So is there currently a way to start the Russel or Chris route? I didn't see anything that looked like it would lead to them in the route split and I'm just making sure I'm not being blind.
There currently isn't a way to start Russell's or Chris's route, but we have taken the steps to ease in their future implementation. We'll first focus on the first three, and will work on the "bonus" routes when the others are well on their way, so to speak.
Woah! Russel's new sprites look so beautiful! My favorite character is Carlos, but I'd try a Russel route with his new appearance if it gets developed ;-)
I'm over here wondering if Ben and Bryan's relationship with even be long term in the end since he seems the type to not want to stay commited in a relationship. I mean he wouldn't cheat on someone in a relationship, but I don't see him as a person who would be happy in a monogomous long term relationship with Ben currently because of how he acts and his personality. What I am really asking is later down the line is his opinions on relationships gonna change or is it going to be only short term with Ben like he states that he would give true love up forever before giving up sex forever.
Hell... That's a pretty good VN. I really enjoy it. So the next month we get an update, right? How much MB is the amount of the update? I just want to know usually how many minutes or hour can i enjoy an update? Today i gonna sleep with wet eyes and with tear drops.
So I noticed in the playlist section of the gallery there's a second page with 3 locked playlists, are they not actually obtainable in the game yet or did I just miss them somewhere?
They're not actually unlockable yet! They're placeholders at the moment (I should probably remove that page since they won't be available for a very long time lol)
Just choose the options that get you to spend time with that person or just choose the one that gets a positive reaction like a smile or something...not that hard
Heyyo, may i ask, are there nsfw pictures? I'm not that horny, i'm just simply curious. I wanna beat some spicey vn before continue on some light novels, so i need some adult content. :D
Will you ever open the idea of opening a romance for Russell, we know he use to be a womanizer but with him acting like your "senpai" and you being the "kouhai" I can see it flourishing into something more and really hope you do open it in the next updates or after you finish one of the romances, and love Bryan's route.
The stretch goal for Russell on our Patreon was reached quite a while ago, so he will get a route in the game eventually. For now, we are focusing on the main three.
The furry community is full of horny young'uns haha.
Santa Lucia deserves more credit, it's shaping up to be pretty interesting! This is shaping up to be like those "is there hot sexxx" questions on Echo's page lol.
It tends to be unavoidable. You can't stop them... All of us deep within us, it's our deepest unconscious desire and what makes our will to live sustain as is it removes depression. A little porn wouldn't hurt.
Great game so far! Loving the well written characters as well, especially Carlos with his protective tendencies and a somewhat stoic demeanor. Can't say I like Ben's reluctance to accepting worry, though I guess that's just the demon affecting his mind.
The dialogue does feel a bit drawn out at times but it's great overall. Can't wait for future updates revealing this malevolent entity so I can chuck dozens of swords at it in my head (I refuse to believe sweet and cheerful Chris to be its embodied form.. unless he's a deceptive and conniving cunt otherwise, more swords to hurl💃)(also not liking this faint plot twist I sense ( ͡≖- ͡≖) hope it's not what I think it is)
One minor issue though, the skip button for the opening cinematic seems to persist throughout the game for android unless it was pressed at the beginning. Otherwise, pressing it far into the game will bring you back to the start. Music caption persist sometimes as well, kinda distracting while reading (left it on since I wanted to know what music is playing).
Just finished playing the last build and dang I didn't expect to be so long! This game is absolute incredible right now, I have to admit, at first I wasn't that engaged with the characters but they are really starting to grow on me and story too. Loving the bits o mystery and some of the "horror", the dream sequences are downright my favorite part of this game, they are really different, and complement well a lot of what's going on in the mc's mind, I also like the painted style with almost "color coding" I don't know how to describe it.
