This new Carlos seems a little bit off. I mean the old Carlos in normal situation is just expressionless,but the new Carlos looks unhappy all the time,and I think his arms are thinner than before.
Maybe I just need some time to adapt the new sprite... but I must say it looks SO WEIRD.
Carlos' character is designed to be the silent type, the stoic guy, the emotional brick wall, etc. If you're saying he looks unhappy, that's literally why he looks like that, he's just meant to look like a big grumpy dude...most of Ben's inner dialogue when describing him is talking about his seemingly permanent, unchanging scowl he always has, but in the past, he looked like he was showing too much emotion when that isn't his character. Also, Ben is often found struggling with trying to figure out how Carlos feels, and it's usually only through his grunts or body language that Ben is even able to get a clue of that. And yeah I'm also sad that his overall physique changed, but some time is all it takes to get comfortable with it :)
Heya! I realize I've been missing out on a bit of conversation by not checking into for a while, haha.
I expected Carlos's sprite rework to be a bit controversial since he's pretty different from his original, and I understand why some of you are disappointed with the rework.
I tried to emphasize his grumpy, almost undecipherable expressions Ben complains a lot about, but in doing so, I realize expressions a lot of people liked ended up being "watered down", and there are other issues I've seen pointed out in the comments across
I'll definitely look into them all, as I'd like to make new Carlos liked by everyone as much as I like him, hehe.
I mean I don’t like it either, but look more…..anatomically correct? His scowl is a lot more pronounced rather than just having a flat expression….though I do prefer his old sprite, it’s nice to see the creators putting in effort to make changes that they think will benefit the game…so much so that they feel comfortable moving forward and all that jazz
100% agreed….after I played the update, it was actually a lot less acceptable than I thought….his “mad” expression looks nearly identical to his “neutral” one
I agree with the idea of his new sprites being anatomically correct. The biggest differences are on his face. And admittedly, I wasn't sure about them at first either. I did a new playthrough but put it on skip mode and just watched his sprites as they went by. I'll admit his looking from behind sprite is not great, and the style for it is a bit jarring (almost like it doesn't really fit the game it's in, they're akin to something I think would be feasible to see in Echo), but one thing I do like is how subtle his facial expressions are. Scroll back and forth between dialogue where he goes from neutral to angry, for instance. The eyebrows barely move, but it makes sense with Carlos' character for him to not have extreme facial expressions. I personally like the new sprites, a good addition to my favorite character in the game.
Yeah I did skip a lot to see his face and I scrolled back and forth, and it was interesting to see the difference. Before, his expressions were very direct, but since Ben would always describe his face as "that same (insert term for face) he always wears" or something along those lines, I feel like that piece of Carlos' character is shown a lot clearer, which is good :)
Hello guys, first i just want to say that i really love this VN, but i have a question about the last update. Do we need to start the game again to have the right route for Bryan ? thanks in advance for answering :)
Not yet. From what I understand It is expected that Zach, Chris, and Russel will have routes implemented once the main 3's routes are either finished or completed to a degree that the team will feel comfortable adding more routes to the VN.
However, the team has added options so that implementing their routes will be easier once they're ready to do so.
Edit: Just found out that while the Chris and Russel routes have had their Patreon goals reached, Zach hasn't yet. It is likely that it will in the future though, but we'll just need to see.
Hey guys! Some people had problem with the android install like: the app is not installed.
I didn't take a screenshot cuz im hungarian and you couldn't understand what were written, but try to clean the memory, delete some stuff, even you have enough space and restart your device. Then uninstall the downloaded file, but not the app, then download again the update and you can install it. It worked for me, i hope i helped. ♡
Also, i think it's getting annoying, but i'm too lazy to scroll down. Will Russel be a dateable character? I just ask, because he is my ideal in real life too and i really fell in love with him. '^^
I'm playing for the lewds not to see preaching against religion,politics and anti-conservadorism,i'm bisexual mostly into females but i will always respect my faith and politic visions!Are all furrys that woke?
It may come as a surprise, but some people enjoy well written stories, whether or not they agree with the characters' political or religious views. This has nothing to do with being woke. It's literature, not a political platform.
If all you care about is the lewd scenes, that's fine. Just ignore the story and look for those parts. Or create an account on furaffinity/u18chan/etc. and fap away, while praying to your deity of choice.
