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Oh hey Build 11 Noice.

I am happy to in route of Kouya 

But I didn't know is not finished 

There update soon, I want him updated route to end.. Bit sad


Note to self: Never get in a car with Tatsuki... 🙃

Kyouji getting angry scared me tbh. Thanks Stormsinger, for making Kyouji like this. (Reminds me of my dad)

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(Fellow player) I find it odd that you missed Day 12's events. I followed the guide here and Day 12 seemed normal and unavoidable (I've found Shin's route despite aiming for Shun). Might help if you describe what you see instead.

To clarify, the Outskirt's Option is first thing in the morning on day 12

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Sorry if this gets ask a lot but when should we expect an update and to who will it be?

Can't speak to when the update would happen, but according to their last post they're looking at delivering a full finished route for a character on each update from now on, and the next candidate was Juuichi. Judging by the timing of previous updates, I'm thinking big bear for Christmas. 


Called it.

Hey, I have a question in regards to the game's gallery. Is all of the content in there accessible currently? It's been a few months, but I'm pretty sure I've gone through every dialogue option on every route. Despite this, I'm still missing tons of stuff. This includes:

- 4 CGs.

- 17 BGs.

- The music tracks Avarice, Pinch Me I'm Dreaming (Kouya), Pinch Me I'm Dreaming (Musikus), Train Station Lights, and Train Station Lights (Alt).

I've been under the assumption due to how much I'm missing that these are just placeholder spots for future art and music, though it wouldn't hurt to double-check with you guys.

By the way, I love what you've been doing with the game! This was my first experience with Morenatsu, though I have since gone and played the translation of the original. I really appreciate the directions you've taken a lot of these characters compared to their original appearances.


I can confirm that the things you're missing are actually going to be used, but we just haven't gotten that far yet. Eventually, you'll get to experience the rest.

I'm glad that you're enjoying what we've done so far, and hope you continue to look forward to our work.

Game in development. A lot of place holders are inside sometimes, just to fill every part that should be used in the future, even if it's not used. You always should only expect to complete galleries and any other stuff if a game is on version 1.0. 

To be fair, we've been using a different numbering system for our versions. Once it's fully completed, we'll likely use a different label for it.

 Oh, that's interesting. Good to know.

So i can't save.

Am i the only one with this?

And if not then is ther anything i can do?

That's just a warning advising not to use saves from previous builds (for example, using a save made in Build 9 in Build 10), as there can be errors. However, saving should work properly.


Update please 

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The last few updates have come at a rate of about 1 every 3-4 months, and it's been 87 days since the last one. I'm sure they'll be at least making an announcement on it soon.

Hi I played this game a year ago and i remember there's a problem with the savin, is it still there? And if it is what are you recommend to do because it annoying to starte over again every updaye. And thanks

I saw no saving problems.


So it's only with Android?

No, Im playing It on Android and there are no save problems here.

Non? Because for me i can save but after i update the game all of my saving are gon.



I played the original one for the first time many years ago and it didn't convince me very much due to the not very entertaining graphics. However, the animations were very nice.

Shun and Ten are much better looking in the original Morenatsu, but everyone else is more beautiful here in Homecoming. Juuici and Tora particularly. The graphics have improved a lot. This game enlighten in you the desire to play, appreciating all the work is much easier and there is a very high imprinting effect.

The user friendly menu is the coolest thing in a visual novel. I would like to know which program did you used to create the game. 

I am happy that the game is not abandoned but constantly updated, but what I recommend you is to take into more account the wishes of us fans to get back the Ten route. Moreover, if it could be lengthened or modified a little it would be even better. By popular demand. 

Thank You for your job.


Thank you for your support! It means a lot that you really enjoy Homecoming. For the moment, Ten only has the one sprite, and Shun hasn't received his new sprite rework yet, but please do look forward to it. We're likely going to be making him look similar to his original style, but aged up a bit (so he doesn't look like he's 8 years old).

