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(1 edit) (+2)

So... this was a lot. I'll try to avoid spoilers but the way this VN did what I never though it would do. This story shifts in the most unimaginable ways and it really left me feeling sad (That's not a bad thing as most of the better VNs do). All I have to say is please keep working on this project as this is a great story, and I can't wait to see how it will be expanded upon.


honestly just my opinion but bryan is most regretable route and carlos route fells the most rewarding


I just wanted to ask how many routes are there and for who?

im not entirely sure but i know theres route for nate carlos and bryan and idk if others have routes beacuse it didnt seems like it (after trying i ended up in a route without anyone and it wasnt cool)

Currently just 3 for Carlos, Bryan, and Nate but more will be added. Next we will get one for Kent, then likely Chris, and after that there isn’t really an official order yet.


live laugh love bryan 


It broke my heart when I saw Chris scare Ben off. But then when I saw that expression on Chris' face at the church when he grabbed Ben to stop him from leaving, my first words were "Oh, thank God" (not even thinking about the irony of that statement).


U mean Carlos.


Carlos, yeah. Not sure why I said Chris. XD

(2 edits) (+4)

It's nice to see some good religious representation with Carlos as a Christian, can't wait to see whats done with the character!


When is the next Nate update coming out?


There's a few more Carlos updates coming, and then it will be Nate's turn!

whats the password stuff about?


Can someone clearly say whose routes will be available in the game in the future, except for the main three? Chris, as I understand, was canceled, Russell was replaced by Kane, or what?

I haven't read this VN for a long time, and the comments contradict each other...


They're all getting something but as for what it will be no one is sure

Oh, thank you. I was hoping that maybe the developers would respond, but perhaps even they don't know:)

They do know but they can't say much because it would spoil a lot about the inner workings of the game


Kane route got just confirmed on Patreon


Thanks for letting me know, I was also hoping for Chris, but that probably won't be happened.

Idk how much I can reveal, but Dzahn is happy because it gives him a lot of opportunities to make Chris a lot more interesting character. Kane's route had 70% votes in poll, so it's obvious win

When is the next update on Nate's route going to come out? Also when this vn is finished How much is it going to cost to download or will it be free?

For the patreon version, are the love interests the same or are there more options?

I'm just guessing since im not a patron, but im assuming the amswer is no. The love interests we have are the same for both patreon and public, the difference being is that the patron build is ahead in the story 


So Russel is not a route?  Guess Carlos will have to do then...  Everybody else are either annoying or just not my taste

I cant install it either, it stops at like around 70% and then just says forbidden. I havent had this happen in a long time. 😭😭


is all 3 gallery room going to be open to none Patreons when this vn is fully complete? 

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)

Kane is straight up boyfriend material not pushy, nice, handsome, fit, smart, gamer, and most importantly HIS A WOLF!! PLEASE I NEED MORE KANE!!! HE SO PRECIOUS PROTECT HIM AT ALL COST!!

(Theory spoiler maybe) 

According to any murder mystery movies and stuff I feel like Chris the Aussie behind all this... Acting all innocent and such idk why he giving off serial killer vibe... It's just a theory of mine.. 

(1 edit) (-1)


I think the protagonist is the serial killer having dual personality and its nightmares are part of blured dream memories he remember of when his other side is controlling his body or his other side trying to get ride of him in his head to take control in those dream fights.

At least some of them.

In worse case the end since that a terror story would be...

He killing the protagonist boyfriend in the end of the story and when he back to his normally personality the protagonist remember what happened suicide to put a end in the murders.

Maybe reading Echo really fucked my mind to much.

dunno why kind  agreed with the statement maybe he is... But.......... If the protagonist actually real serial killer.... Why he didn't take the opportunity to end Zack life or Kane.. 

During dating part with Kane why he didn't just ya know... End Kane life right there... 

Literally anyone around protagonist actually can be killed..... If his a real killer he would take that opportunity to end them one by one.. But... Rather then.... Strangers... 

(3 edits)


This is easy!

If that happened Kanes route would just... ends without start?

About Zack, the author must love him to much to kill him. Heheh

But if in serious way. Probably if that happen he may suffer some accident or die when he discover the serial killer, since....


He is the one investigating the murders in the story.

Since the story is around 70% done I think. I don't expect some other character replacing  him in the story. That naturally use thappen by someone close to a character continuing the investigation.

(A last though I had is about the lion. Thinking about the girl that people think he raped could be one of the murders, since the girls just disappeared from everywhere I think. In this case he pretending he is innocent in the raping when in the real he killed her.)

You got point there rusel probably the killer I mean she literally disappeared.. I mean it does connect all em dots these innocents who brutally got killed are college students... (Including the bird , principle whatever her name is) 

But... During my research.. (Idk why this and violet memoir got me thinking about these stuff... Murder mystery always been my interest)... I think either Chris the Aussie or rusel the lion these two probably the killer because all these innocent fools who got fucked (sorry...) Are college student (maybe)... So it's kind a... Either Chris nor rusell... And there's no way Ben was the one who killed them.. He hardly know them... Same thing goes to Chris and rusel but... They are mentor.. They have... Idk information about each student... 

(Sorry if there's was any grammar mistake it's night I can't think of any proper words..) 

I really hope that the killer didn't do it... You know... Kill one of side character... ESPECIALLY KANE... I SWEAR IF HE DIES I WILL CRY AND THE CREATOR NEED TO PAY MY THERAPY BILLS... 

(Most of them the side character either died or disappeared) 


So you should avoid stories like Echo.