I also really like the intro, it was *the* thing that got me invested in this game to begin with. For me, though, the tour dragged a bit in some instances, I get why it was so long and most of it endend up paying off later just some bit of dialogue felt a bit unecessary.
now that we are being introduced to more branches of the storyline, it's gettting pretty interesting, specially with Zach and I can't wait to play future updates. I really admire the amount of effort going into this writing. (English is not my first language, I apologize for the grammar.)
thank you for making this VN it truly is fantastic keep the great work I'm excited for the future updates I love every single character in this VN they are really great and I kind of relate to some of them so that was nice also i just really like all the characters I like Carlos the most so looking forward to hanging out with him more I really like him a lot also Zach being a water dragon is really cool I didn't expect that also that whole about Russell being a rapist will that be explained in more detail in future updates? because I actually like Russell so I was just wondering. Anyways fantastic job and I can't wait for more content because its actually getting interesting I like where the story is going its intriguing so cant wait to see where it goes from here 5 stars keep up the fantastic work! and have a great day!
I just gotta say. I started playing this vn when it was fresh out the oven sort of speak and im ngl. I thought it was ok but not really captivating enough. BUUUT HOLY SHIT I WAS WRONG and im so sorry.
I am loving this story so much. Just how much it has evolved since launch, the story, the characters and the overall feeling i get when playing through the routes. Its amazing. Thank you and im so sorry for ever doubting! :(
Soooo...My laptop has been having this problem where it's just basically not letting the Visual Novel's run. I tried running Great Troubles, and it did, but it wouldn't let me change to english, and then I downloaded from a different source, but wouldn't let me run the VN. I downloaded Santa Lucia and tried running it, but it wouldn't let me. The same thing happened, does anyone know how to fix it?
I must admit I was surprised by the game, the characters are charismatic and unique, I'm doing Carlos' route, but I wish there was a route with Chris, he is very cute, the horror of the game and very cool, there were parts that I was really tense, but what most captivated me in history was the mystery behind the protagonist and his nightmares, the connection of this with the zach, the red hood, all of which makes me very curious to find out the answers (I even I solved the anagrams, because of that), my only criticism is that the start is very slow and a little boring, but as time went by it was worth it, I am looking forward to the next updates.
We need more furry horror visual novels, I'm loving every single second playing this!! Also I can't be the only one who thinks Zach deserves every love and affection in the world
Eine toxische Reaktion auf eine toxische Anfrage. Wenn Sie sich für alle Großbuchstaben in demselben Kommentar "entschuldigen" konnten, den Sie in Großbuchstaben eingegeben haben, hatten Sie Zeit, nicht in Großbuchstaben zu schreiben. Eine Sprachbarriere hindert niemanden daran, die Kommunikation mit gesundem Menschenverstand zu verstehen. Es ist etwas, das Sie berücksichtigen sollten, wenn Sie irgendwo in der Zukunft Kommentare abgeben.
A toxic response to a toxic request. If you were able to "apologize" for all caps in the same comment you typed in all caps, then you had time to not write in all caps. A language barrier does not preclude anyone from understanding common sense communication. It is something for you to consider when commenting somewhere in the future.
Curious after seeing the stretch goal for a Karina route, doesn't Ben say during the game that he's gay? Is that going to be retconned into him being Bi if the goal is met?
It wouldn't be a retcon, necessarily. If the goal is reached, I plan to put a new choice branch at the cafe event on day 2 that would likely split players off directly into the Karina route. I know Echo does something similar with how it handles the character Jenna's route.
I don't get how the mentor works but idk :0 maybe there will be a scene someday idk well anyway s love the game it gives me creepz lolol atleast I still sleep well
This game is really fun! I love how fleshed out the characters feel, and the setting feels realistic. Each of the characters feels like they have depth to them even on the first day. I've only just started Carlos' route but I feel bad about how the MC interacts with Zach. As someone who used to have bad social anxiety, being yelled at and snubbed by someone I have to share space with would be really awful to put it simply. So I hope that we will have more chances to have more pleasant interactions with him in the future. I'm really excited about this game though and can't wait to see how it grows!
Hi, game is awesome <3 I was just wandering if Russell's route begins later in the game or it's not implemented yet. I played the game that I would spend every time possible with Brian, didn't saw much Russell choices so that's why I'm asking. (I didn't played build 13 yet. Sorry for my English 0_0)
Hey there, thanks for playing the game! We've set up the groundwork to include Russell's route (as you probably have been able to notice, some choices have appeared for him etc) and will probably start implementing it seriously once all the main characters are further developed. There's no ETA yet, but we're hard at work on it!
