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Wow, the first publish was at my birthday , 4th of October. It's i dunno, kinda feel nice.


Guys, I made a fanart of Karina and posted on Twitter ThalysYukio123, I hope you like it 😁
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dayummm best update ever, that shower interction was hella cutee, also im curious is it just me? cuz whenever something intense comes up i always take like a 5 min break from reading no? XD


time out a double bryan update??? bless you.


So, are we gonna ignore how we just hallucinated how Dr.Hernadez died? Kinda sus


It is messed up 🤣

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Soooo.. I'm guessing a Zach route isn't gonna be a thing? if it is I'm curious if u wanna finish the other routes b4 adding his but if nah then it'll be  sad but I respect that, their relationship as friends seems wholesome enough anyways :> 


Zach route is happening because it reached the goal a while back and even though it went below the threshold the developers said it's still happening, it along with Chris and Russell are only happening after the first three get theirs


I'm sorry, are you saying that Russell IS getting a route?!


He's been on the route list for a long time now lol where have you been


IDK but right now on my bed crying tears of joy ;u;

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omg is this bryan content i sense
Bryan lovers wake up.

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Was Carlos' face changed? I dunno, I feel like hes not as attractive as before. But maybe its just a placebo.

Edit. Yup he really was changed


yeah... he got changed... I also didnt take the change that well at first-sight, thought that the previous sprite looked better... but after playing for a while with the new sprite it made me like him more as a character, his expressions, just made me feel more at ease with him... I mean... its a matter of opinion but I like him more now...


Chris is such a jerk! We catch him in the woods and then when Zach tries to continue searching he threatens not to give Zach credit even though we can make him lose his job! And I'm pretty sure he really did steal Russel's idea and had the galls to deni it. He even marked Ben absence even though Ben had a very good reason not to come. Seriously though? F him, I wish we get a choice in the future to mess his life up or something.


well damn

Awww man, I really like Chris, I got to catchup. I hope this is all a big misunderstanding :(.


You only need 10 more dollars a month for the Zach route 😭 I cannot wait


acckkk bb boi needs lovee tbh, we stan the qt quiet bois


I really love Nate's uodate :D

Who's update is next?


Done with this month's build, and damn, I love Nate's route, can't wait for the update!!! in a while tho...


Well I am just on the third  part but i will get far soon   but for the moment I just enjoying the game  so I really hope  to see more  same if update 18 take 2 months to come  out but love  the story if that completed one day   I hope to see a squel of it.


First impressions are important and I realize this project is a wip right now so I will keep this brief until the time comes when I can talk about this work in greater length.

As of now the build is 21, July 14 2021 at 6:50am (for personal records haha) No spoilers ahead.

Visual novels aren't something I obsess over - im choosy and I am likely to enjoy a fine dinner or eat fast food without complaint but if given the choice it all comes down to how good it's cooked. Santa Lucia feels like both. The characters are satisfying enough to make me care for each of them and have something to both love and dislike about them. Sometimes more than the other. Bryan for example, rubs on me like a cheese grater on my nuts but despite his bad humor and pathetic attempts to get into my pants something about that panda and the sincerity behind his finest and more sincere qualities make me laugh him off more than dislike him. He has grown on me and I am loving it. It takes some real careful skill and carefully orchestrated charm to make a character who can have this effect on someone and this is just touching a most basic example for how complex some of this story is and how the characters affect the reader in an immersive way. For this to be a first and true original works done by a team who has had ambitions to make a visual novel this has been quite impressive. It is clear from the writing that real discussion and care has gone into crafting what has been done so far. It is absolutely not without blemishes but then again neither are wrinkles on a shirt. Just takes a little ironing out and it will be so much better and I do truly believe the team can achieve this, continue it, and make this project work magic. 

Visually this visual novel has taken me to nostalgic places because I am constantly reminded through the setting and images used within of my own time in college. It scores high here for me because I am the biggest sucker for nostalgia. The character designs are memorable, the painted projectile pants-shitting jumpscares during some nightmares make me feel like my computer is trying to kill me, and the mystery surrounding the events almost has me tempted to do a crazy wall of my own trying to figure out what could be happening in the near future or the inevitable end. 