While reading it I become very disturbed for weeks it is really a deep terror story.

With a lot of sadness and moments or horror with bad ends.

Even the "good ends" are like bad ends.

Trembling in fear,


P.S. I only didn't read the route of the girl in Echo.

Back to Santa Lucia. I have been reading Carlos and Brian routes.

Now thinking about the part of the fortune teller,  maybe going to have options, if those are not already added to the story, which chooses can change the end of the story doing the dog save or not save someone. In case that part was used to tell us a tip of the future with good options doing him help and bad options do him be bad. Maybe. Maybe I should read that part again.

I would like a sex scene with Chris. But is ok if he is asexual.

why did the carlos route had to end in the worst moment ;(


So you can romance whom exactly? Carlos, Nate, Bryan and whom else? Can I romance Russell as well?


For now those are the only 3 routes. More routes are planned in the future

Is there an error in android?

I can't seem to download for some reason and it stops at 50mb constantly.


Bryan's route be like:
-Cute guy
-Kane :3
-Kane :3
- :(


It really does have you looking hard for kane. Some don't want to forgive Bryan.


Perfectly said, tbh I think I'm one of those, waiting for the Kane route


Carlos is soooo cute , really want to hug him tight and kiss him


I want to hug Carlos so badly right now...

Bro, I litteraly hear carlos say "I love you" in Spanish and he played it off as "Thank you" and ben fell for is SO HARD. Like, dude, he litterally said he loves you indirectly...bro, I'm so ma


Ben is super fking creepy in this update and I don't know how I feel about it but I do know how much second hand embarrassment I am feeling right now.


I changed my mind, I definitely hate it. Ben please stop.

did kane or chris win the vote? 

the vote is going on until December although considering it's likely the both of them are getting something of some kind it doesn't matter much at all


Finally getting somewhere with Carlos, I'm really happy because  he is adorable and the relationships in this game are believable since most of them are a really slow burn unlike 99% of VNs. 


So ready for Carlos update :)

(6 edits) (+14)

Justice for Kane he needs sum love the poor guy. 

Just finished reading the newest update. Loved it!


Carlos route = yummy slow burn

(im burnt)


I'm the only one who wants ALL of the canine dudes?

#based #allforthebase

No I feel the same 😅


Finally got through the update and I think I got at leas one element going on thanks to the 10/3 heart to heart with Russell and an earlier scene.

Theory Includes Spoilers

I think Ben's a receiver for what's going on. Like a radio tuned into the red eyed shizz-nasty. The thing that clinched it for me is the scene on the bridge where he thought about jumping waaaay back in like the first week or so. He noticed Russell on the roof of his apartment immediately afterwards. After the bomb that gets dropped at Zach's b-day I think Ben wasn't being urged necessarily, maybe part of it. I think he was tuned into Russell's mental state.

He's actually tuning into other people's thoughts and feelings during the other PoVs. If so the level of foreshadowing that went into it all the way back at the beginning is pretty damn baller!!!


wait a minute now…… so is there still potential for Kane to have a route down the line? Because like I said before that man deserves all the love man. So please give that lovable wolfman his own route.


Right now a vote is going on Patreon in regards to that


mannnnn, I hope Kane wins, he deserves all the love man. Plus he seems like genuinely likes and cares for Ben. 

so who won?

Wait a minut  maybe i missed an episode, but who is kane?(you can spoil me if he's from the last update)

He's introduced in Bryan's route as part of the frat and lets his space be a refuge for Ben when he's overwhelmed. He seems to just be a genuinely good guy who wants to do right by his brothers and their friends.

Oh, in the natest update? I didn't do bryan's route, only carlos and nate ones


Understandable. I say from my place on the 'Carlos defense squad' ramparts.


Amazing update with beautiful ending. I'm totally amazed and my libido is skyrocketing now <3


A great ending for a great update! Loved it!


please i need a Chris route right now please I need i

Hardly same

Deleted 257 days ago
Deleted 257 days ago

Fraternity hazings happen a lot. And many students have died because of them. It's a shame they still happen.

I also hated how Ben became a slut because of Bryan, it was bad enough how incredibly unlikable Ben is, this just made him repulsive... and what Ben did to his ex was awful too. Honestly, I CANNOT get into the romance of this VN at all. The relationships are incredibly toxic, it's off-putting. Maybe that's set up for some great character development near the end, but still... it's not nice nor enjoyable, so far.

Deleted 257 days ago

Thanks for promote the vn, now I hard download this for see myself if this true or not.


I don't think the problem is Ben wanting to have casual sex, I think the real problem and why I personally dislike Bryan's route is that Ben DOESN'T want that. This route makes you feel bad because you know that in the end Ben just wants to be with Bryan in a closed relationship and is willing to do everything he does just for the chance that he will change his mind, he's betraying himself trying to be like Bryan. In my opinion I think that Bryan's route should never even give you the option to be with him, something like Leo's route from Echo, he is not good for Ben and I think that either being alone or with Kane would make such a better option for him, being with him is the actual bad ending.

SPOILERS... (kinda?)


Hmmm... The reptile caught my interest


Panda aside, in one hand we have the slit promise and the other the fat base so_


I did not realize that Russell was heterochromatic.


This game really is in one of my top 3 now 


Ive just finished Bryan's route and GOD it was SO GOOD! Keep up the amazing VN and remember to take a break every now and then! Dont push yourself too much! (as push past my limits of sleep requirement... eh heh... anything for an amazing story and VN)

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