Homecoming uses the Ren'Py engine, which is constantly being updated by its creator to include new features. It can be a bit daunting to use at times, because it requires a little bit of coding knowledge. As a matter of fact, some of the features within (like the credits sequence for example) were a result of some trial and error. We are planning on adding more to it later down the line, but there's no timeframe for it yet.

Lastly, I'm glad that you, like so many others, really like the Ten "route" and want it brought back. Especially since I'm the one who wrote it. It was never meant to be anything official, and more of a way to show how custom routes could be done. I wrote it after having read the doujinshi My Summer Vacation With the Captain, when I realised that Ten was my favourite supporting character. While we don't really currently have plans to add it to Homecoming, especially since of the amount of work we put into each day/character, many elements from his route will be making their way into Juuichi's route. If we were to bring Ten's route back, it would require extensive reworks to bring it up to the standards we have set for Homecoming, which would take time away from the more key components we're working on.

Deleted 1 year ago

Well, I don't know where else I would post this, so I figured here would be fine, I hope.

Wouldn't it be crazy if there's a game (probably a fighting game) that crosses over characters from these furry VNs like Morenatsu, Nekojishi and Adastra?


it would probably be something like bare back streets or oh so hero but yeah that would be awesome

lol, but I think something like In the Heart of Battle sounds cool.

I'm thinking an initial roster of 8 would work, and I have some ideas of who would be in it.


happy birthday soutarou


Soutarou's birthday in Homecoming has been moved to May 8th. ;)

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Question from those of us who are geographically challenged:

Minasato is to Japan's Shirakawa, as Kazenari is to _____?


Factoring in distance and length of time it takes to get there, Takayama would be the closest matching (in reality, there's a lot more bus services that operate between the two, but Minasato and Kazenari were rather exaggerated compared to their real world counterparts).

So my question is:

When is Takeshi gonna be shirtless?


I absolutely cannot wait for Tora's route to continue, Im in love with the story, characters and simply everything, an amazing VN, 100/10 <3


Then be ready to wait, it makes no sense to make the only two routes that were NOT in the original game before the others, it's like, releasing the only thing that is actually holding people here in the first place before finishing the project XD.



How long is Tora Route?


Rejecting Torahiko was one of the saddest things I've ever done in a novel (even though it's not optional). I don't know how I'm going to bear reliving that moment on the other routes. ;-;


I know what you mean, the first time I had to reject him I actually cried and games don't make me cry.

Man...I just did this part in Tatsuki's route and I absolutely hate myself right now. And on his birthday too?! How cruel can the writers get?!

Yeah... It genuinely hurt to do that, but lying to him made me feel bad too.

But at the end of Tatsuki's route had me tearing and with a big smile.

Morenatsu was one of the firsts (if not the first) VNs I played back in the OG one days. And this reimagination is delivering the same feeling.

Is there a way for tatsuki to not die


The conditions you must absolutely meet are as follows:

  1. Sit with Tatsuki at the welcoming party on August 1st.
  2. Set up a meeting with him on August 2nd.
  3. Choose to visit Tatsuki on August 6th.
  4. Select the option "Somebody help me!" on August 7th.

As long as you meet those requirements and do as much to gain Tatsuki's affections, he won't die.


where can i find complete tatsuki guide?


You can find Stormsinger Studios' site above the "We hope you enjoy your stay in Minasato" message, then scroll down to "Route Guides"


Small question here. 

Does this version includes the Ten Kodori route introduced in the last update of the original Revisited version? 

And if it doesn't, is it planned to add it in the future?

So, I finished tatsuki's route and all I have to say is that I was bawling my eyes out at the end. I wish we could see what happens when Hiro comes back

can you give a guide for complete route? The one i find is only upto 15th day

You should only need a guide up to day 15, the rest of the days won't matter, you will still be with Tatsuya. Once you do all of the stuff up to day 15, the route is decided 

thanks 😁


is there a way to play the original soundtrack to this? not saying I don't like the current one, but nothing beats the original



Hey guys, I have a problem. I wanted to install the update, but I've got another icon and actually I have my saves on the old one. :/ I'm playing on android.