This VN's description (at the top of this page) is clear in what you should expect from this project, which is amazing. It's no wonder why they managed to get close to 300 patrons to support it.
(I'm Brazilian my english is bad) Yep,you're right i was annoyed and stressed with everything when i make this comment nothing personal sorry this game looks good i also doing "No Fap" in a week for now i just like to see these things but i stopped fapping for them lol
What do you even mean? different characters have different opinions regarding faith and politics just like IRL. This is a story-driven VN with some adult content. If you want a porn game you should play something else.
Also the mc kinda remind me of chase from Echo Hopefully he doesn't end up being the killer or some psycho. And I can see why everyone likes Russel but I want more Zach he intrigue me the most.
I feel like he should of spoked up and told him whatever happened and the whole situation could've been avoided but yeah can't wait when he gets a route.
I don't know how much a Non-patreon can participate as giving sugestions, But, if you would allow me to do a single one. It's quite simple:
I would like to ask for you to add an event log in the game, accessible by any player at any point. That way I can check my choices and the events that transpired, remember myself of what happened before the point that I am
I ask this because, like it's said, the game is in development, and sometimes I Wait between 5 or 6 builds b4 playing Again. The main problem is is that between this time I don't remember all the events tjhat transpired And wathever choices I have made that lead me to the point that I am currently
I havent delved far into your novel yet, I've gone far enough to see that there appears to be alot on content "locked" due to the Itch version being a demo it would seem yes?
How do I choose a character to stick with? Is there one specific point where I have to choose between the three of them or do I juts have to consistently choose them as I play?
I think it’s somewhere around the school trip to that cabin....there’s a CG that’ll change depending on your previous choices....if you wanna stick to a character just pick choices that have you interact with them
Public releases are always a month behind our Patreon releases. We took a month off to recharge, so there's gonna be a month gap before the next build drop on May 1st.
I’m curious will Bens condition ever be explained? I noticed how the doctors changed their evaluation of him. Also, I really am enjoying the game so far! I just wish there could be more pairings x3. But it’s a great game!
is the gallery content going to be available for everyone at any point in the development? i feel like giving a notification that you've unlocked something, then as you go to check it out you get blocked by a patreon wall is kind of crappy. i get that it might be for readers to potentially help support the vn further, but it seems a little excessive to have almost everything locked for non patrons.
Most of the features in the gallery are convenience features (music room, image room, vision and event replays) for easy access to content available in-game. The Profiles are actually still WIP and are likely to see another few revisions before they become public. We also have the character playlists section available in the public build. I keep the short stories exclusive to our patrons for now because it was one of the longstanding perks for pledging high. I have plans for certain short stories to eventually become public anyway, so it's just a matter of patience. As for the concept art and bonus features section, those are intended to be exclusive to our Patrons until further notice.
As far as I know, the only unlock notifications in the public build should be for the playlists and chapters. If you've encountered one for a short story, that's actually a bug! The notifications were added in at a later time when most of our players already had the features unlocked, so I'm not surprised this might have fell through the cracks. I'll take another look at the code for those, so thank you for bringing it to my attention.
For "bonus routes", Russell and Zach sure seem more plot relevant than any of the 3 currently available options, and also have more depth to them thus far. It also bothers me how Ben tends to be critical or distrustful of Russell and Zach, but doesn't act the same regarding most of the other characters, despite half of Carlos' lines being "hmph" and Bryan just acting horny more often than not. It's like those 3 are just... there, for the purpose of being the generic/default romance options. Getting to know a little bit about their past was a step in the right direction, but it's still not enough to see them as real characters instead of tropes most of the time, and so I keep playing just to see more of the main plot, which is actually very intriguing, along with characters like Zach, Russell, and maybe even Chris, since I feel compelled to find out what's behind their outward appearances and what they've been through/are going through.
With that said, the whole Russell situation in this update made me really upset, mostly because of Ben's assumption that Russell's silence was confirmation of what he supposedly did (which to me just came off as Russell's failed attempt to get Ben to confirm that he was his friend and trusted him) and the implication of cutting ties with him altogether, but other than that, it was really engaging and a lot of fun, in a thrilling way. Looking forward to the next update!
