Is there any rough estimation on the perfect route return date? The new update meant that I lost all my saves and if the guides are gonna be back shortly then I might just wait for them and use them to skip back to where I was.
That dark orange sun is a placeholder. It is meant to indicate "early afternoon/pre-sunset". Once I think of an image to use to replace it, it'll be gone.
The UI showing us what we did is good or bad for a route is amazing.
But some people don't enjoy too much the feeling of being hand held, so, just to be sure, next update, add an option to justt hide those notifications. Shouldn't be so hard, and the more options we have the better anyway <3
The option is there and has been there since the very first iteration of the Telltale system. Go into Preferences, and under Friendship Popups, set it to Off.
The april fools build is meant as a joke. It's extremely over-the-top in its sexual content, there's no real story to it, it's just about how much everyone wants to have sex with the main character. The artwork is also of a lower quality to the main game.
Though being honest, your spelling and grammar make me wonder if english is just your second/third/fourth language, or if you're too young to be playing this to begin with...
1. Sorry but how can i download the new build with all of my progres?
2. The april fools build will it chang somthing i mean will it be permanent in a way that i i will need to download the reel build and start all over agine ore i can after that delet the april fools build and start frome when i stopd?
I wish they'd update the google doc. It says it was last updated september of last year, but the last update to the game was november of last year.
I'm fine with them taking their time and making this good, but transparency goes a long way and knowing the accurate state of things at the moment helps with waiting.
Hey, I'm a bit late to the show, but I'd like to apologize for not updating the Google doc in a timely fashion. I had forgotten which email address I used for it (I have quite a few, hehe), and then eventually forgot about it.
I have since updated the document to show what is currently in progress. Hopefully it will give you some more insight.
Will there be "Ten's Route" in this Remake? I know it's a demo, but honestly... the remaster was amazing, and I was just wondering if there would be "new routes" in this remake? 🤔
Huh, people are still playing old morenatsu? I'm so glad I'm not the only one willing to let this gem die. Ten's route caught me completely off guard when it first came out on the revisited version (not this one) and I loved every second of it lol it gave me hope that morenatsu will be completed someday.
P.S: Cheers from a kitty to another... E de um Br para outro uwu
Baixei a uns anos atrás mas tinha esquecido no HD. Fui fazer uma limpeza e achei entrei outros jogos e outras duas versões de Morenatsu (uma que tem que usar o programa para rodar versão japonêsa, a qual foi a primeira estória furre que joguei. A que tem quase todas as rotas completas só faltando 3, do cão, do Leão e do tigrão. =^.~= ).
Já aqui no Itch fiz uma listinha com mais de 300, misturados com jogos e quadrinhos. As vezes comento com algumas pessoas que encontro no Second Life sobre isso.
P.S.: Nasceu em 2020! Hehe Está no seu perfil. =^.~=
Uai tu baixa e esquece no HD por anos? Kkkkkkkk oh céus parece algo que eu faria. Minha primeira versão foi a japonesa também, precisa rodar com o Locale emulator. Coincidentemente morenatsu foi meu primeiro VN (acho que também foi de muitos). Infelizmente a rota que eu mais queria do nosso amado husbando torahiko nunca saiu :(
P.S: Não se deixe enganar uwu, o perfil pode ter nascido em 2020... mas, venho jogando bem antes que isso, morenatsu joguei em 2014/15. Começei a jogar outros vn la pra 2018 também. Criei a conta pq já estava começando a acompanhar vários criadores (e era um saco procurar 1 por 1).
Miau, só quis avisar que você deve ter digitado 2020 no lugar de 00 pois disse que tinha 20 anos. Hehe Imaginei que nasceu em 2000. =^.~= É o testo que você escreveu no seu perfil.
Eu lembro de ter jogado para pegar o tigrão mas só nos meus sonhos. Falando de sonhos lembro que sonhei com o urso Juiichi quando estava jogando a rota dele. Ele vinha perto e min e passava a pata no meu traseiro. Acho que desenhei um e coloquei no Deviant Ser mas não era o Juiichi.
