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(4 edits) (+1)

Hello again! I played the latest version of the game and I liked it! But there are also things I didn't like

I liked:
1. I'm glad that Homecoming will have routes for all nine characters! I will remind that in the original game there were only 6 of them!
2. I liked that you decided to make the main character furry. I played in Revisited and there the main character was a human, I didn't like it very much...
Here's what I didn't like:
New Shun design... Maybe someone liked him, but I didn't

I would like the sprites to have more emotions and poses, like the original sprites did. Here is an example:

I wish you success and that you do not have any problems! I hope that updates will be released monthly :)
(I know that you not robot, but I would still like to see updates released monthly)

(Sorry if there are errors in the text. I'm sure there are here)

I almost forgot, I wanted to ask a question(sorry if I ask too many questions): why won't there be a route for Ten? I know that there won't be a route for him, but I still don't understand why. Can you explain this?

Deleted 1 year ago

Not a fully fledged game yet. Not only it's being made for free, art is expensive. They are placeholders, and we should be grateful for them.


They will get fully made sprites in the future, but for the time being, we're gonna be focusing mainly on the primary cast.

What are sprites?

I am kinda new to visual novels

Sprites are the artworks for game characters. However, I am not sure if it's a term meant for, in general, games or only visual novels.

Thanks ^^

(1 edit)

Love the new update so much, thank you guys for taking the time to give us another part in this masterpiece. Great work you guys ❤️

Thank you for your support. I appreciate your feedback and am glad you enjoy what we've produced thus far. <3

alright so once more i have to say this game is breathtaking, i've seen my fair share of furry visuals novels and this is by far if not the best so far, i only have a few in mind that could somewhat compete with this one but this one would still walk home with the win. My initial purpose of writing here is to ask if anybody would help me with the perfect Shin route, because I've tried plenty of combinations trying to get that special scene but i can't seem to do it. I do everything i can find to benefit Shin where possible but there's always no scene, any help would be exponentially helpful and much appreciated. oh and keep up the fabulous work.

Hi there. Thank you so much for your support. I'm glad you're enjoying what we've done so far. If you'd like some information regarding getting Shin's perfect route so far, feel free to DM me, and I'll get you a list of what needs to be done.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Hi. I played Revisited and I loved it! It is a pity that there were only 3 routes(Ten's Route does not count)... So, I would like to ask 4 questions:

1. Routes will be for all characters (except Ten)?
2. I played around a bit and noticed that some characters only have one sprite(for example, Tatsuki). Will this change in the future?
3. Will the settings be the same as in Revisited? Would it be possible to select the main menu background, sprites, etc.
4. Will there be other languages in the game? I know English, but it is difficult for me to play visual novels in English(there is a lot of text and it is difficult for me to translate all this text). I would like to see Russian language in the game
(Sorry if there are errors in the text. English is not my native language)


пришла пора перевести игру, хе

(2 edits) (-1)

Лол, я сначала подумал то что переводчик сам включился, но нет. Оказывается я не один жду чтобы эту игру перевели на русский язык)

Если разработчики и будут переводить игру на разные языки, то это будет тогда, когда они уже закончат её разрабатывать, наверное...


Долго же ждать придется конца ее разработки :)

Админы, кстать, классные ребята. Если кто-то вызвался бы на перевод, думаю, согласились бы. Сейчас в дискорде по этому поводу вопрос задал :)

Ты там это, на сервак в дискорде заходи. Там новостей куча, плюс люди постоянно общаются. Может, что-то интересное увидишь

(1 edit) (-1)

Ну не знаю. Дискорд сжирает много трафика(я пользуюсь дискордом только в крайних случаях), и афкашить мне не хочется. Если разработчики ответят на вопрос с переводом игры, то напиши тогда их ответ пожалуйста, а то вдруг на мой комментарий не ответят(хотя это маловероятно)

И да, ты написал: "Будет ли русский язык в игре?" или "Будут ли в игре другие языки?". Просто интересно :}


Спросил, если у кого-либо появится желание, то возможно ли будет перевести игру на другой язык. Пока что не ответили, ждем


Hi there. Sorry for the delay in response.

1. Correct. All of the primary cast will have routes (the nine main husbands)

2. This will change in the future, for sure. I can't provide a proper timeframe for when this will be, but please rest assured that all characters are intended to have multiple sprites.

