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Checking every single day until the new update because most of the VNs I play are on a break

Can anyone tell me where I can find the old version with these sprites?

This looks like a mod, an older version or an alplha build.

I don't think it's an older version because they only swapped models twice, and the older models were awful compared to the ones in the image, so either this is a mod, or is a build that was never released. Sorry mate I doubt you'll find it here tho.

I played this version a long time ago, if my hard drive hadn't burned up it would still be there. But yeah, I don't think I can find it anywhere, damn.

It's a very early version of Homecoming. However, I don't think any of us have access to these builds anymore.

I might actually. I can check my computer.

I do not. Sorry.


Update for everyone from the Discord: they've finished the QA for everything and are just needing to do a little additional programming. I believe they're eyeing a release for the next version later this month.


It's been a year without updates, I'm getting old lol.

They should give us an update soon, follow them on their discord server.

Yeah I know, but still now I'm hyped for the update witht he things they said lol

We all are, don't worry xD

I see this was updated about a day ago, but what was updated? Looking forward to more content. :)

They might have fixed a typo in the page here or added new info. We'll find out if they add a new update or something eventually 


As of 3am on 8/20 on the Discord, they said to expect an update very soon. 

(2 edits)

We're about 20 days away from being a year since the previous update. I really hope this one comes out soon. Going off of the update doc, next is probably Kyouji's Homecoming exclusive route


Just wait, I prefer them taking their time to give me free updates of a game I don't need to pay to play, rather than keep making them work for free and give me updates as if they need to release builds every X months or so. In the end, if they do it out of their own free time with care, we will have something cool and fun and very well done. I prefer that, rather than having this game repeating the same things the original did and never reading through the rest of the routes :D

The closer they get to the finish line, the harder it is to release faster though. 

How to get shun route Qoq

is there even a guide route in this game ಥ_ಥ

I really hope that there gonna be more sequel about Hiroyuki and the others in the future I still can't accept that it's already over(┬┬_┬┬)

There are guides in-game. But you need to finish the route, and you'll get the password to unlock the full guide for that route.


At the party on the first day, sit down next to Shun, or whatever character whose route you want to be on.


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