Okay, just got to the end of this demo, and I'm not happy. My enjoyment of this game has dropped substantially. Using Rape, in any way, is a no for me, that's just an unfortunate reality of the world that should be 100% left out of games, and I feel that was arbitrarily tacked on to make Russel even more of a "bad guy" character. Low blow, and uncalled for.
And it sucks because I was trying to romance Russel, but it feels like he just got shafted by a bad plot, and it somehow ended up with MC crushing on Carlos.
I hope the next one has some improvements, but if it doesn't, it just might be enough to kill this studio for me
I think you might want to check out the second part of the dev log for build 15. It goes into a little bit more detail on that topic and could maybe help alleviate some of those concerns.
I understand what they're saying, but that doesn't change what I said. I feel it's something fantasy things should 100% leave out. Like how in those Viking and Medieval TV shows you have women being sexually exploited or abused. It just inherently pisses me off.
No, no, I hear ya. It's a... difficult subject to include as a plot device to say the very least. There's definitely valid arguments to be had if it even should be included at all, especially if it's not the main focus of a story (e.g. a character recovering from being sexually assaulted) but since this is, to a degree, still very much based in reality and they have somewhat touched on social issues before I'm personally willing to see how this plays out.
However, I can definitely unterstand if people can't or don't want to deal with anything as awful as this in their fiction, not matter how it's handled.
I didn't even try Echo because I heard it's too sad for my tastes. I love the music from Echo and Lucia, but the story is not great. Another novel I've played through is much simpler, called Our Life, and it's much better than this. I don't even know what the fuck is up with the dreams/nightmares. I assume mental damage due to trauma, but they could have done it better
Hopefully you decided to continue and check out the latest demo (especially if you are/were a Patron), because there is plenty of further story.
As far as Russell goes, he's in no way an available romance option at the moment. Even though his target goal was met, he's still an extra romance option, and won't be worked on until most of the primary plot is done with.
Rape discussion is also something that, while controversial, shouldn't be ignored and left out because it's uncomfortable. I say this as a rape victim myself.
All I can really say on the matter is, there's more than meets the eye. Considering all the supernatural aspects that are going on in Santa Lucia, I'd say that's a very obvious thing.
In most of these, actors or movie names are changed likely to avoid copy-right, but this one outright mentions Achorman, so I am deadly curious about what Furry Ron Burgundy would be.
you can copy the save files through the "My Files" application and go to Internal storage > Android > data and you'll have to search for the Santa-Lacia files through there, I believe it's one of the com. folders you would see a lot then delete the previous version of the game and install the newest verison, bootup it for a sec then put your saves in the same folder you found to copy them.
Thank you ♡ Luckily i was able to just simply install without anything. I just asked because i had to delete fully far beyond the world and re install and then i had to start again. :D
wow this patch gets dark really fast (not that it wasn't dark before) and i don't know the whole russel thing after he left(?) because it's either ben or did the PoV just switch to another character? sot that's another thing to question about and made me want the next update already because i'm so curious
Im thinking that Zach is the killer for some reason. Also if there was cg of Bryan turning to give Ben a big smile when they were looking off watching the sunset i wouldve died.
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Really Must say that carlos new muzlle looks weird
I would really be happy if you would rethink that change you rethink this change
Is there a guide for Bryan's route?
If it involves him, do it...that's kinda it
Bryan must be sent to horny jail!
Yes! Perfect!
This new Carlos seems a little bit off. I mean the old Carlos in normal situation is just expressionless,but the new Carlos looks unhappy all the time,and I think his arms are thinner than before.
Maybe I just need some time to adapt the new sprite... but I must say it looks SO WEIRD.
Anyone have a photo of Carlos before they changed him?
I had one, but it seems my cloud erased it. You can see his old him in the image of this page that reads "THE LOVE INTERESTS".
Ok thanks!
My pleasure ;-)
Carlos' character is designed to be the silent type, the stoic guy, the emotional brick wall, etc. If you're saying he looks unhappy, that's literally why he looks like that, he's just meant to look like a big grumpy dude...most of Ben's inner dialogue when describing him is talking about his seemingly permanent, unchanging scowl he always has, but in the past, he looked like he was showing too much emotion when that isn't his character. Also, Ben is often found struggling with trying to figure out how Carlos feels, and it's usually only through his grunts or body language that Ben is even able to get a clue of that. And yeah I'm also sad that his overall physique changed, but some time is all it takes to get comfortable with it :)
Heya! I realize I've been missing out on a bit of conversation by not checking into for a while, haha.
