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I must admit I was surprised by the game, the characters are charismatic and unique, I'm doing Carlos' route, but I wish there was a route with Chris, he is very cute, the horror of the game and very cool, there were parts that I was really tense, but what most captivated me in history was the mystery behind the protagonist and his nightmares, the connection of this with the zach, the red hood, all of which makes me very curious to find out the answers (I even I solved the anagrams, because of that), my only criticism is that the start is very slow and a little boring, but as time went by it was worth it, I am looking forward to the next updates.


Really a great game. I did totally enjoyed it and looking forward to next update soon.


Im so into this vn and Bryan .

i saw "memento mori" on the home screen for the game and it scared me for a sec lmao

i just want to ask if the mentors is date able lol, i know there is chris choices but is there Russell choices that's lead to romantic things.


We need more furry horror visual novels, I'm loving every single second playing this!! Also I can't be the only one who thinks Zach deserves every love and affection in the world


Wait a minute :() it is a horror vn xD I thought it would be thriller drama 😂. 


its more of a mystery VN

Check the game tags so you can get your answer. =^.~=

Think im going to play this one next..

Absolutely loved the morenatsu remake... but its just so hard to get so attached to something and it is still incomplete and you cant continue x_x

Thank you so much for your work... you guys are awesome <3



.. Sry for caps


No, you're not sorry.


Toxic answer.... But a answer. Thax. Didn't know what that is. Me German and don't speak English very well 


Eine toxische Reaktion auf eine toxische Anfrage. Wenn Sie sich für alle Großbuchstaben in demselben Kommentar "entschuldigen" konnten, den Sie in Großbuchstaben eingegeben haben, hatten Sie Zeit, nicht in Großbuchstaben zu schreiben. Eine Sprachbarriere hindert niemanden daran, die Kommunikation mit gesundem Menschenverstand zu verstehen. Es ist etwas, das Sie berücksichtigen sollten, wenn Sie irgendwo in der Zukunft Kommentare abgeben.

A toxic response to a toxic request. If you were able to "apologize" for all caps in the same comment you typed in all caps, then you had time to not write in all caps. A language barrier does not preclude anyone from understanding common sense communication. It is something for you to consider when commenting somewhere in the future.


I said sorry for caps ^^

Just don't wanted to delete everything and write again. But nvm... This Discussion is irrelevant and not important. I hope u have a good day 

Bruh you said you speak German better than english but in this comment you literally spelled the hardest words super easy !! 😂😂😂

:0 is chris dateable i dont get how mentor works

Deleted post

Ye. Although not a bad idea :p Russel is better though ¶:

Curious after seeing the stretch goal for a Karina route, doesn't Ben say during the game that he's gay? Is that going to be retconned into him being Bi if the goal is met?


It wouldn't be a retcon, necessarily. If the goal is reached, I plan to put a new choice branch at the cafe event on day 2 that would likely split players off directly into the Karina route.
I know Echo does something similar with how it handles the character Jenna's route.

I don't get how the mentor works but idk :0 maybe there will be a scene someday idk well anyway s love the game it gives me creepz lolol atleast I still sleep well


This game is really fun! I love how fleshed out the characters feel, and the setting feels realistic. Each of the characters feels like they have depth to them even on the first day. I've only just started Carlos' route but I feel bad about how the MC interacts with Zach. As someone who used to have bad social anxiety, being yelled at and snubbed by someone I have to share space with would be really awful to put it simply. So I hope that we will have more chances to have more pleasant interactions with him in the future. I'm really excited about this game though and can't wait to see how it grows!

Thank you!


Hi, game is awesome <3 I was just wandering if Russell's route begins later in the game or it's not implemented yet. I played the game that I would spend every time possible with Brian, didn't saw much Russell choices so that's why I'm asking. (I didn't played build 13 yet. Sorry for my English 0_0)


Hey there, thanks for playing the game!
We've set up the groundwork to include Russell's route (as you probably have been able to notice, some choices have appeared for him etc) and will probably start implementing it seriously once all the main characters are further developed. There's no ETA yet, but we're hard at work on it!


