
Yes, it is. As mentioned in the notes for 6.5, we're actually planning something quite big, so the next update may take a bit of time, but I can guarantee the wait will be worth it.
Good to hear, just wanted to be sure
For some reason, I can't seem to install the 6.5.1 update even though I can install the 6.5 version in the past. 90 gb of free space and I can download and install other visual novels just fine so I can't seem to figure out what's wrong. Playing on android.
Oh I absolutely love this game. I like each and every character so far and can't decide with who to go with. This game is so good!!
This may be a spoiler so please don't read it if you don't want to get spoiled:
But there is just one thing that is confusing me, who the hell is Nanafuse!!? He just appears randomly out of nowhere claiming he was with us in on scene with Shun, Tora and Kounosuke. Am I supposed to know who he is or what? Honestly he is kinda scary appearing out of nowhere and everyone don't find it stange? Is he a ghost? A friend that died a long time ago. I am so confused. Lol
He's an enigma. In the original Morenatsu, he was merely a mischievous spirit who was given form thanks to Hiroyuki and Shun. Because you could rename Hiroyuki in that version, his first name would match whatever you chose. However, as we've gone quite a different way with him, I can't exactly tell you who or what he is. :P
That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol
Despite the question already being answered. Yeah, in the original, he's just a spirit given form by Shun and a name by Hiroyuki. And depending on who you go with during the test of courage, he'll either pop up as their old teacher Botan, show up once as Kounosuke, or show a glimpse of himself for a short few seconds. The problem is he's not meant to be recognized for exactly what he is.
If you do, he'll stop you and complete wipe all memory of him from you. But he will always show up when you least expect him.
If they do more to add to him, i'd be glad to see it. The only instances I've ever seen him play a deeper part is once during Juuichi's route and multiple times for Kounosuke's. But we'll have to wait and see what the creators do with him here.
That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol
Heyy I got a suggestion, can u guys make some intense NSFW moments?? Like animations or pick an action (😏) something like that? This will not affect how the story goes afterward, just purely for fun. Hope this make it in the game 😂
PS: The game is really good man, brings back some memories from the old morenatsu, keep it up Stormsinger!! Tatsuki is super hot in this remake 😳🥵
when i download a new build i need to start over?
It is highly recommended as new condition flags may be added in newer builds. I do acknowledge that this isn’t ideal, and you are free to use your existing saves, but you do so at your own risk. The likelihood of errors increases exponentially when using an older save in a newer build.
Its probably something on renpy´s end but, i been playing the ios ver. and in the newest update the screen isnt full screen, it makes certain buttons harder to press, tho its probably because i am using an iphone 7, and it still has a home button so it doesnt fill the front of the phone, that might be cause of the resizing.
Thank you for reporting that. I have run a search and found it has been a bit of an issue in the past for other Ren'Py projects, but is easily fixed. I have implemented this adjustment and it should hopefully be rectified by the next build release.
Am I the only one that finds strange that everyone else has nipples, but Juuichi doesn't?
No you are not🗿
Small rant on accessibility issues, beware of potential spoilers:
I have to say: as someone with mobility issues, QTE's in VN's feels so out of place, especially for those of us who regularly use eye tracking / voice control / other special control systems to use our PC's
Luckily I can use a mouse, my issue is just with using one for more than an hour or two, but suddenly missing a QTE out of seemingly nowhere because the eye tracking "click" action takes a second, and then having to dig out a mouse, load a save and try again isn't too fun.
I'd like to see more authors add an option in preferences to either prolong the time you have to react to these events / a way to disable these events, if possible :)
Other than this, I'm loving this one so far :D
Edit: or add the option to use the keyboard to activate the button, as it seemed to ignore the usual arrows + enter to click....
This is actually a good criticism, and as a matter of fact, I'm considering coding in a way for using 1/2/3, or something similar for those QTEs. This may take a bit of time to get sorted, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. The last thing I want to do is be exclusive to those who need to use alternatives to clicking.
How can i download the new build with my progress from the other build?
If you're talking about using saves from 6.5 with 6.5.1, you can do so without issue, as no additional flags were added into the game between these versions. However, aside from that, it is not recommended to use save files from a previous build, as there is a higher potential for game-breaking errors.
I know that this game doesn't have a set schedule and Santa Lucia is the main focus, but are you going to try and keep a decently steady upload schedule? Not a firm one, but just a "we're going to try and upload every two months" or something. This game is great and I love it a lot, and I would just like to know if you're trying to keep a schedule or not.