I expected Carlos's sprite rework to be a bit controversial since he's pretty different from his original, and I understand why some of you are disappointed with the rework.
I tried to emphasize his grumpy, almost undecipherable expressions Ben complains a lot about, but in doing so, I realize expressions a lot of people liked ended up being "watered down", and there are other issues I've seen pointed out in the comments across
I'll definitely look into them all, as I'd like to make new Carlos liked by everyone as much as I like him, hehe.
- Dev
I love how Carlos looks now
Well, I don't. It's sad because it was the only route I wanted to play.
I mean I don’t like it either, but look more…..anatomically correct? His scowl is a lot more pronounced rather than just having a flat expression….though I do prefer his old sprite, it’s nice to see the creators putting in effort to make changes that they think will benefit the game…so much so that they feel comfortable moving forward and all that jazz
Well, he didn't need it. Sometimes less is more. But well, it's nice to see they care to improve and try hard.
100% agreed….after I played the update, it was actually a lot less acceptable than I thought….his “mad” expression looks nearly identical to his “neutral” one
I think he lost a lot of his charm. Art doesn't have to be perfect, what matters most is ithe beauty and the feeling it conveys.
BTW, I'm 100% with Russell's revamp though. He definitely needed it.
I agree with the idea of his new sprites being anatomically correct. The biggest differences are on his face. And admittedly, I wasn't sure about them at first either. I did a new playthrough but put it on skip mode and just watched his sprites as they went by. I'll admit his looking from behind sprite is not great, and the style for it is a bit jarring (almost like it doesn't really fit the game it's in, they're akin to something I think would be feasible to see in Echo), but one thing I do like is how subtle his facial expressions are. Scroll back and forth between dialogue where he goes from neutral to angry, for instance. The eyebrows barely move, but it makes sense with Carlos' character for him to not have extreme facial expressions. I personally like the new sprites, a good addition to my favorite character in the game.
Yeah I did skip a lot to see his face and I scrolled back and forth, and it was interesting to see the difference. Before, his expressions were very direct, but since Ben would always describe his face as "that same (insert term for face) he always wears" or something along those lines, I feel like that piece of Carlos' character is shown a lot clearer, which is good :)
I thought it would be fun to try to fuse my art style with SL's style.
I don't think I did great (especially snout), but thoughts?
Shit, I need to know what's next. I NEED TO KNOOOOOOOOOW
Sees username*
Clutches purse*
will diego get a route?
Hello guys, first i just want to say that i really love this VN, but i have a question about the last update. Do we need to start the game again to have the right route for Bryan ? thanks in advance for answering :)
ayo is there a zach route?
Not yet. From what I understand It is expected that Zach, Chris, and Russel will have routes implemented once the main 3's routes are either finished or completed to a degree that the team will feel comfortable adding more routes to the VN.
However, the team has added options so that implementing their routes will be easier once they're ready to do so.
Edit: Just found out that while the Chris and Russel routes have had their Patreon goals reached, Zach hasn't yet. It is likely that it will in the future though, but we'll just need to see.
Poor dragon :(
Hey guys! Some people had problem with the android install like: the app is not installed.
I didn't take a screenshot cuz im hungarian and you couldn't understand what were written, but try to clean the memory, delete some stuff, even you have enough space and restart your device. Then uninstall the downloaded file, but not the app, then download again the update and you can install it. It worked for me, i hope i helped. ♡
Also, i think it's getting annoying, but i'm too lazy to scroll down. Will Russel be a dateable character? I just ask, because he is my ideal in real life too and i really fell in love with him. '^^
As others have stated, he reached some goal on Patreon to have an added route once the main three routes are fully completed
ahhhhhh i was so interested on what was going to happen the next dayyyyyyy!!! pain.
I'm playing for the lewds not to see preaching against religion,politics and anti-conservadorism,i'm bisexual mostly into females but i will always respect my faith and politic visions!Are all furrys that woke?
It may come as a surprise, but some people enjoy well written stories, whether or not they agree with the characters' political or religious views. This has nothing to do with being woke. It's literature, not a political platform.
If all you care about is the lewd scenes, that's fine. Just ignore the story and look for those parts. Or create an account on furaffinity/u18chan/etc. and fap away, while praying to your deity of choice.