3. Unfortunately, no. There will be no assets from the original/Revisited version.

4. We are looking at translating to other languages in the future, but for the time being, we don't think it is wise to look at translations until the game is finished. This is because there are often moments where I have to go back and make slight adjustments, which would render translations invalid and premature. Russian is a language that I didn't expect to see a lot of request for, so once the project is complete, I will happily compile a script of the entire game's written content (including settings and button text), for someone to translate.

As for your English, I think you did quite well for someone who doesn't speak English natively, so congratulations.

I hope this vn will get an update every month :3 cuz its awesome and I really enjoy it😁😁😁

Thank you for your hard work ♡(> ਊ <)♡


Thank you so much for your support. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!

I'm hoping to have each update be a monthly process, but I will be a lot more transparent and admit if I am having issues in the future. :)

(1 edit)

I just played this for the first time, and damn. Fantastic work all around. I'm loving the way everything progresses. I like that the days are somewhat linear and you are with multiple people a day instead of just doing one event like in the original, it makes everything feel more substantial and you get to know everyone a little better. Though I do have a couple questions.

Why is Shun's the only sprite who's changed so drastically? Everyone has the same look and outfit as in the original, except for Shun who's significantly different. 

And another commenter left a really, well, rude statement that I mostly disagree with; however, I think their concerns about the development speed are somewhat valid. 

Just to clarify, I'm not making a complaint about the long wait (I only just played it for the first time this update), just raising a concern about the novel's future. I know how much content is in the beach day and stuff, and how the pandemic affected everything, but a seven month wait between updates is sort of scary... I'm just worried it will never be finished, to put it bluntly. Do you guys have any predictions about the development speed in the future? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just worried for the future of the game.


Thank you for your support. I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far.

To answer your question regarding Shun's sprite, this is because Shun was the character whom we felt really needed to be adjusted the most. None of us were fans of his original shota background, and although we felt he was cute, his original sprites only gave us feelings of loving him as sort of a younger brother. We decided instead to base him on his original, very early concept art, in which he actually looks older, and fits the mould of a late teen-aged gamer. We felt it necessary to make some changes to his outfit as well, but please be advised, I don't think we've seen the last of his original clothing design. ;)

Regarding development speed, I do acknowledge that 7 months was actually quite alarming. When I made the decision to work on all the beach events in one big release, it was before the entire world turned to shit due to COVID-19. Then, factoring in my full-time job and the lack of free time I have had lately, it's been quite difficult. I knew the events were going to be big, but I underestimated exactly how big they were going to be. However, I'm going to be doing what I can to ensure that we have a more reasonable development cycle from hereon out, and I will be a lot more transparent in admitting when difficulties arise, so that all of our fans can be kept in the loop.

is there a special scene for Shin ?, just asking. Also great job Frostclaw, i really like the Shin character and with that swimsuit it's just.....damn talk about magnificent.Keep up the great work!!.


All characters who have their beach events completed have a special scene for if you have a maximum affection value with them, including Shin.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, and I want to thank you for your support.


I am really happy and appreciative with the update!! Such interesting takes on the beach part of this game, much better than what the original game did for it. Definitely looking forward to other characters scenes! You guys are really making this into something more beautiful than one could hope for! Thank you for your amazing and inspiring hard work so far and make sure you rest well during these times! Also, I really like the updated menu for the game as well! ^^


Thanks for your support. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. The menu actually took a fair bit of time to program, with a lot of trial and error to make it work correctly.

I'm actually holding a poll on the official Stormsinger Studios Discord server to see which 3 characters people want the most for the next demo.


Heavy sigh....while I’m glad to see It’s extremely frustrating how the development is, well, developing. First, the novel exists which was great. But the wait between each build is bewilderingly disappointing. I’ve seen visual novels with less builds have more content than this...for each build of this novel to have so little content is just unfair. It makes no sense to wait so long just for something so minuscule that it doesn’t even affect anything. Secondly, Santa Lucia exists. Starting an entirely separate project while still having one just start is a very questionable decision, especially since the second project has more content than the first. Third, with all the time that has passed, nothing has change about the game AT ALL. The characters still look dry, lifeless, and bland just like before. The only one that looks like something is Torahiko, oh but no beach event for him. Oh my gosh Tatsuki has another face...oooh. What’s the point of having an incomplete update? It’s just a filler like “oh hey people want something so just insert shirtless sprites and see if they regain hope.” It’s frustrating that it’s even in there considering nothing even happened at the beach. Whether I got the special scene or not is still unclear, but I bet it wouldn’t even be that great like “ooh a dick.” I can’t even give the backstory credit because there isn’t much of one for anyone. This novel is a massive disappointment. I really hope I’m proven wrong at some point because I see absolutely no hope for this project whatsoever.