Apesar da rota dele só ter saído na outra versão mais curtinha quando vai pela rota do Juiichi.
Mas para rodar o jogo eu usei um programa que permitia os caracteres funcionarem. Um programa chamado HF pAppLoc. Se for isso.
P.S.: Tenho jogado uns jogos abandonados e tirando da lista para outra que nomeie de algo do tipo Furre Abandonados.
For the nsfw question there isn't really any. for Koya's route on the beach trip you see him naked also when you go with Tora for swimming you see a naked and cute otter.
Usually, in Visual Novels that focuses a little more on the story, you have more of a tease during the story and only gets nsfw at the end. That's the way normal VN's do. But some are kinda putting the NSFW in the entire VN. But since this is Morenatsu, they will probably add the NSFW at the end only.
I'm sorry but I'm extremely confused, is this game (the actual game not the April fools update recently released) dead? Or is it still being updated but only for those who pay for it?
I just checked this online, most people do NOT turn 18 in their junior year. Japan's highschool still ends off at 18 like America's. Also most of the cast were underage in the original, so you'll forgive me if I'm not so quick to believe that's anything but a "I promise all characters are totally technically legal guys! They all are exactly 18 and there for its ok!" Considering again, they're juniors going on seniors and there for would be at the same age they were in the original, aka minors.
I get what you saying but since the original was not really legal ages Stormsinger did change most of the characters to 18. Some of them already passed high school I believe Juuichi and Tatsuki.
The description explicitly says entering senior year. They could have easily made it so they were entering college. Its still a porn game about high schoolers. Anyone can use all the thermian arguments to justify why its technically legal, but its still a porn game about highschoolers. College exists and is for adults if an academic setting is needed or they need to be students. The fact that the creator said they're 18 proves my point. They would only do that if they know making porn of minors is wrong or knows people will rightfully criticize then for making porn of underaged teens. They want them to be highschoolers, be in a grade where they would reasonably be 16/17 like in the original, but still had to clarify that they are technically legal. If a creator has to clarify that the characters are technically legal despite all common sense saying otherwise, that truly speaks volumes.
This is more preemptive and not directed at you specifically; I'm not slinging insults or being vague and unreasonable. I'm leveling serious criticism that any artistic would would face upon reaching the public. If the artist/creator cannot reasonably justify why making them high schoolers in a pornographic game is needed and the work would be worse without it being porn of high schoolers, then why are they teenagers in highschool. If they were 18 then they'd be graduating. Its just that simple. A throw away line simply highlights the fact that the criticism was valid enough that it needed to be addressed, Because again: This is a porn game about highschool juniors(typically 16/17), based on a porn game primarily filled with underaged characters.
God, your straight up just looking for reasons to be offended at this point, clearly more interested in being "right" (which you actually aren't) than you are in actually educating yourself about the topic you're virtue signaling over. The fact that you're entire argument hinges on a specific (and incorrect) interpretation of less than 10 words should be a sign that you're point might not actually be that defensible - like a sandcastle facing against a moderately sized wave.
News flash, school starts in the spring in Japan - in April, to be more specific - not in the fall like in the west. Since the game takes place over the characters' summer break in August, that means that the characters have all been in their senior year for about four months; plenty of time for all the characters to have had their 18th birthdays, which, by the by, can quite often occur during one's senior year or even leading up to it; you're circumstances and experiences are not universal. The characters weren't legal in the OG Morenatsu, but this is not the OG Morenatsu, so it's not fundamentally right (in any way) to judge it as such. Nevermind the fact that this game, in fact, is not actually set in our real world, and that the schooling of a foreign country in a fictional alternate universe populated by anthropomorphic animals - including mythical creatures such as dragons - could very well be different in some aspects compared to your own frame of reference.