← Return to visual novel
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So is there currently a way to start the Russel or Chris route? I didn't see anything that looked like it would lead to them in the route split and I'm just making sure I'm not being blind.
There currently isn't a way to start Russell's or Chris's route, but we have taken the steps to ease in their future implementation. We'll first focus on the first three, and will work on the "bonus" routes when the others are well on their way, so to speak.
Russell route pretty please? :(
It'll happen, that I can guarantee, hehe. We'll first focus on the first three original routes, however.
I saw this had been updated and thought a new build was out. Curse you updated images for getting my hopes up!
got updated :3
The dreams get annoying, but so far so good. I really like Russel
Yap, i want Russel as a boyfriend EHHHHHHH T.T
Woah! Russel's new sprites look so beautiful! My favorite character is Carlos, but I'd try a Russel route with his new appearance if it gets developed ;-)
I'm over here wondering if Ben and Bryan's relationship with even be long term in the end since he seems the type to not want to stay commited in a relationship. I mean he wouldn't cheat on someone in a relationship, but I don't see him as a person who would be happy in a monogomous long term relationship with Ben currently because of how he acts and his personality. What I am really asking is later down the line is his opinions on relationships gonna change or is it going to be only short term with Ben like he states that he would give true love up forever before giving up sex forever.
Hell... That's a pretty good VN. I really enjoy it. So the next month we get an update, right? How much MB is the amount of the update? I just want to know usually how many minutes or hour can i enjoy an update? Today i gonna sleep with wet eyes and with tear drops.
So I noticed in the playlist section of the gallery there's a second page with 3 locked playlists, are they not actually obtainable in the game yet or did I just miss them somewhere?
They're not actually unlockable yet! They're placeholders at the moment (I should probably remove that page since they won't be available for a very long time lol)
Has anyone made a guide for this game yet for the various routes?
Just choose the options that get you to spend time with that person or just choose the one that gets a positive reaction like a smile or something...not that hard
Heyyo, may i ask, are there nsfw pictures? I'm not that horny, i'm just simply curious. I wanna beat some spicey vn before continue on some light novels, so i need some adult content. :D
Stromsinger studios both Santa Lucia and Homecoming(Morenatsu revisited) VNs are amazing.
Thank you!
Will you ever open the idea of opening a romance for Russell, we know he use to be a womanizer but with him acting like your "senpai" and you being the "kouhai" I can see it flourishing into something more and really hope you do open it in the next updates or after you finish one of the romances, and love Bryan's route.
He will get a route in future builds since that Patreon goal got reached. I'm not 100% sure if this guarantees it's a romance route though.
The stretch goal for Russell on our Patreon was reached quite a while ago, so he will get a route in the game eventually. For now, we are focusing on the main three.
Wow I loved it so awesome my favorite character was Brian ps he is totally hot lol
NEW UPDATE NEW UPDATE . I can finally see my favorite panda
Is there nsfw content
Fuck, again? Do you guys.... Like... Think just about watching some porn in this VN?
The furry community is full of horny young'uns haha.
Santa Lucia deserves more credit, it's shaping up to be pretty interesting! This is shaping up to be like those "is there hot sexxx" questions on Echo's page lol.
It tends to be unavoidable. You can't stop them... All of us deep within us, it's our deepest unconscious desire and what makes our will to live sustain as is it removes depression. A little porn wouldn't hurt.
There is NSFW content in the game.
EYYY FOR DA DEVELOPER!!! qwp I'm sorry I haven't tried all the routes and I accidentally deleted right after trying Nate's route QwQ
am surrey dude, now im gon try all of em
(Ps. My connection is shit and sorry for cussing)
Great game so far! Loving the well written characters as well, especially Carlos with his protective tendencies and a somewhat stoic demeanor. Can't say I like Ben's reluctance to accepting worry, though I guess that's just the demon affecting his mind.