I agree with you, I really do hope they improve. Maybe it's because of the virus outbreak that the progress is so delayed? I think the reason why the characters has less development is probably because they're doing this quickly for them to even make a good one. I think they should hire a bit more artists and writers because I just saw in the credits that one of the characters (I don't remember who) only has one writer. I think the lack of Homecoming is a bit of more members so that not only the content can be less bland and more interesting but also the long wait for each update...

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


For someone who threw shade towards another person's hurtful comments on a different VN page, you certainly don't seem to understand the concept of hypocrisy, as this spiteful tirade is actually quite hurtful, and dismissive of the hardships that we have faced in the past months.

I've stated numerous times that things have been really hectic, and I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would have liked to work on Homecoming, culminating in its extreme delays. However, when comparing the beach events to the original game, you'll see that there is at least 3 times as much content per character.

While I do understand that the visual aspect still needs to be worked on, we all have lives outside of this project. We're human (unfortunately), and we have limits to what we can achieve in times of duress.

I will end with the hopes that as development continues, your wish to be proven wrong is granted.




Maybe you need to see a video how hard it is to create a vn because you might be thinking that putting up some words might be super easy to do while in reality you need to be very careful to not make a simple mistake and have to go back and fix it which that simple mistake might take them half an hour to find and fix !

In simple words things you see in the game ain't so easy creating them by coding programs !


All I’m saying is to not make promises you can’t months is quite a big jump from the usual wait time, so it’s not my fault I directly inquired the situation. If you consider an honest review as hurtful, then oh well. Yeah I understand the world has gone to hell, but with that being said, you guys started Santa Lucia and continue that project despite everything that’s happening. Whether or not it’s you specifically isn’t really a factor considering that both projects are team efforts. You clearly ignored the part of my review that discusses that, so don’t try and retort with how I questioned a [seemingly] disrespectful comment that had no context. I don’t tolerate lies very well, and questions are the only solution to that problem. So pardon me if I’m struggling to see the light in this predicament.


I think you’re unfortunately missing two points when it comes to the relation between Santa Lucia and Homecoming.

The first, and pretty obvious point if you looked at the pages, the developers aren’t the same. While I (Devilizer) still help out time to time on Homecoming (though I’ll come back to this in a second), I work mainly on Santa Lucia, while Dzahn is fully dedicated to Santa Lucia. This leaves Frostclaw, Lesli-Chu and Nova as the sole people working on Homecoming, all with their own lives and busy schedules.

However, and this is my second point, Santa Lucia has a Patreon. While we do obviously love working on it, just like I love working on Homecoming, not having a monthly release would be directly scamming and breaking promises that we have made to people who have invested money in Santa Lucia. The promises being, of course, the various tiers the patrons can pledge to, and that we have a duty to uphold.

However, Homecoming has, as I’m sure you already know, no such promises to uphold. We accept no financial aid for the development of Homecoming, and every dollar earned for Santa Lucia is used to help us work on Santa Lucia. As such, I fail to understand what “promises” we appear to be breaking. Is it the unspoken rule of a monthly release? Unless I’m mistaken, no such promise has ever been made. In fact, the only mention of scheduled releases is on this very page: "Homecoming is a work in progress. Since we're a team of volunteers, work proceeds when we have the available time to spare. Because of this, it is unwise to commit to a rigid schedule. We will try to release an update at least once every two months, though with our rough schedules the periods can vary wildly. We thank you for your patience while we develop Homecoming!", which you can find on our development schedule section. However, an attentive reader would notice that it is mentioned again, ON THIS VERY PAGE that “the periods can vary wildly” and that while we try to release an update every two months, “it is unwise to commit to a rigid schedule”. I fail to see where the issue is, even more so with the fact that Frostclaw has been transparent about the delays on our discord server.

Last thing, and this time, on a more personal note, I do not appreciate you bringing up our other project as a weapon to use against us. We have worked extremely hard to never break our schedule on Santa Lucia, and pushed through some very tough times. Tough times that have prevented me to put in the work I would have wanted on Homecoming. I lost my mother seven months ago, and Santa Lucia has been one of the only things keeping me afloat, both emotionally and financially, through this difficult period. I would appreciate a bit more humane decency and basic respect. We work on these projects because we love to do so, and while I will always give an attentive ear to criticism, the idea that we have broken promises we have never made, and not even trying to understand the hardships we’ve been through is a breaking point for me. We’re not perfect, nor have we ever claimed to be, and it’s thanks to the people who’ve supported us, be it with encouragement or fair criticism that we have made it this far.