This VN's description (at the top of this page) is clear in what you should expect from this project, which is amazing. It's no wonder why they managed to get close to 300 patrons to support it.
(I'm Brazilian my english is bad) Yep,you're right i was annoyed and stressed with everything when i make this comment nothing personal sorry this game looks good i also doing "No Fap" in a week for now i just like to see these things but i stopped fapping for them lol
Lmao play Amorous...there's some lewd for ya
What do you even mean? different characters have different opinions regarding faith and politics just like IRL. This is a story-driven VN with some adult content. If you want a porn game you should play something else.
I don't think you got any real idea what you are talking about.
Just a question does chris have a route ?
Yep. he'll get one too
Umm wow the scene with Ben😍🍆💦
Also the mc kinda remind me of chase from Echo Hopefully he doesn't end up being the killer or some psycho. And I can see why everyone likes Russel but I want more Zach he intrigue me the most.
I feel like he should of spoked up and told him whatever happened and the whole situation could've been avoided but yeah can't wait when he gets a route.
I want to pet Chris's head. He's too fluffy for me.
Finally!!! ^_^
I don't know how much a Non-patreon can participate as giving sugestions, But, if you would allow me to do a single one. It's quite simple:
I would like to ask for you to add an event log in the game, accessible by any player at any point. That way I can check my choices and the events that transpired, remember myself of what happened before the point that I am
I ask this because, like it's said, the game is in development, and sometimes I Wait between 5 or 6 builds b4 playing Again. The main problem is is that between this time I don't remember all the events tjhat transpired And wathever choices I have made that lead me to the point that I am currently
I hope that is not too much to ask
The patreon goal routes that are funded will be developed after you're done with main romanceable characters? Love the game btw.
Man, you guys sure know when to make someone jump with those nightmares. I like the story so, I'm looking forward to more of this
*wating patiently*
damn i thought it was a update, my heart jumped.
I havent delved far into your novel yet, I've gone far enough to see that there appears to be alot on content "locked" due to the Itch version being a demo it would seem yes?
May 1st.
public or patreon?
When will the next update be out ?
May 1st.
Qual é a senha?
What is the password?
I'm lowkey sad Chris isn't a LI. He's so adorable.
one of the stretchgoals of their patreon is that chris gets his own route
How do I choose a character to stick with? Is there one specific point where I have to choose between the three of them or do I juts have to consistently choose them as I play?
I think it’s somewhere around the school trip to that cabin....there’s a CG that’ll change depending on your previous choices....if you wanna stick to a character just pick choices that have you interact with them
when is the next update?
It'll get updated when it's updated. Be Patient, for good things come to those who wait
Public releases are always a month behind our Patreon releases. We took a month off to recharge, so there's gonna be a month gap before the next build drop on May 1st.
Look like all love people have for that visual novel made they all always anxious for the next update. Heheh I can say they love you. =^.~=
is Zach dateable yet im holding out for him
I’m curious will Bens condition ever be explained? I noticed how the doctors changed their evaluation of him. Also, I really am enjoying the game so far! I just wish there could be more pairings x3. But it’s a great game!
is the gallery content going to be available for everyone at any point in the development? i feel like giving a notification that you've unlocked something, then as you go to check it out you get blocked by a patreon wall is kind of crappy. i get that it might be for readers to potentially help support the vn further, but it seems a little excessive to have almost everything locked for non patrons.
Most of the features in the gallery are convenience features (music room, image room, vision and event replays) for easy access to content available in-game. The Profiles are actually still WIP and are likely to see another few revisions before they become public. We also have the character playlists section available in the public build. I keep the short stories exclusive to our patrons for now because it was one of the longstanding perks for pledging high. I have plans for certain short stories to eventually become public anyway, so it's just a matter of patience. As for the concept art and bonus features section, those are intended to be exclusive to our Patrons until further notice.
As far as I know, the only unlock notifications in the public build should be for the playlists and chapters. If you've encountered one for a short story, that's actually a bug! The notifications were added in at a later time when most of our players already had the features unlocked, so I'm not surprised this might have fell through the cracks. I'll take another look at the code for those, so thank you for bringing it to my attention.
