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(1 edit) (+3)

pls make russell a love interests but as a secret route since some games have a secret route like Camp buddy with Tyga but as not so Secret too pls pls do this for the people who has the hot for him


You're in luck because after the first three routes get finished Russell is getting a route along with Chris and Zach!


Where did they say this?


They reached the Patreon goals for them several months ago


(on Android) I can't seem to find the install dir. Usually, apps are installed in "Main storage/Android/data/"
When I install an update for a VN, I manually copy the saves to a temp location, and insert them again. I can't really do that here. Probably it's installed in data, but with a generic name I won't spot, or know to search for :(

It may have to do with the android version.

When you insall an app, it should appear in the notification bar. Clicking on it from there will automatically send you to either : install the said app, or to update if you already have it pre-exisiting in your phone

No I use a third party file browser, standard android apps do not give you access to the filesystem.
My fault though, the "Android\data\santa.lucia\" folder is not generated before you create a savegame file, and I hadn't done that on this install (I forgot).

I know I could just install it on top of the existing, but that doesn't always work, and I wouldn't recommend it.
Thanks anyway :)

If I may ask, why wouldn't you recommend it ?

I've always done the approach to update apps / VNs on top of their exisiting apk, and it almost always has worked without issues. Should I stop doing so ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Mobile apps are designed as complete packages, not as incremental updates. I would never install an application on top of an older version, as you don't know which files are kept, and which files are replaced. The creator must really be vigilant when creating a new installer, and mistakes happen. Obviously, we don't reinstall windows whenever there's a new update - which is every 5 minutes these days, but that's created differently. To give you another example; When you update your GPU driver, you would prefer the "clean install" option, to make sure all relevant files are updated, and no bad mix of old and new files exist.

Since I can't be sure.. I'll always remove the app, before installing a new version.
Often, removing it will not removed the save game folder, but sometimes it will.

That's my opinion anyway :)

Thank you for explaining. I see now 😁


Ah yes drink pain killer with soda, and then drink ice coffee, i wonders how can he still alive lol


i feel like this is the type of horror where you actually the murder lol

I mean the first nightmare in the plane said ben feel happy looking at that genocide dream for some reason 

So split personality or something like that maybe 

Just finished patreon version and wooooow. Really wondering if brian gets jelaous on another guys who are gonna sleep with ben

(1 edit) (+1)

i really love the characters, and the story is well paced depending on each route,i really recommend it, you can feel there's lots of love and effort put on to it ! again, i recommend!

(3 edits) (+1)

Is there a neutral route in Santa Lucia? Or is one is intended to be? I would love to appreciate the story with the friends and mentors casts, or maybe if we can stop a route during the story idk... I'm not sure if this seems clear enough

Minor Spoilers of chaper 13:

I'm thinking there is because of this CG of day 13 in the game page, where we see Ben alone watching the sunset. Or, this is not supposed to happen, and a love interest would join him in the CG


I've been juggling the idea of making a neutral route that focuses just on the main plot for those who aren't interested in the romance content. Just a concept right now, but we'll see if there's enough demand for something like that.


That should be interesting! A story more focused on the characters aside the love interests to learn more about them, if the team feel audacious!


It took me 55 hours to finish one route and i can say that this game is truly a masterpiece.


Is any route done now?




which path is avalaible ? 




I have a question,

Can you delete the previous apk files if you have the newest?

I am able to do so on my tablet. It should be under "files".


When's the new update coming out for the public and not just patreons because I can't wait much longer I want to know what's going to happen once Zach finds out that everyone that he has invited to his party came


Theres one update per month.. everytime on the first day of the month

(1 edit) (+1)

I just love this game.. 

i need some help im trying to find the first Carlos dream sequence but i keep getting either Bryan's or Nate's 

just choose a lot of options that goes on his side i think

thats the thing i keep choosing him but i still end up with one or the other


I don't think he has one.

(1 edit)

huh? thats weird why wouldnt he?