Thank you for reading,

- Devilizer.


While this vn is frickin free for us to download and play it is very unfair for the developers to have their butts hurt by sitting on their chairs doing all the hard work!!! 

And actually I'm very disappointed reading such hurtful words to the devs by people who don't know how hard it is to create something that looks so simple yet super hard !

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm just gonna leave my opinions here if that's okay with you

The things that I liked about this is

1) The team made the characters have better development than in the original game

2) I absolutely love the fact that you made routes for the characters that didn't even have routes in the original

The things I didn't like however

1) The new sprites are much more bland and less expressive than the old Morenatsu.

2) Kouya and Shun's design >.>

I know that you all worked very hard for this but I prefer the old sprites over the new ones.

I recommend that you add a feature in the preferences settings that brings back the old sprites then that'll solve both of my problems on 1 and 2 while containing the new sprites in the game so that the people who prefer the new sprites can still have the new sprites.

Just like how it is in Morenatsu Revisited

However I do prefer this over the Revisited and Original

Homecoming is very good 👍


Hey. Thanks for your feedback. I can understand your critiques about the sprites, though do bear in mind that they're still in early stages, and will receive more expressions and poses in future updates.

Additionally, we won't be using the original sprites, unless by some miracle, Samoji decides to join the team. :P This is because some of the original sprite work was still incomplete. For example, Kyouji only had 3 expressions, and there were hardly any differences at all between them.

However, I'm glad you're enjoying the development so far.

Good because Kyoji is my best boy so far XD

Deleted post

What bug are you talking about?

Deleted post

That's actually the pattern on his swimming trunks. It's a throwback to the original sprite, which uses a similar design.

I can see how it'd be confusing, especially considering Kounosuke wasn't originally part of this event. He replaced Torahiko, who will have different events to go through.

xD I'm crying 🤣🤣🤣

Wut ? Your joking about the bugs ? I'ma go see if the bug exists cause you are giving 0 information

Deleted post

Yesssss x3 a new update

Deleted 3 years ago too relatable


It's here!! It's finally here! Omg only god knows how long I've been waiting for this lol. I'm glad you are safe Frostclaw, we haven't heard from you in a while (I was worried and I'm glad you are okay during this crazy virus pandemic). Anyways, I'm glad to see that the project is still alive and I'll keep cheering for the entire Stormsinger Studios as well (be safe guys). 

Heheh, thank you so much for the support. Things have been pretty hectic yeah, but otherwise I am safe. Hopefully the next updates won't take anywhere near as long to release.

I hope you enjoy this new demo. :)

i.......can't....wait any longer, i must quench my thirst for quality gameplay.Has there or has there not been an announced release date yet, i'm practically melting from excitement at this point, this game is great. So great it's somewhat addictive.....the whistling shreaks from 1000 souls bellow will only be silenced apon the release of the next update to this game. Until then you shall rest and be consumed by the sweet bliss of unconsciousness

Hi Stormsinger Studios, I hope you will continue the game, because a lot is done though a demo.

Why is your comment like that? like it's written on a paper, i cannot send screenshots

I do not know!

Rating your own game is not the same as updating it, you know? ;/ 

Well, I hope everything is going smoothly in your lives and with the project itself. 

So, we've got 2 new Morenatsus: Morenatsu Homecoming and Morenatsu2. Interesting... Imagine both teams working together...

(For more VN's look on my profile, there's tons now. Hope you find something you like)


Don't worry I'm patient and just kidding. :)

These dislikes on my none-humiliating, threatening and not truly seriously meant comments are triggering me, hard! People explain yourselves!


As a lover of the original Morenatsu, I was a bit reluctant to play this homecoming alternate version of the game (silly of me of course), but I am honestly so glad I did. It is such a beautiful alternate game and finally there is an actually developing story for Torahiko. Thank you so much for this demo and all the effort that has been dedicated into making it into the amazing game it is so far. I look forward to the next update ^^

Thank you so much for your support. We're glad that you're enjoying the project so far.

Out of curiosity, would it be possible to get the progress spreadsheet updated? Looking at it, it would appear that you haven't worked on anything beyond the beach event, but I know that previous comments have indicated otherwise. It would be neat to be able to track your progress. 


Oh, yeah, we have definitely worked on a lot more since then, I'll see with Frost about updating it.