Furthermore, a person's level of schooling doesn't invalidate the legal prospects of their age. Would you be making this much of a fuss if the characters were all 40-year-olds who re-enrolled in high school after dropping out when they were younger? No, of course you wouldn't, because that would be beyond ridiculous. If the concept of "suspension of disbelief" is that difficult for you to comprehend, then just don't play; it's literally as simple as that.
If you're that desperate to rip into a game for problematic content, how about going after something like After Class for blatantly admitting that Gil was sexually harassing the MC and other high school students throughout MC's entire high school career? Or maybe the Lagoon Lounge games - both OG and remake - for their veritable laundry list of issues and problematic content, including but not limited to sexual assault, rape, mind control, corporate espionage, and - in the case of the OG games - actual pedophilia involving actual minors?
If you want to be offended by something, that's your prerogative, knock yourself out. But keep your "BuT tHeIr In HiGh ScHoOl So ThEy'Re AcTuAlLy MiNoRs" bs to yourself; no-one here asked for you to spew your SJW preaching in the comments, so get off your soap-box and just be quiet, because nobody is actually listening to you. Just leave your 1-star review and scurry off back to your Tumbr blog or Twitter account or wherever it is you crawled here from.
Congratulations, if you are actually bitching about school and their age then I award with the trophy of the "saddest life in the world". It's just so stupid I don't even know what to say. Is it so hard to just close the browser tab instead of looking for reasons to bitch and complain? God, you are so awful... Ugh I'm disgusted
"The fact that the creator said they're 18 proves my point. They would only do that if they know making porn of minors is wrong or knows people will rightfully criticize then for making porn of underaged teens."
Well damn, I wouldn't want to look at anything that was depicting people having sex while underage! Where are they again? Japan? Okay, so the age of consent is... ::quick Google search:: ...12 years old. Glad we cleared that up!
Seriously, the only reason for the "all characters are a certain age" disclaimer is to make sure it's not violating any laws, which change from region to region. Even within the US, there are plenty of areas where people can legally have sex as young as 14, as long as it's not with anyone more than a few years older than them. The disclaimer just avoids the headache.
I don't think you should care much about it. Since the character are characters and not real people on a screen.
That is a fiction after all.
Only that people under age shouldn't play those games. (Without parents permission!) and that game aren't even porn since the original had only two sex scenes per route and not all routes had those two those just showing a piece of life.
Add the characters are not even humans.
Maybe if that showed a real teenager 13 years old having sex with a 40 years old real person in a photo or video. But I do remember some king centuries ago married with a 13 woman somewhere in Europe.
I played this game when I was 15 :) I still don't understand what's the matter about they being underage. It's not like they are kids, they are almost adults at 16 yo.
I'm not gonna lie, I am very much grateful that someone is trying their best to bring back the love and joy from our past. True I don't like certain aspects of the game either but then again, I don't see anyone else making a game soooooo yeah. To the developer and their team or if they're solo, wonderful stuff, keep up the excellent work.
Ayy on Twitter frost got a new keyboard and he said he has intentions of adding a little extra he also said please look forward to it. (For those who do not have or look at twitter.)
I doubt they have a patreon for this game specifically. Morenatsu is not their property, making a fan-game is one thing (a risky thing by the way because your work can be ultimately thrown into the trash if the owners of the original game decide to sue for example) but a fan-game that makes money with it is deffinitely something the original owners would fall on to stop right away. You can't just borrow someone else's project just because it was canceled and start making money with it. The legal issue can be really threatening.
I'm pretty sure they have a patreon for the other project they have though, Santa Lucia I think the name is.
The creators cant sue the developers are putting their own stuff on the game. In the copyright law it says u are allowed to take a project/video/music/etc and add ur own thing to it. (Hence reaction channels are a thing)
hey! So I was playing the game and the end came out of nowhere? So I just wonder if the game will continue or it got cancelled? Otherwise it’s such a good game, with a good storyline!