Are you talking about the sexual dreams? Because those dreams are the ones without Carlos in it I can't exactly explain it properly in engish so I apologize if it doesn't make sense but maybe since Carlos route is more of a slow burn route it would take a while unlike the other two until we would see that with Carlos while the other two are more fast paced in terms of romance and nsfw which is why we have those two but not him. 

Is this Completed?


No, but there's quite a bit of content to enjoy.


will we be able to but the patron content, gallery etc. for some a one ti e purchase might be easier then monthly costs


hi i was wondering if the scene where ben uses his toy was removed? ive started 3 new games and each time i get to the section where its supposed to be it doesnt show up


As of a couple builds ago, the scene has been removed.


ah ok thanks. it was a hot scene though XD

I was wondering if the new carlos' sprite got delayed as i didn't see it with this update or if it was just not put in?


It was delayed. Should be in the next build.

Do anybOdy know how to get to Russell's route, if their is any?


Not yet. His, Zach's and Chris' routes are stretchgoals on patreon, which have all been reached (despite the current amount having dropped below Zach's), but will only be devellopped once the three main love interests have their routes done.

thank you for the reply 


I know it's common to read, but I really wish Russel to be a love interest... :') It's hard to force it back when your ideal is him. '^^


He'll be in the future, the other three routes just take priority.

Ooh, that sounds great! I'm surprised. :D Thank you for letting me know.


omg is blake a bull terrier


he looks cute af

Today we are sponsored by "Blade Archon Legends" the best mobile game with---

(1 edit) (+12)

(Spoilers for Carlos's route)

I analyzed Carlos way too much because I love him lmao

I'm starting to think Carlos has a HUGE inferiority complex that he always hides behind a mask, that mask being his perpetual need to be a perfectionist. This is due to holding himself in such a high standard that he even thrusts this on others in order to feel superior by being the better example. It's his way of seeking validation, if he thinks of himself as better than other people then all his problems would just go away. That's why he's very overly critical towards the others (mostly Ben and Bryan), assumes the worst of people, highly competitive or the perpetual need to prove himself, mood swings, and even making others feel insecure of their abilities. So what happens when somebody calls him out for his BS or when he fails to meet his high standards? Well, that's when you get too see the real Carlos. After being called out by his brother about how his behavior caused pain in others, it's that realization that stabbed Carlos extremely hard (harder than his facial scar lmao) that he felt like he's nothing but a failure, being reminded all over again about how much of a burden he truly feels deep inside. Carlos already hates himself for being a gay man as he seems to repress it hard because he believes he brought shame to his family because of that, now add another cut through his skin about how he was the one who feels responsible for his brother's downfall. It's his choices and actions that he feels extremely guilty of, not to mention the anxiety he got from it, that he goes as far as to put people beneath him just to feel better about himself and once he realizes what a huge mistake he's been doing, it felt like everything had been crushed to pieces, he felt like he had no one due to pushing people away, he felt like no one truly cared for him, he felt alone, depressed and that he got nothing else to live for. Carlos would've broke down... if it wasn't for Ben being there for him (could you imagine if Carlos went alone to visit his brother, what would've happened to him instead..?).  I find it ironic that Carlos believes that the actions of other people is what he sees as genuine yet Carlos is the least genuine person between the main love interests just solely based on his actions. If he's finally able to overcome his inferiority complex instead of hiding it by all that superiority then he could be so much happier. He's a deeply flawed yet complex and morally grey character, he's not entirely bad but he isn't entirely good either (man I love the writing for this VN).


Yayyyyy thank you... 💕💕💕😘😘


Yey, i'm wait for Nate route-update :*

(1 edit) (+5)

I can't wait for Bryan's update :, thanks for the nice Vn btw. And, will there any Kane's route? He seems kind of adorable, but i won't ditch Bry lol.