- Devilizer


There's a lot of work going on behind the scenes. As far as content goes, the next demo (6.0) will contain the complete beach events for Kounosuke, Shin, Soutarou, Juuichi and Kouya.

Kyouji, Tora, Tatsuki and Shun will be coming at a later date as Demo 6.1. The reason this is being done, is because the beach events themselves are massive in scale, and unlike in Morenatsu's original incarnation and even Morenatsu Revisited, they contain more than one activity per route, with these activities playing out differently depending on whose event branch you're on.

I also wanted to release something, because I feel bad about the extensive delays, due to me working full time, and putting this specific part together mostly on my own.

Once Demo 6.0 is out, I will of course update the spreadsheet to reflect the content. I appreciate your patience as I get this done.

Are you guys still gonna work on this, I really want to resume my route and I can't wait for the next update for the beach. It's been awhile, I know it's hard, but do you have a date on the next update release?


(Copy-pasted from my reply on Santa Lucia's page, so other people can see it hehe).

Hey, life has been pretty hectic these past few months for us all, and Frostclaw (Homecoming's director) has been hard at work on the game despite his real life being very busy. However, the next update, Build 6, should drop soon, so please be patient. We haven't given up on Homecoming.

- Devilizer

alright thank you!


¿Piensas algún día traducir el juego en otros idiomas?

Si, pero no pronto. Tal vez cuando el juego esté completo.

Hay alguna actualización programada para este verano?

Hey is there gonna be a route for torahiko since in the original game didn't had too much to do with him !?

Every character is going to have a route, and that includes Torahiko. :)

You guys should definitely include the Ten Kodori route, and maybe even expand it that would be cool as well, keep up the good work.

We have no plans to add the Ten Kodori route. We will instead be incorporating several elements from it within various other routes.

I'm glad you enjoyed the route I originally made for Revisited though. :)

Do we know when the next update will be? It's been awhile and i'm itching to play! :)

it seems that Morenatsu isn’t the team’s only project. They are also working on VN called Santa Lucia.

I've played that one too. I like both games.

I'm hoping to get the next release out soon. Real life has been hectic, and I haven't had as much time to myself to dedicate to the project, which also explains why I haven't been able to respond to many of these messages.


Just a quick question about the nawty-bits. Will there be only human-peens like the original, or are you thinking of using animal genitalia? (only bits i saw ingame so far was the otter) Because personally i am all about knots and barbs >.> Maybe a toggleable option?

Anyway, great job with the remake so far! ^-^

I think there will be only furries, i havent seen any humans

He's talking about the characters having animal dicks or not. 

(1 edit)

Oh, i dont want to give spoilers but i have seen a dick in the game and it's a human one, sorry i havent played the game before

I asked a question awhile back about whether some things (particularly with Shun) would change from the original game, and I mentioned how the way Shun's scenes were handled seemed to treat being uncut as a fetish, which was a bit weird to me. They told me that none of the guys in Morenatsu were going to be circumcised, and the way they answered seemed to indicate they were going with humanlike genitalia. There may be an exception for Tatsuki like there was before, but I can't say for sure. 

All genitalia in Homecoming will use humanoid-type anatomy. As for cut vs uncut, that will depend on the artists. Realistically speaking, circumcision isn't a big thing in Japan, so it stands to reason that the majority will be uncut.

I expect them to have human dicks. For that you have to look elsewhere. I think I've seen VN's with these properties, but I'm not sure. Oh, right... I know of at least one which has it all. Name's Shelter. It's a young project, although very well done. One small sex scene is already in game.

Have fun~


Yes please. I like my furries with sheaths and lovely red/pink swords ;3


Heya, Stormsinger!

I'm sure it goes without saying, but make sure you're taking care of yourselves! Without you, we won't get the incredible stories that you've been providing. This goes double for Frost (who apparently is handling the entirety of the next update on his own). DON'T BREAK YOURSELF trying to push this out. This entire project is being provided to us at no expense to us other than patience. 

Stay safe and we'll be here when it's done,
Kilik Odagawa


Thank you!

Well, many fans of the game speak Spanish as well as English and those who do not know English could not play it and that would be good if they added two different languages and Spanish. I do not speak English. I use the translator haha so the game could reach more people.

Don't worry guys! I heard from the other Stormsinger Team they're still working on it.

(1 edit)

won't they translate it into spanish?

First of all the game isn't completed at all. Second why would they translate it? There's lots of languages, so choosing one would be pretty unfair, unless it's their mother tounge of course. I think the developers are English, but I don't know.