The mod isn't dead, sometimes it just takes a few months for an update to come out. This is a free vn and people have a lot of other commitments and personal situations, so just be patient.
idk why they changed the art up so drastically but they really did my mans kouya dirty. other than that its a decent continuation of the story and honestly a fun revisit to a classic. I'd love to see someone mod in the original artworks tho ngl.
I have a theory about Kouya: They don't like him. At least, that's it. The change on the protagonist for him to be a fox is also not good on my eyes.
That being said, the design of the game is something you get used to, I prefer the Torahiko of this version better than the original, but Kouya on the original is better designwise. The personality though is the same.
This is in the end, a fan free of charge project with artwork, music and all of that complete, so we cannot complain. Let's just be happy they are trying to finish the original game with their own version of it and trying to be original. The script of the story is also good, and there's no more horrible questionable rape endings too, which is good. And no one is way underage now, everyone above 17.
I can't say I'm too fond of some of the character design changes. For example I know Shin was originally supposed to be black, but I liked him a lot being purple. Another is Kouya.. I don't know how but he's gone from very attractive to unattractive.. It's great work otherwise, it's nice to see people working on this!
I understand your feelings towards the current Shin sprite but the more I played through the game, the more I actually came to really like the sprite. It might just be a case of getting used to it. But if the case isn't the same for you, then that's just as fair. Different tastes and all that.
As for Kouya, his sprite (along with Torahiko's) were drastically changed in order to fit their backstories. As an example, Torahiko with his original build and him being a swimmer doesn't make much sense. Swimmers usually have leaner body types. For Kouya, I don't quite remember but I think it was related to his lifestyle and eating habits that didn't line up to the build that he had in the original game. This is what I remember from a post that the developers have made in the past, anyways.
(Also I do think I should apologize, I didn't intend to create a wall of text lmao)
Do you mean his name being the same as Midoriya Izuku from My Hero Academia? In that case it definitely is a coincidence as Morenatsu is far older than MHA; goes way back to 2010.
Or did you mean his name matching his character well? Of course it does, Japanese writers love to pick kanji that apply to their characters (like how Western writers like to look up meanings of names to apply to their characters).
I think it's probably because Midoriya is a Japanese surname meaning "green valley". Both characters have green as a prominent color in their design. If you really wanted to read further into it, you could say that "valley" is appropriate for Izuku because it indicates depth, and his potential was far greater than what it appeared on the surface. Also, Midoriya is a fairly old surname in Japan, which makes it appropriate for Tatsuki, since his family runs a generational business. And now I feel like a weeb.
For anybody else reading this, Midoriya Tatsuki (翠屋 辰樹) is a different spelling of the Midoriya surname compared to Izuku's (緑谷 出久).
Tatsuki's name means: 翠(Midori- green), 屋 (ya- shop, house) 辰 (Tatsu- Chinese zodiac dragon) 樹 (ki- wood, tree). Clearly purposely picked to fit his character.
They are honoring the previous (original) Morenatsu creators with not making any profit either of the game. I suggested Patreon, but only their secondary team, which is working on Santa Lucia, is using it.
Question, do you guys want to follow the original script for the more... Sad/Creepy and sometimes Sick situations of bad endings of the Original or you pretend to change something?
I really love the content, some of it remembers me of the original events and some not which is good. I mean, at this point, if I want a OG morenatsu I can just play the original game that was ported to ren'py after all. xD
We're gonna be removing a lot of the questionable content that the original had. There will still be a few bad endings, but we won't be keeping in the worst endings that involved the more sickening elements.
That's good! I mean, if I want to see something sick I could just play some Corpse Party XD
I know a lot of Japanese games has some weird content, but in the end, a bad ending doesn't need to have traumatizing stuff especially on a cast of characters that are mostly 17's.
I asked Nova about that, since it completely escaped my attention. Considering he tends to draw nipples, he said it's likely he forgot. He will be working to adjust that at his earliest convenience.
Also, regarding Kyouji, I just hope you liked his content.
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Is there any rough estimation on the perfect route return date? The new update meant that I lost all my saves and if the guides are gonna be back shortly then I might just wait for them and use them to skip back to where I was.