I'm not fan , i hate the main chatac' , and we don't have so much interaction ... :/


I'm sorry to hear you didn't like the game. Ben is his own character and sometimes will do things you might disagree with, compared to a more "self-insert" protagonist. If you'd like to provide more details as to why you didn't like the game, we'd be glad to hear it, but it's also perfectly fine if you don't like it!


the game is not bad , but we don't really ''play'' , characters speak so muchhhhhh XD



This is a visual NOVEL, the only "gameplay" we have are choices

yes i know but , this VN don't have so much choice


uhhhmm this game is still in development dud, hold ur horses cuz u'll get your choices and i think the game has a lot of choices considering the length of it


Well you're supposed to read a visual novel what do you expect to have a different word to choose every next answer you give ?

(2 edits)

Insanely long unskippable intro? I didn't realize this was Skyrim. That was literally four full minutes of just a random meaningless slideshow.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry to hear you didn't like the intro. As it is, it's still a WIP to see what we could do with the engine. We got good feedback on it, so we decided to keep it around, and you also have the option of always skipping it in the preferences menu.

...I didn't even look at preferences at all. I never do until I've actually started playing the game, because I assume the default settings make sense, which I can't during the intro if it's unskippable. No one puts intro skips in *preferences*, mainly because intro sequences aren't normally four minutes of zero content. Just allow anyone to Return or Esc through it. That's far more intuitive.


Everyone has their own preferences, but for what its worth I really enjoyed the intro and thought it was pretty neat. Not something I had seen other VNs I've played do. It gave me a good idea of the tone and art style. I appreciate the effort.


I also enjoyed the intro and every time I play a new update I let the whole thing play because it clearly had effort put into it and it shows. (also the music choice for it is quite nice)


Well damn now I have to wait for the next update....I couldnt stop reading!!!!!!

(1 edit)

Is there an update sched for the game? (sorry just really excited for the update). Also, why is it that one of the most interesting characters in a VN never had a route? (I mean Zach)

Hiya! We release an update every first of the month, both here and on our Patreon.
Also, Zach is our next Patreon goal to reach, so there's still hope!


Will Zach be a love interest? He's the most appealing and interesting in my opinion


If the next Patreon goal is reached, he will be eventually.

aaaahhhh i've been having my eyes on himm!!! i stan for this motion!! wish i could support ;-; the developer but im a broke hoe huhhuuhu


Ikr? He's a very intriguing character, and so dang cute as well 

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm loving the work, it's fantastic.
I would ask one thing, I know it's not my right, Since I'm not a pantreon neither can I be. But one Think that really makes me sad about some visual novels is the lack of a good kissing scene. Not necessarilly the first one, But that one romantic kiss that seals the relationship. Plz, give us this =/

I agree, most VNs, includig this one, lack that content

I loved this game very much, it's so incredible, from the story to the characters, by the way, my favorite is Bryan Liu, his growth story is incredible, besides being very beautiful hehe


I really love Bryan because his is such a story of growth.  He comes in with his locker-room humor from highschool and then you start to see the real him peek out from under the crude humor that made him popular in the past.  I love how he makes choices that seem out-of-character as he becomes more and more attached to Ben.  It is so heart-warming to see how much of a softy he can be. 

I REALLY hope there is more to see of him in the near future!! <3 <3 <3

Pretty sure there is, but what it will contain will depend on how the author/s write it

ok how do I put this?... Carlos is best boi and I love this visual novel, I kinda relate to Ben, I don't have chronical nightmares but I do have insomnia!  

Same here!

Hey Hope you update soon I've been sitting on my hands with nothing else to do!


keep em busy then, u know what to do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


and by keeping em busy, he means go to their patreon page to support the authors.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is anyone else having a problem while trying to open this game? The previous build worked fine but this one just leaves me with an unresponsive white window after launching it.

I'm on Windows 10 and this is the first time I encountered such a problem. I'm really dying to know what's new in this update.

Edit: Before I forget to mention, I have reinstalled it twice by now.

The fact that the Chris goal was met for a bit then went down has made checking the patreon a real rollercoaster of emotions.

Speaking of, is there a deadline for the stretch goals where after a certain point it doesn't matter what new goals are met, the routes are locked in?