Well... Spanish is the second language most talked in the world

Once the project is finished, we may look into getting people to translate/transliterate for us. We already would have French sorted out due to Devilizer being French, but at this time, we're not really planning translations.

Can we take a moment to admire Torahiko's six pack.. that looks appetizing🤤😋

Yeah... 😍

I wanna lick them

when will the next update be posted???

i can't wait!


Whenever they finish it.. Its a longer one that includes evreybodys Beach Scene

I wonder what they're planning and working on that it takes them so long. But I guess nobody knows more, because they don't have patreon or any other site, though maybe Twitter or something. I'm not sure. 

I love this visual novel, and how free you are to make choices, honestly for a demo, it's a really great visual novel, i cannot wait for more, just a question, how can i update it on android without deleting the app?


Depending on how they release updates you may not be able to. Try downloading and installing without deleting the previous version if it gives you the option to update an existing version then you should be fine. But if they released it as a separate app instead of a updated app then the only way to carry over your save is with a rooted device. Unfortunately android likes to hide its internal workings so unless the developer sets it up you can't normal get access to some app files. This unfortunately includes save files. It may be annoying but its better to stat new every update any ways it reduces the chances of errors. If it refuses to install it maybe because you don't have enough space android likes to keep a certain amount of space free for updates. So it may look like you have 1gb of space but android may only allow you to use 500mb of that. 

Thank you ^^ well, ill just uninstall and install the update, i do not mind, it's a great game and it's not linear so i wont mind playing it again, at least i dont have to watch the same scene 10000 times

Which file manager do you use? I can access the save files of Homecoming, but not every game. (Yes, my phone isn't rooted)

Nevermind, thanks for helping tho, i will just replay the game, thanks again Resbach

Alright, there's still the "fast forward" button which is quite useful, but I'm sure you know it.

You're welcome

@BlazeSaber is partially right. It is true that you can't update the existing app, if the new apk doesn't allow it. But you can go to your files on your phone copy/take the save files, put them somewhere you will find them, delete the old version, install the new version and place the files in the folder.

Path: 0/ android/ data / homecoming.morenatsu.revisited/ files/ saves... And there you have it. :)

(I use ES Data Explorer, may need pro version. Or use Total Commander. Just try a few file managers and see which one works best for you)

when will the next update be available for non patrions ?

Wait, these guys have a Patreon?


So there's no misunderstanding, there is no "patron only" build of Homecoming. Our Patreon is only for the development of our other project Santa Lucia.

The next build of Homecoming is taking a while because we're aiming to have a good chunk of Act 2 playable. Because of the scope of the rewrites we're doing for the beach sequence, I can't commit to a release date beyond "it's done when it's done" or "Soon(TM)". Frost has reported that he's completed the Kounosuke branch recently, so it may release sooner than I'm making it sound.


I can't tell you how happy I am to have the words "Kounosuke" and "rewrites" so close together. Please make me like that tanuki.

I don't know if you have played other, similar VN's before. Your profile suggests otherwise. So, if you want I can name a few projects to help you pass the time. 

(Or you can look on my profile, that works too)

Please consider adding some option so we can play with the original morenatsu sprites

Unfortunately that is not going to be an option.

It's fine, the sprites you guys have made are really good too.

What are sprites? Sorry, i am new to morenatsu and pretty new to visual novels

this game is really good cant wait for more

Thank you!


I'm extremely excited to see what will you do for Torahiko's route ^^ I'm really looking forward to it :)

Thanks for your great contribution to this game.
Are there any completed character routes? I have only played the original version of this game and am worried about this game's playtime is too short :/

Only 7 days right now, an update will be coming soon


At the moment, Homecoming only goes up to the beginning of the beach event, which is about 8 in-game days. If you're coming from the original game, that may sound short but Homecoming is set up so you interact with multiple love interests on each day. In practice, you're likely spending about as much time reaching the beach day in Homecoming as it takes to reach the Bon Festival in the original game.

When the next update will be released?

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The next build of Homecoming is taking a while because we're aiming to have a good chunk of Act 2 playable. Because of the scope of the rewrites we're doing for the beach sequence, I can't commit to a release date beyond "it's done when it's done" or "Soon(TM)". Frost has reported that he's completed the Kounosuke branch recently, so it may release sooner than I'm making it sound.

can you get torahiko's route in the fan made one? (I haven't played yet but looks hot and i wanted to know if he has route.

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ok thx for telling me boo

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