Does the sun in the corner look more red or is it just me?
That dark orange sun is a placeholder. It is meant to indicate "early afternoon/pre-sunset". Once I think of an image to use to replace it, it'll be gone.
The UI showing us what we did is good or bad for a route is amazing.
But some people don't enjoy too much the feeling of being hand held, so, just to be sure, next update, add an option to justt hide those notifications. Shouldn't be so hard, and the more options we have the better anyway <3
Thanks for the update.
The option is there and has been there since the very first iteration of the Telltale system. Go into Preferences, and under Friendship Popups, set it to Off.
Dont wory im over 18 it gust that i not very good at english
So what is difrent between the april fools build to the build befor him?
The april fools build is meant as a joke. It's extremely over-the-top in its sexual content, there's no real story to it, it's just about how much everyone wants to have sex with the main character. The artwork is also of a lower quality to the main game.
Though being honest, your spelling and grammar make me wonder if english is just your second/third/fourth language, or if you're too young to be playing this to begin with...
1. Sorry but how can i download the new build with all of my progres?
2. The april fools build will it chang somthing i mean will it be permanent in a way that i i will need to download the reel build and start all over agine ore i can after that delet the april fools build and start frome when i stopd?
The april fool's day one is a completely seperate thing. It doesn't change your main program at all.
I wish they'd update the google doc. It says it was last updated september of last year, but the last update to the game was november of last year.
I'm fine with them taking their time and making this good, but transparency goes a long way and knowing the accurate state of things at the moment helps with waiting.
Hey, I'm a bit late to the show, but I'd like to apologize for not updating the Google doc in a timely fashion. I had forgotten which email address I used for it (I have quite a few, hehe), and then eventually forgot about it.
I have since updated the document to show what is currently in progress. Hopefully it will give you some more insight.
Again, apologies for the delay.
Will there be "Ten's Route" in this Remake? I know it's a demo, but honestly... the remaster was amazing, and I was just wondering if there would be "new routes" in this remake? 🤔
I think they said Ten's route won't be in this version, but they might add elemts from it into other routes instead.
Thinking about old stuff. I just played Ten's route to the end this week and finished today from it's very old/other version I got years ago.
Huh, people are still playing old morenatsu? I'm so glad I'm not the only one willing to let this gem die. Ten's route caught me completely off guard when it first came out on the revisited version (not this one) and I loved every second of it lol it gave me hope that morenatsu will be completed someday.
P.S: Cheers from a kitty to another... E de um Br para outro uwu
Rio de Janeiro, 6 de Maio de 2021
Baixei a uns anos atrás mas tinha esquecido no HD. Fui fazer uma limpeza e achei entrei outros jogos e outras duas versões de Morenatsu (uma que tem que usar o programa para rodar versão japonêsa, a qual foi a primeira estória furre que joguei. A que tem quase todas as rotas completas só faltando 3, do cão, do Leão e do tigrão. =^.~= ).
Já aqui no Itch fiz uma listinha com mais de 300, misturados com jogos e quadrinhos. As vezes comento com algumas pessoas que encontro no Second Life sobre isso.
P.S.: Nasceu em 2020! Hehe Está no seu perfil. =^.~=
Uai tu baixa e esquece no HD por anos? Kkkkkkkk oh céus parece algo que eu faria. Minha primeira versão foi a japonesa também, precisa rodar com o Locale emulator. Coincidentemente morenatsu foi meu primeiro VN (acho que também foi de muitos). Infelizmente a rota que eu mais queria do nosso amado husbando torahiko nunca saiu :(
P.S: Não se deixe enganar uwu, o perfil pode ter nascido em 2020... mas, venho jogando bem antes que isso, morenatsu joguei em 2014/15. Começei a jogar outros vn la pra 2018 também. Criei a conta pq já estava começando a acompanhar vários criadores (e era um saco procurar 1 por 1).