**Spoiler and Opinions** 

 Looking at Ben's past dream, i think Bry is just tired of losing people in his childhood. He seems like a discreet sweetheart (if i'm not wrong and the fact that he was sweet to his mum and sister also he actually care at the time Ben was sick even though he just walked him to the dorm buildings then get mad when Ben was being mad at him for him and everyone who keep asking about his condition + ask to walk him to the infirmary(and that's when i realize he is actually sweet even tho not shown a lot)) that makes me wanna keep going on his route(that's adorable if my assumption ain't a mistake) :, i bet Kane isn't gonna have route?(i would try maybe if there'll be his) instead, He is availabe as someone who's having crush on Ben to trigger Bry's Jealousy?(when Ben was staring on Kane and so does Kane but Bry seemed to not like the fact that Ben was staring on the wolf then immidieatly breaks Ben's stare. the second is when Kane "lost" the game not on "purpose" and Bry's having his eyebrow up, like Kane did it on "purpose" then waiting for Kane's reply. well... it's also obvious for Bry perhaps, when Kane congrats Ben who's just having his "luck" to be the winner but Kane didn't congrats him. Then, the time BB walk to Kane and his friends to join them, Kane's reaction to Bry vs Ben arrival was totally different. Bry is smart? well... i obv knew it if i were him + the fact that Bry knew that Kane like felines.  Then, after the game they went on Kane's room but Bry is across 'em both who sit sooo "not too close" (it's not related, except on some jello dude's perception) then excuse himself to the bathroom(prolly eavesdropping(i hope he saw Kane having his hand on Ben's-) and when he bck from the bathroom only to sit and 'acti-' i mean, 'playing' with his phone infront of them, prolly waiting for Kane to have his hand on Ben's thigh. and i just remember abt an event when Bry change his cloth for once to be black then using a nice cologne when he visited his dorm is also a hint that he secretly has feelings for ben since days before it didn't happen (i bet that bald croc ain't having those from Bry, more after he ditch him. and another assumption of Bry closing another friends with "benefit" to only Ben when Ben said that Bry n him gonna "do it" routine(like Bry isn't gonna be taken by others) after classes and weekends).

hmmm... if Bry's as much as what i describe he is above and will be my easy prey fot tease(i hope there'll be more option to tease him if he is actually a discreet sweetheart(just need to explain it seems like if i was right, ppl in the comments seems like gonna ditch Bry as soon as Kane is avaiable bcs they don't realize how sweet he is) who actually loves Ben and being a jello sourbear)or else, if he is just some cool friend with "benefit", I and Ben will ditch him for Kane ASAP <3 (if there will be any Kane's route). anyway, sad fact if my asssumptions was right. Turning someone to just live with the flow n a total slut bcs he missed his childhood n friends

Such A nice Novel with nice Characters developments :, my thanks for the Developer, the writers, the illustrator and all of the team members :, And I'm looking forward for Santa Lucia to be finished.

anyway, any Instagram? kinda wanna submit fansart UwU like, as a support from me(my art ain't bad ya know (@jello_ely) :/ n i wanna make some BB fansart if the novel is finished, maybe Bry only for next week) since i just turn 18 last december n not having any credit card to support this nice novel. and again, xixi thanks for the novel you guys :, we r looking forward for Santa Lucia to be finished.


I am on the same page, Bryan is either too scared to build anything that will last because he fears it will be ripped away from him like so many other times before, or is just aromantic guy who searches only for friends with benefits and nothing more. 

Either way, he is a very interesting guy, because his route can either be a way to display in a story how a friends with benefits relationship works or how a man realizes that now things won't be swept from under his rug like before and it's safe to try and build something that will last (in this case, his first real romantic relationship).

P.S. While he has great storytelling potential, my favorite is Carlos. Then he is followed by Nate and then him. 