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I'm on Tatsuki's route, Day 22. What choices will guarantee the best ending? For example, I'm at the ring-tossing game and I'm not sure what choice to make. The guide has NOT been updated. Please help.

None of those matter (minus the Chuukichi option, which is just a joke harkening back to the OG). If you followed the guide appropriately as it is, you'll get the good ending.

Thank youuuu


Will Ten's route be in it like in Revisited?

is there a reason why you can't change this setting? (This is the Phone version of this game)

can you change it in pc version?

Look, I'm not developing this game but I believe this setting would essentially change final text dialogues with NSFW scenes, changing the scenes or at least skipping them entirely instead. Since the game is not finished yet, I don't see why they would enable this setting, it's easier to program and configure it once you have every route finished. 


This is set as such in the app due to the terms and conditions for iOS builds. As a result, the settings cannot be changed as outlined in the text.


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So, is the NSFW censorship only in iOS devices or this includes the android .APK as well? I am scared I have missed good content being on day 7 :(


The android .apk also has the censorship applied to it.

Although, something might happen if you tap the text under the censorship settings (The text advising that the settings cannot be changed).


Wow glad ya'll finally realized you could just port the OG finished stories change some things around in them then just finish the unfinished ones from scratch seems like we will be getting a shit ton of more updates more frequently very very excited for it and I'm certain the community will really love it and enjoy it



No window mode?


I downloaded the new update and I must say that I am a little disappointed, in the first part of the game we have lots of new events, the dialogues were improved and the character designs are better, your team had done a very good job. On the other hand, apart from some dialogue, tatsuki's route was literally copy/paste from the version of morenatsu revisited and that's a shame because I think you could have added content to improve his route, for example in the first part of home coming hiroyuki has a lot of interaction with his grandparents and in the tatsuki part they no longer exist, and it would have been good hiroyuki talks to them about his relationship with tatsuki, you could also add a scene with how tatsuki relatives react to the fact that Hiro and Tasuki are together on the perfect route. I know you made Home coming game for free but as I said before it's a shame that your team just take over whole sections of the old version of morenatsu to finish the road of the characters when for the first 15 days you had all redone better.

Day 19 broke me tbh :'(((((( nooooo


SAME!!! Poor Tora 😢

Literally in tearssss that was intense


I literally felt pain in my chest when I rejected him 😭 I’m sorry Tora I’m just trying to stay to the route


I think even if you try not to reject him the scene will force you to.


oh really? Have you tried? 

true!! I said naah I'm not gonna reject u and the game forces you to 😭😭😭

I’m sorry if this is a frequently asked question or not but in the next update with the kounsuke route be extended, I just finally got around to playing his route and I’m loving it so far :)

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Okay so I have a question, what is that “afterword” button going to do? I see it’s unusable atm but I’m just curious :)

Afterword is generally our notes on the development of each character. We'd be describing our reasonings for specific decisions we made, what the development was like, what went through our minds, etc.

Ah okay :), thank you!!! :)

Really loved the route with Tatsuki, sad it has ended but looking forward to the other routes.

Fingers crossed at some point there might be a special episode that shows the story what happens in the future with them. Brilliant work!

Is there any update for torahiko's route ?

If you read the changelog they release here, nope. Just Tatsuki and some few days from another character.

i wanna visit the place that morenatsu took place irl. one of these days, looked it up and it seemed so peaceful...

Name: shirakawa-go


I've been there. It's absolutely beautiful. I was there in January 2019, and had an absolutely wonderful time. I definitely recommend visiting once everything opens up again.

I know what I'm going to do this summer! 🐻


Is there a way to make Morenatsu windowed instead of fullscreen?

Press F on the keyboard.

The Android Santa Lucia metadata bug should be fixed. I recommend everyone who downloaded Build 10 for Android earlier redownload and reinstall it.


Waaah! O///O Juuichi's new sprite looks so handsome~ ^^,

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