For "bonus routes", Russell and Zach sure seem more plot relevant than any of the 3 currently available options, and also have more depth to them thus far. It also bothers me how Ben tends to be critical or distrustful of Russell and Zach, but doesn't act the same regarding most of the other characters, despite half of Carlos' lines being "hmph" and Bryan just acting horny more often than not. It's like those 3 are just... there, for the purpose of being the generic/default romance options.
Getting to know a little bit about their past was a step in the right direction, but it's still not enough to see them as real characters instead of tropes most of the time, and so I keep playing just to see more of the main plot, which is actually very intriguing, along with characters like Zach, Russell, and maybe even Chris, since I feel compelled to find out what's behind their outward appearances and what they've been through/are going through.
With that said, the whole Russell situation in this update made me really upset, mostly because of Ben's assumption that Russell's silence was confirmation of what he supposedly did (which to me just came off as Russell's failed attempt to get Ben to confirm that he was his friend and trusted him) and the implication of cutting ties with him altogether, but other than that, it was really engaging and a lot of fun, in a thrilling way. Looking forward to the next update!
Okay, just got to the end of this demo, and I'm not happy. My enjoyment of this game has dropped substantially. Using Rape, in any way, is a no for me, that's just an unfortunate reality of the world that should be 100% left out of games, and I feel that was arbitrarily tacked on to make Russel even more of a "bad guy" character. Low blow, and uncalled for.
And it sucks because I was trying to romance Russel, but it feels like he just got shafted by a bad plot, and it somehow ended up with MC crushing on Carlos.
I hope the next one has some improvements, but if it doesn't, it just might be enough to kill this studio for me
I think you might want to check out the second part of the dev log for build 15. It goes into a little bit more detail on that topic and could maybe help alleviate some of those concerns.
I understand what they're saying, but that doesn't change what I said. I feel it's something fantasy things should 100% leave out. Like how in those Viking and Medieval TV shows you have women being sexually exploited or abused. It just inherently pisses me off.
No, no, I hear ya. It's a... difficult subject to include as a plot device to say the very least. There's definitely valid arguments to be had if it even should be included at all, especially if it's not the main focus of a story (e.g. a character recovering from being sexually assaulted) but since this is, to a degree, still very much based in reality and they have somewhat touched on social issues before I'm personally willing to see how this plays out.
However, I can definitely unterstand if people can't or don't want to deal with anything as awful as this in their fiction, not matter how it's handled.
I didn't even try Echo because I heard it's too sad for my tastes. I love the music from Echo and Lucia, but the story is not great. Another novel I've played through is much simpler, called Our Life, and it's much better than this. I don't even know what the fuck is up with the dreams/nightmares. I assume mental damage due to trauma, but they could have done it better
Hopefully you decided to continue and check out the latest demo (especially if you are/were a Patron), because there is plenty of further story.
As far as Russell goes, he's in no way an available romance option at the moment. Even though his target goal was met, he's still an extra romance option, and won't be worked on until most of the primary plot is done with.
Rape discussion is also something that, while controversial, shouldn't be ignored and left out because it's uncomfortable. I say this as a rape victim myself.
All I can really say on the matter is, there's more than meets the eye. Considering all the supernatural aspects that are going on in Santa Lucia, I'd say that's a very obvious thing.
In most of these, actors or movie names are changed likely to avoid copy-right, but this one outright mentions Achorman, so I am deadly curious about what Furry Ron Burgundy would be.
Hey guys, how can i update from android? Am i have to delete the game and start from the beginning?
you can copy the save files through the "My Files" application and go to Internal storage > Android > data and you'll have to search for the Santa-Lacia files through there, I believe it's one of the com. folders you would see a lot then delete the previous version of the game and install the newest verison, bootup it for a sec then put your saves in the same folder you found to copy them.
Thank you ♡ Luckily i was able to just simply install without anything. I just asked because i had to delete fully far beyond the world and re install and then i had to start again. :D
wow this patch gets dark really fast (not that it wasn't dark before) and i don't know the whole russel thing after he left(?) because it's either ben or did the PoV just switch to another character? sot that's another thing to question about and made me want the next update already because i'm so curious
Im thinking that Zach is the killer for some reason. Also if there was cg of Bryan turning to give Ben a big smile when they were looking off watching the sunset i wouldve died.
I'm totally getting the same killer vibes from Zack too!!