Ah yah, i also kinda wanna try Carlos' just play it recently tho. no time for that yet(reminds me of my old past a bit n i kindaaa wanna skip it tbh, it's embarrassing to play) :, but i'll try other route once i finished with one(means that i'll try after Santa Lucia is finished) 

for now, i'm just waiting if i can tease him or ditch him :b welp sounds rude, teheheee

The one that makes me think that Bry lead closer to be as what i n u describe him to be except the aromantic are; when i recall on how much of a dissapointed panda he was when Diego ditch him so then Bry outed Diego who tried to pass the fraternity selection by having his way on the members there(coming from a slut? himself that's wierd) so that makes me think when he had a call with his mom about his sister having a bf "he will use her as a sex toy and then ditch her" like he was projecting it on himself(makes me empathethic n curious) since his next statement when Ben asked about how much of overprotective  Bry could be and his answer was "well, i'm a slut but i don't want my sister to be" doesn't sound like it came from Bry or someone who like to say "live it short, live with the flow"(mostly, people teach what they think is right. so i expect an aromantic to atleast not being mad because he suppossed to not understand how romantic feelings like to even being mad at any or others') . 

if you get my point is that, after he lost connections e.g friends... there's posibility that he had a boyfriend too and somehow reminds me of Eric. the event when Ben saw Eric's looking at him from Bry's eyes. and then if the event was sort correctly in my mind, Ben confess that he still feels his ex from Bry and being sad about it. but Bry was also like relating his feelings on Ben's seems like he understand  how it feels. then the event when Bry is picking Ben to the UC by wearing new cologne and different outfit seems sus like he is trying to impress Ben giving me aura of "i remind u of ur ex? hmm forget him, now u get this good ol panda" and i also forgot to mention about his footbal match and said that he will score every goal for Ben is sort of sus for "cool friends with benefit" to say, like... does Bry say that to his every "friends with benefit"(Diego?) bcs that seems off. If Ben is his only "friends with benefits" who get his special treatments... hmm... also if my assumptions of Bry also have an ex or more, idk and it seems he was like "Ben seems like he get ditched just much as i did. he feels sad about it and even think i'm his second... maybe i should try?" and well... days to days he seems chiller and more open up? that's what i feel when playing his route. and again, if he is just aromantic, he shouldn't be giving me aura of a traumatized dude.

idk much about Carlos' but i still wanna finish Bry's as 1st :b then Russel's or Kane(if there's any) then Carlos. those are assumptions i have to make me thing Bry is my fav

i honestly happy for the author to write the story as intended but it's hard to not assumming T-T but i wish atleast if i was wrong, Russel's or Kane's are avaiable or if i was right, i want chance to tease n make Bry as jealous as he could :) and ugh, about Nate... he is a nice dude but, idk why... :,


I would say that the greatest sin that Bryan has commited, is being "close" with Diego. 

Seriously, f*** Diego so much. I have a feeling that Diego will cause some problems when Bryan and Ben are starting to grow much closer to each other. He is the only character that I truly wish to be murdered by the serial killer. 

Are there any specifics into the schedule like x character gets updates for the whole year or does it alternate between characters?

(1 edit)

They switch characters at the end of the specific Act/Chapter for that character


hola y disculpa mi idioma quería infórmate de esto.

esta persona esta re subiendo tu juego y  el de otros y cobrando por ellos.

disculpa si eso fue incomodo


Muchas gracias por la reporta!


Does carlos route have any nsfw stuff on it?

As of typing, no, not even in the new update (currently Patreon exclusive). His route moves the slowest. 

If I were you, I'd expect from Carlos to have a NSFW scene extremely close to the end, kinda like Juuichi's route in Morenatsu (assuming you played the VN and know the events in his route). 

Alright thank you.

Deleted 2 years ago

Actually, Chris has already revealed that Russel is falsely accused of rape during the marathon. Chris also revealed that is his fault that Russel has been accused by the mentors and that he isn't brave enough to confront them.

As to Russel being bisexual, IDK, he's writing doesn't give us any hints, but from what I heard from the Patreo targets, he will have a route eventually. So, yeah, maybe later we will see his bisexuality in action. 