No bugs, a couple typos tho. Never crashed a single time.

Some moments I wish were longer or happened at all like the bonfire. Yes the story has a bonfire-its not a spoiler-deal with it XP. 

Read it, support it, and dig in. I cannot describe in a single post why I feel this project needs spread and should be read by anybody who can prize themselves from video games, work, maybe even sex if you are particularly bad at it. It has so far been well worth my time and worth several more reads.

My verdict is simple, its unfinished much like the story so I wonder how this will change later on when it grows. Unfinished but confident I am going to read this again and spread it around.


Lmfao I am living for this Carlos revamp drama



Carlos will forever be my favourite even if his face


Same….he’s literally the only one of the three that I actually enjoy seeing


dont get me wrong I love Nate and Bryan

But Carlos is top favourite 

Really Must say that carlos new muzlle looks weird
I would really be happy if you would rethink that change you rethink this change


Is there a guide for Bryan's route?


If it involves him, do it...that's kinda it

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Bryan must be sent to horny jail!

Bryan must be sent to horny jail!


Yes! Perfect!


This new Carlos seems a little bit off. I mean the old Carlos in normal situation is just expressionless,but the new Carlos looks unhappy all the time,and I think his arms are thinner than before.

Maybe I just need some time to adapt the new sprite...  but I must say it looks SO WEIRD.

Anyone have a photo of Carlos before they changed him?

I had one, but it seems my cloud erased it. You can see his old him in the image of this page that reads "THE LOVE INTERESTS".


Ok thanks!

My pleasure ;-)


Carlos' character is designed to be the silent type, the stoic guy, the emotional brick wall, etc. If you're saying he looks unhappy, that's literally why he looks like that, he's just meant to look like a big grumpy dude...most of Ben's inner dialogue when describing him is talking about his seemingly permanent, unchanging scowl he always has, but in the past, he looked like he was showing too much emotion when that isn't his character. Also, Ben is often found struggling with trying to figure out how Carlos feels, and it's usually only through his grunts or body language that Ben is even able to get a clue of that. And yeah I'm also sad that his overall physique changed, but some time is all it takes to get comfortable with it :)


Heya! I realize I've been missing out on a bit of conversation by not checking into for a while, haha.

I expected Carlos's sprite rework to be a bit controversial since he's pretty different from his original, and I understand why some of you are disappointed with the rework.

I tried to emphasize his grumpy, almost undecipherable expressions Ben complains a lot about, but in doing so, I realize expressions a lot of people liked ended up being "watered down", and there are other issues I've seen pointed out in the comments across

I'll definitely look into them all, as I'd like to make new Carlos liked by everyone as much as I like him, hehe.

- Dev

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I love how Carlos looks now

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Well, I don't. It's sad because it was the only route I wanted to play.


I mean I don’t like it either, but look more…..anatomically correct? His scowl is a lot more pronounced rather than just having a flat expression….though I do prefer his old sprite, it’s nice to see the creators putting in effort to make changes that they think will benefit the game…so much so that they feel comfortable moving forward and all that jazz

Well, he didn't need it. Sometimes less is more. But well, it's nice to see they care to improve and try hard.


100% agreed….after I played the update, it was actually a lot less acceptable than I thought….his “mad” expression looks nearly identical to his “neutral” one

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I think he lost a lot of his charm. Art doesn't have to be perfect, what matters most is ithe beauty and the feeling it conveys.

BTW, I'm 100% with Russell's revamp though. He definitely needed it.

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I agree with the idea of his new sprites being anatomically correct. The biggest differences are on his face. And admittedly, I wasn't sure about them at first either. I did a new playthrough but put it on skip mode and just watched his sprites as they went by. I'll admit his looking from behind sprite is not great, and the style for it is a bit jarring (almost like it doesn't really fit the game it's in, they're akin to something I think would be feasible to see in Echo), but one thing I do like is how subtle his facial expressions are. Scroll back and forth between dialogue where he goes from neutral to angry, for instance. The eyebrows barely move, but it makes sense with Carlos' character for him to not have extreme facial expressions. I personally like the new sprites, a good addition to my favorite character in the game.