I'd like to quote this line which is in the project description on this page:
Homecoming is a work in progress. Since we're a team of volunteers, work proceeds when we have the available time to spare. Because of this, it is unwise to commit to a rigid schedule. We will try to release an update at least once every two months, though with our rough schedules the periods can vary wildly. We thank you for your patience while we develop Homecoming!
I am glad that you are enjoying what has been released so far, and would like to assure you that we're working on this when we can, and while we can't exactly commit to a firm schedule, we will push out each release as soon as we can.
Out of all the weird character design changes, especially with Shun and aging him for what... US sensibilities? Why doesn't Kouya wink! That's his trademark. Also it's weird that you still kept was Kyouji's eyes closed, which I always hated that he never opens his eyes... makes it hard to connect with him. Also Kouya's face needs some work. The improvements of the characters I like are Kounosuke, Shin, and Soutarou. But yes they're all supposed to be high school students like the protagonist so making Shun 18 when he's supposed to be the youngest makes zero sense... also isn't Hiroyuki (you) supposed to be human? I always thought it was a self-insert.
Nota lot of people liked Shun being 16 also with maybe future content do you really wanna see Shun naked if he was 16? In the game Shun said he turned 18 a month ago so he technically is still the youngest. I do agree with you on Kouya though, He needs a little work on his design but that can wait until the story is finishes, I would like to have the story finished then them takeing the time to fix Kouya.
Regarding the character designs, we have stated on multiple occasions that these are subject to change. In addition, the reason Kouya doesn't wink is because we haven't provided that image yet. As far as the code goes, Kouya does have calls for a winking sprite, but for the moment, the image it uses is just his smiling sprite. Again, this is just temporary until we get additional sprite work done.
With Kyouji, we decided we wanted to keep his eyes similar to the original for one main reason. In Japan, "fox eyes" is a common trope used to identify when a character is very wise and reliable. Both of these are intrinsic qualities for Kyouji, and so, it was deemed appropriate to keep them like that.
The aging up of characters was done for one major reason: legality. While the national age of consent in Japan is 13, all prefectures have overridden this with their own age, most of which are around 17-18. While the original team could have gotten away with having sexual interaction with a 16 year old (who acts like an 8 year old), we won't. Not to mention, Soutarou was originally the youngest at 15, so yeah...there's that too. Now, Shun is the youngest of the group, even if he is 18, because he was the last to have his 18th birthday.
Finally, Hiroyuki: Originally, he was a self-insert, but therein lies the problem. Self-inserts are notoriously difficult to write for, especially for consistency purposes. The original game, as much as all of us in Stormsinger Studios enjoyed it, suffers from an extreme level of inconsistencies, especially where Hiroyuki is concerned. To remedy this, it was felt that making him have a specific personality and removing the self-insert aspects would be best. We have mentioned multiple times in the past about why we removed humans entirely. You can see this in the FAQ (which does admittedly need updating a bit).
Thanks a lot for the detailed response! I agree with most of it. The aging up is weird but yeah... legal reasons. It's much more acceptable in Japan to like younger characters as it's all fantasy. I would have preferred to have this game as a sequel then a remake.
I'm really enjoying the game so far. I do have a question though.
Are there any plan to make the "route" a bit more clear? Like in the original, how you used the map and could see who you're mainly hanging out with for an event. I noticed there are a few events where you go to them, and to get to the other event you have to blindly decline. Instead of making it blind, maybe adding a hint as to what happens if you "go do something else." Because sometimes the declines are just full event skips where there is no other alternate event, or it is a different event with a bunch of other characters, and it's really hard to tell without rewinding and checking both paths. I can understand some of the mystery, but it's annoying when "Not today" could mean "I go for a walk and find an entirely different event" or "I go home and sleep for the rest of the day.
I ran into this issue that then ran into a bunch of others after hitting ignore (this was after choosing not to do what comes up in the shop and occurs a few lines after exiting said shop on the 10th).

Yeah, this is unfortunately a bit of a bug with the Android build, which I will be rectifying ASAP. Tom (the creator of Ren'Py) has advised that the latest version of Ren'Py should fix this issue, and I will be releasing an update soon with this fix. Think of this future version as 6.5.1.
The unfortunate part is that I don't have an Android device myself. My family do, but they'd object to me using their devices as test subjects.
ok so for the windows edition, i cant load my files, and it wont load any dialogue, keep pressing ignore and it doesnt load anything
Unfortunately, you will need to start fresh, as your save files aren't compatible with this update. The warning at the beginning mentions that it may be possible to Ignore your way past any errors, but this is not a guarantee.
damn… thank you
Great update . I love this game