The dialogue does feel a bit drawn out at times but it's great overall. Can't wait for future updates revealing this malevolent entity so I can chuck dozens of swords at it in my head (I refuse to believe sweet and cheerful Chris to be its embodied form.. unless he's a deceptive and conniving cunt otherwise, more swords to hurl💃)(also not liking this faint plot twist I sense ( ͡≖- ͡≖) hope it's not what I think it is)
One minor issue though, the skip button for the opening cinematic seems to persist throughout the game for android unless it was pressed at the beginning. Otherwise, pressing it far into the game will bring you back to the start. Music caption persist sometimes as well, kinda distracting while reading (left it on since I wanted to know what music is playing).
Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! We fixed that skip button bug in our latest Patreon build, so it should be in the public one sometime soon.
I do my best to be a stoic asshole at all times, but this game makes me feel emotions that a decade of alcoholism has tried to bury.
Long story short? It's a truly effective romance VN, with well-written characters and great emotional connection
Thank you! It's definitely reassuring to hear the things I'm writing are having the intended effect, hehe...
Also the "make a spotify album" icebreaker has inspired me to do similar (with only 7 tracks) with friends.
Just finished playing the last build and dang I didn't expect to be so long! This game is absolute incredible right now, I have to admit, at first I wasn't that engaged with the characters but they are really starting to grow on me and story too. Loving the bits o mystery and some of the "horror", the dream sequences are downright my favorite part of this game, they are really different, and complement well a lot of what's going on in the mc's mind, I also like the painted style with almost "color coding" I don't know how to describe it.
I also really like the intro, it was *the* thing that got me invested in this game to begin with. For me, though, the tour dragged a bit in some instances, I get why it was so long and most of it endend up paying off later just some bit of dialogue felt a bit unecessary.
now that we are being introduced to more branches of the storyline, it's gettting pretty interesting, specially with Zach and I can't wait to play future updates. I really admire the amount of effort going into this writing. (English is not my first language, I apologize for the grammar.)
Thank you so much! And don't worry, your English is good!
thank you for making this VN it truly is fantastic keep the great work I'm excited for the future updates I love every single character in this VN they are really great and I kind of relate to some of them so that was nice also i just really like all the characters I like Carlos the most so looking forward to hanging out with him more I really like him a lot also Zach being a water dragon is really cool I didn't expect that also that whole about Russell being a rapist will that be explained in more detail in future updates? because I actually like Russell so I was just wondering. Anyways fantastic job and I can't wait for more content because its actually getting interesting I like where the story is going its intriguing so cant wait to see where it goes from here 5 stars keep up the fantastic work! and have a great day!
Thank you, glad to hear you're enjoying it!
I can't run the updated version on my computer (Win10 laptop), what should I do? Previous versions ran fine!
Thank you in advance!
I was wondering what he looked like under there. Super cool
This December update made me laugh at the fact that the MC has flu and coughing.It's just like irl to the pandemic we are having today.😅😅I have a some problems ;n;
When i download the new update it doenst update on my android phone ;c
Thank you for your work!
Hello from Russia!
You're welcome! Thank you for playing!
I just gotta say. I started playing this vn when it was fresh out the oven sort of speak and im ngl. I thought it was ok but not really captivating enough. BUUUT HOLY SHIT I WAS WRONG and im so sorry.
I am loving this story so much. Just how much it has evolved since launch, the story, the characters and the overall feeling i get when playing through the routes. Its amazing. Thank you and im so sorry for ever doubting! :(
Honestly I want to find out so badly about what happened to Ben's sister because I feel theres more into the story.
i think we will later on. She feels like she is going to be a bigger part of the plot
ikr !!
Soooo...My laptop has been having this problem where it's just basically not letting the Visual Novel's run. I tried running Great Troubles, and it did, but it wouldn't let me change to english, and then I downloaded from a different source, but wouldn't let me run the VN. I downloaded Santa Lucia and tried running it, but it wouldn't let me. The same thing happened, does anyone know how to fix it?