Hey there. Sorry for not having replied in time, those past two months have been a bit of a whirlwind for the both of us, hehe.

There is no deadline for the goals. Once they're met, we're not going back on them, so we won't pull out of the Chris route midway if it happens to fall under the required amount!

Gah, I loved this update. Loved seeing the different sides to Zach, Bryan and Carlos especially. Glad to see he's really warming up to Ben and Ben's learning how to understand him better!

Can't wait for the next update :3

I also think that you guys are being very creative by making routes for the friends and mentors, keep up the good work!


when clicking on more information I noticed the game was published on my birthday just thought that was super cool! keep up the great work!


Ahhh, Chris is so cute, he's so tempting to make a $60 pledge on Patreon to unlock a route for him, but that's a heck of a lot of money 

Regardless his writing is super good and although I know he's not the star of the show the side character stole it for me 

Looking forward to future updates! :)


Is there a romance route for Russel, or did i just not get it?

Deleted post

I copied the saves before did this.

(1 edit)

I really loved the latest update! I'm playing Carlos' route so I understand he's a slower burn and it's gonna take longer to get to know him, but it was so nice seeing that side of him in the dream/prophecy (which is a nice callback to earlier in his route).

Also don't think I didn't see that flicker during the news report you sly bastards. That's unsettled me more than anything else in the game frankly. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Oh, and also any plans for a gallery or a music room?

Great game . I saw that have a password in the "preference"

(1 edit)

What is it for ?


It's for unlocking all chapters in chapter select, mostly for Android users who otherwise have to use skip mode to catch up to where they were (which can take hours now that the game is this long lol)

The password for that is "Vanguard"

isnt the passwords to unlock chapters for the android users since saves get lost each update

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I never lost my saves. I just copy to be sure I won't lost it and paste back on the new folder the last update created. If need.

Just copy the saves from the folder android/data/santa.lucia.


The "Momento Mori" on the title screen gave me P3 vibes. I'm shook.

I don't think so but, will Sam Moreau have a route too? 

As far as I can tell, he won't since the only stretch goals left on their patreon are for Chris, Zach, and Karina.

(1 edit)

But I want it too. Heheh

Is there a specific update day every month?


We update on the first of every month, so the next build will be available on August 1st.

Is there going to be a route for Zach, or will he just stay as the roommate?


Zach is one of the stretch goal routes we have on Patreon. His threshold hasn't been reached yet, but if we get enough support it's possible he'll have a route someday.


So everytime I download the Android build, it keeps saying "App not installed" or something similar to that. Is there anyway I can fix that?

It might be a storage problem. 🤔 that happens to me often, because I dont have enough room to download.

Are you guys still working on the Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~  it's been so long, can you give me an release update for it?


Hey, life has been pretty hectic these past few months for us all, and Frostclaw (Homecoming's director) has been hard at work on the game despite his real life being very busy. However, the next update, Build 6, should drop soon, so please be patient. We haven't given up on Homecoming.

- Devilizer


The novel is... I still want to finish it, but to me it seems really boring. All they do is just talk and noting happens. Only interesting parts are the dreams. The 3 love interest characters are really specific. I wish Chris could be dateable, everybody else doesn't really seem interesting to me. But I don't think novel is the problem, It just focuses on things I don't find interesting.


There's nothing wrong with feeling that way! I definitely don't believe the game is going to be for everyone, hehe.

We're taking the "long-term" approach, integrating the player into the daily lives of the characters with the hopes of getting you personally invested in them. This does necessitate a slower pace, though, which can be a turn-off to those looking for a more fast-paced action oriented story. I will say that we recently arrived at a major plot point in the game, but that's currently in the Patreon only Build 10. I'm aiming to pick up the pace a bit now that we have all the characters formally interacting with each other.

The chess pieces are in motion, where will they end up though?


now that sounds inviting.

Deleted 1 year ago

It is very much important how they're talking, what they're talking about and where does this lead. Sure, some slice of life/small talk dialogs are important for character and world building, but I tire of them fast if there's too much of it. Everybody has their own preferences. Also... why do you capitalize random starting letters?

Deleted 1 year ago
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