Yeah I did skip a lot to see his face and I scrolled back and forth, and it was interesting to see the difference. Before, his expressions were very direct, but since Ben would always describe his face as "that same (insert term for face) he always wears" or something along those lines, I feel like that piece of Carlos' character is shown a lot clearer, which is good :)


I thought it would be fun to try to fuse my art style with SL's style.

I don't think I did great (especially snout), but thoughts?


Shit, I need to know what's next. I NEED TO KNOOOOOOOOOW 



Sees username*

Clutches purse*



will diego get a route?



Hello guys, first i just want to say that i really love this VN, but i have a question about the last update. Do we need to start the game again to have the right route for Bryan ? thanks in advance for answering :)

ayo is there a zach route?

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Not yet. From what I understand It is expected that Zach, Chris, and Russel will have routes implemented once the main 3's routes are either finished or completed to a degree that the team will feel comfortable adding more routes to the VN. 

However, the team has added options so that implementing their routes will be easier once they're ready to do so. 

Edit: Just found out that while the Chris and Russel routes have had their Patreon goals reached, Zach hasn't yet. It is likely that it will in the future though, but we'll just need to see. 

Poor dragon :(


Hey guys! Some people had problem with the android install like: the app is not installed.

I didn't take a screenshot cuz im hungarian and you couldn't understand what were written, but try to clean the memory, delete some stuff, even you have enough space and restart your device. Then uninstall the downloaded file, but not the app, then download again the update and you can install it. It worked for me, i hope i helped. ♡

Also, i think it's getting annoying, but i'm too lazy to scroll down. Will Russel be a dateable character? I just ask, because he is my ideal in real life too and i really fell in love with him. '^^

As others have stated, he reached some goal on Patreon to have an added route once the main three routes are fully completed



ahhhhhh i was so interested on what was going to happen the next dayyyyyyy!!! pain.




I'm playing for the lewds not to see preaching against religion,politics and anti-conservadorism,i'm bisexual mostly into females but i will always respect my faith and politic visions!Are all furrys that woke?


It may come as a surprise, but some people enjoy well written stories, whether or not they agree with the characters' political or religious views. This has nothing to do with being woke. It's literature, not a political platform.

If all you care about is the lewd scenes, that's fine. Just ignore the story and look for those parts. Or create an account on furaffinity/u18chan/etc. and fap away, while praying to your deity of choice.

This VN's description (at the top of this page) is clear in what you should expect from this project, which is amazing. It's no wonder why they managed to get close to 300 patrons to support it.


(I'm Brazilian my english is bad) Yep,you're right i was annoyed and stressed with everything when i make this comment nothing personal sorry this game looks good i also doing "No Fap" in a week for now i just like to see these things but i stopped fapping for them lol


Lmao play Amorous...there's some lewd for ya


What do you even mean? different characters have different opinions regarding faith and politics just like IRL. This is a story-driven VN with some adult content. If you want a porn game you should play something else. 


I don't think you got any real idea what you are talking about.

Just a question does chris have a route ?

Yep. he'll get one too

Umm wow the scene with Ben😍🍆💦


Also the mc kinda remind me of chase from Echo Hopefully he doesn't end up being the killer or some psycho. And I can see why everyone likes Russel but I want more Zach he intrigue me the most.

Deleted 3 years ago
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I feel like he should of spoked up and told him whatever happened and the whole situation could've been avoided but yeah can't wait when he gets a route.


I want to pet Chris's head. He's too fluffy for me.

Finally!!! ^_^


I don't know how much a Non-patreon can participate as giving sugestions, But, if you would allow me to do a single one. It's quite simple:

I would like to ask for you to add an event log in the game, accessible by any player at any point. That way I can check my choices and the events that transpired, remember myself of what happened before the point that I am

I ask this because, like it's said, the game is in development, and sometimes I Wait between 5 or 6 builds b4 playing Again. The main problem is is that between this time I don't remember all the events tjhat transpired And wathever choices I have made that lead me to the point that I am currently

I hope that is not too much to ask

The patreon goal routes that are funded will be developed after you're done with main romanceable characters? Love the game btw.

Man, you guys sure know when to make someone jump with those nightmares. I like the story so, I'm looking forward to more of this

*wating patiently*


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