I must admit I was surprised by the game, the characters are charismatic and unique, I'm doing Carlos' route, but I wish there was a route with Chris, he is very cute, the horror of the game and very cool, there were parts that I was really tense, but what most captivated me in history was the mystery behind the protagonist and his nightmares, the connection of this with the zach, the red hood, all of which makes me very curious to find out the answers (I even I solved the anagrams, because of that), my only criticism is that the start is very slow and a little boring, but as time went by it was worth it, I am looking forward to the next updates.
Really a great game. I did totally enjoyed it and looking forward to next update soon.
Im so into this vn and Bryan .
i saw "memento mori" on the home screen for the game and it scared me for a sec lmao
i just want to ask if the mentors is date able lol, i know there is chris choices but is there Russell choices that's lead to romantic things.
We need more furry horror visual novels, I'm loving every single second playing this!! Also I can't be the only one who thinks Zach deserves every love and affection in the world
Wait a minute :() it is a horror vn xD I thought it would be thriller drama 😂.
its more of a mystery VN
Check the game tags so you can get your answer. =^.~=
Think im going to play this one next..
Absolutely loved the morenatsu remake... but its just so hard to get so attached to something and it is still incomplete and you cant continue x_x
Thank you so much for your work... you guys are awesome <3
.. Sry for caps
No, you're not sorry.
Toxic answer.... But a answer. Thax. Didn't know what that is. Me German and don't speak English very well
Eine toxische Reaktion auf eine toxische Anfrage. Wenn Sie sich für alle Großbuchstaben in demselben Kommentar "entschuldigen" konnten, den Sie in Großbuchstaben eingegeben haben, hatten Sie Zeit, nicht in Großbuchstaben zu schreiben. Eine Sprachbarriere hindert niemanden daran, die Kommunikation mit gesundem Menschenverstand zu verstehen. Es ist etwas, das Sie berücksichtigen sollten, wenn Sie irgendwo in der Zukunft Kommentare abgeben.
A toxic response to a toxic request. If you were able to "apologize" for all caps in the same comment you typed in all caps, then you had time to not write in all caps. A language barrier does not preclude anyone from understanding common sense communication. It is something for you to consider when commenting somewhere in the future.
I said sorry for caps ^^
Just don't wanted to delete everything and write again. But nvm... This Discussion is irrelevant and not important. I hope u have a good day
Bruh you said you speak German better than english but in this comment you literally spelled the hardest words super easy !! 😂😂😂
:0 is chris dateable i dont get how mentor works
Ye. Although not a bad idea :p Russel is better though ¶:
Curious after seeing the stretch goal for a Karina route, doesn't Ben say during the game that he's gay? Is that going to be retconned into him being Bi if the goal is met?
It wouldn't be a retcon, necessarily. If the goal is reached, I plan to put a new choice branch at the cafe event on day 2 that would likely split players off directly into the Karina route.
I know Echo does something similar with how it handles the character Jenna's route.
I don't get how the mentor works but idk :0 maybe there will be a scene someday idk well anyway s love the game it gives me creepz lolol atleast I still sleep well
This game is really fun! I love how fleshed out the characters feel, and the setting feels realistic. Each of the characters feels like they have depth to them even on the first day. I've only just started Carlos' route but I feel bad about how the MC interacts with Zach. As someone who used to have bad social anxiety, being yelled at and snubbed by someone I have to share space with would be really awful to put it simply. So I hope that we will have more chances to have more pleasant interactions with him in the future. I'm really excited about this game though and can't wait to see how it grows!
Thank you!
Hi, game is awesome <3 I was just wandering if Russell's route begins later in the game or it's not implemented yet. I played the game that I would spend every time possible with Brian, didn't saw much Russell choices so that's why I'm asking. (I didn't played build 13 yet. Sorry for my English 0_0)
Hey there, thanks for playing the game!
We've set up the groundwork to include Russell's route (as you probably have been able to notice, some choices have appeared for him etc) and will probably start implementing it seriously once all the main characters are further developed. There's no ETA yet, but we're hard at work on it!