I know it won't be for quite some time, but I'm actually really looking forward to the Nate content

At first I shyed away from the character, he wasn't my type and honestly he reminded me of myself, which gave me second hand embarrassment. But after picking Nate for every option I could from the start to current version, I really fell in love with the character.

If anyone skipped out on Nate like I did, I urge you to give him another try

Deleted 2 years ago

He is my second favorite character! He is open, he is sincere, he is kind and he gives that feeling of living in his world from time to time. I love him because I can relate to him in a lot of ways. But even with all these lovely qualities, what bugs me about him is that the writers put his route content last. 

Which means that the character who has the potential to confess romantic love the fastest will have his confession just as late as Carlos and depending on what direction they take his writing, Bryan because of this. So either way, were gonna have to play the waiting game a lot just to get a confession out of anybody.


I hope everyone at StormSingerStudios is having a great month. 🙂🙂



I know it's Bryan's route but I'd actually love to see having an option to date Kane because there were obvious hints of him... you know... plus I really like him a lot even though his sprite is not yet finished I just have a thing for those kinds of people.


Agreed, I'd ditch Bryan in a heartbeat if it meant I could date Kane lol. He's adorable. I'm worried he might get killed off or something, though.


If Kane dies, I will cry.


Okay, so, I re-DLed this after a year or so, and GOSH do I love it !!
Like, the hallucinations, the paranormal stuff, the killer... that's already enough to keep me going, but the characters and all ? Ooh boy. Usually, I don't enjoy much vns with that little choices, but here it didn't bother me for a bit, the rhythm was so good I was just immersed in it.
Although, I admit sometimes I just wanted to combo-slap Ben (particularly after the Russell episode, dammit)
Anyway, just finished Bryan's path for now (and boy is Kane cute, serious competition for our panda), and I'm gonna stop writing nonsense and explore the other routes :)
Love ! You rock !

(1 edit) (+3)


I love everything about Santa Lucia. I live vicariously through Ben in more ways than one, except the "being chased by a hallucinated (or is he) psychopath in a red cloak" sense. I promise to write a better review in the future, as I am not rather composed enough to write one now. Although I did plan to share this screenshot of Russell's playlist that somehow played on my phone yesterday, with me having no memory of listening to it. 

"Are you finally answering my call, Russell? Please do instead of possessing my phone to brag about your playlist lol." :((

Anyway, keep up the good work Authors and the rest of the team! I'm looking forward to more of the exciting adventures of college life (minus being targeted by a red-cloaked maniac lol). 💖


Is USL based off any college in particular? I keep drawing parallels between colleges IRL and in this VN. 

(1 edit) (+7)

Hey! It's based on a private university Dzahn attended while in California. A majority of the backgrounds are actually pictures we took together of said university (mixed with a couple of other universities from around Cali).


(1 edit) (+8)

I need to comend you about tackling the issue about false accusations, and showing how in these matters, people jump to conclusions before trying to analyse the facts

It takes courage to do That, specially considering the usual line of though of the target audience of your novel. I respect you for keeping firm on exposing this problem and not surrendering to the criticism

Kudos for you.

Too bad you had to spill the beans though (Becouse people are stupid) It would be a great Experience to have you try to come up With your own conclusions. and a good "hit to the face" to those who judged poorly.

(I Actually would have enjoyed the suspense, although I was one who called it was false, There was a hint of doubt that made me thirsty for the answer)


I can't express how much I love Carlos. Especially after this build, he's easily one of my favorite VN characters of all time alongside Kudzu from Echo and Diego from Sileo. Excellent work and I can't wait to see where you take Carlos's route. 


Best husband~


Will there be an eventual route for Zach in the future? I absolutely adore him and I definitely wanna see more :3


I think so? There's a goal on Patreon for a Zach route and according to some old comments the devs have confirmed that he'll get a route eventually.


If only I could've given this game a 20 stars instead of 5... The developer deserves that much at least.

However, I do hope that Bryan and Ben settle into a more monogamous relationship down the line. It doesn't matter if it takes time, I just want a healthy relationship between Ben and Bryan.

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