Miau, só quis avisar que você deve ter digitado 2020 no lugar de 00 pois disse que tinha 20 anos. Hehe Imaginei que nasceu em 2000. =^.~= É o testo que você escreveu no seu perfil.
Eu lembro de ter jogado para pegar o tigrão mas só nos meus sonhos. Falando de sonhos lembro que sonhei com o urso Juiichi quando estava jogando a rota dele. Ele vinha perto e min e passava a pata no meu traseiro. Acho que desenhei um e coloquei no Deviant Ser mas não era o Juiichi.
Apesar da rota dele só ter saído na outra versão mais curtinha quando vai pela rota do Juiichi.
Mas para rodar o jogo eu usei um programa que permitia os caracteres funcionarem. Um programa chamado HF pAppLoc. Se for isso.
P.S.: Tenho jogado uns jogos abandonados e tirando da lista para outra que nomeie de algo do tipo Furre Abandonados.
is this game close to finishing in terms of updates?
also what characters have nsfw scenes and when?
Not really close at all.
Spoiler I think...
For the nsfw question there isn't really any. for Koya's route on the beach trip you see him naked also when you go with Tora for swimming you see a naked and cute otter.
Usually, in Visual Novels that focuses a little more on the story, you have more of a tease during the story and only gets nsfw at the end. That's the way normal VN's do. But some are kinda putting the NSFW in the entire VN. But since this is Morenatsu, they will probably add the NSFW at the end only.
I'm sorry but I'm extremely confused, is this game (the actual game not the April fools update recently released) dead? Or is it still being updated but only for those who pay for it?
stormsinger still plans on finishing the game, and updates are still being worked on.
"Before starting their senior year of highschool"
"This game is intended for players 18+"
So you can write porn about 16/17 year olds that cant be played by 16/17 year olds. Furry porn artists in a fucking nutshell
Acually there all 18 japan has only 3 years of high school and people mostly turn 18 in the junior year also the creator said there all 18 or older.
I just checked this online, most people do NOT turn 18 in their junior year. Japan's highschool still ends off at 18 like America's. Also most of the cast were underage in the original, so you'll forgive me if I'm not so quick to believe that's anything but a "I promise all characters are totally technically legal guys! They all are exactly 18 and there for its ok!" Considering again, they're juniors going on seniors and there for would be at the same age they were in the original, aka minors.
I get what you saying but since the original was not really legal ages Stormsinger did change most of the characters to 18. Some of them already passed high school I believe Juuichi and Tatsuki.
The description explicitly says entering senior year. They could have easily made it so they were entering college. Its still a porn game about high schoolers. Anyone can use all the thermian arguments to justify why its technically legal, but its still a porn game about highschoolers. College exists and is for adults if an academic setting is needed or they need to be students. The fact that the creator said they're 18 proves my point. They would only do that if they know making porn of minors is wrong or knows people will rightfully criticize then for making porn of underaged teens. They want them to be highschoolers, be in a grade where they would reasonably be 16/17 like in the original, but still had to clarify that they are technically legal. If a creator has to clarify that the characters are technically legal despite all common sense saying otherwise, that truly speaks volumes.
This is more preemptive and not directed at you specifically; I'm not slinging insults or being vague and unreasonable. I'm leveling serious criticism that any artistic would would face upon reaching the public. If the artist/creator cannot reasonably justify why making them high schoolers in a pornographic game is needed and the work would be worse without it being porn of high schoolers, then why are they teenagers in highschool. If they were 18 then they'd be graduating. Its just that simple. A throw away line simply highlights the fact that the criticism was valid enough that it needed to be addressed, Because again: This is a porn game about highschool juniors(typically 16/17), based on a porn game primarily filled with underaged characters.
God, your straight up just looking for reasons to be offended at this point, clearly more interested in being "right" (which you actually aren't) than you are in actually educating yourself about the topic you're virtue signaling over. The fact that you're entire argument hinges on a specific (and incorrect) interpretation of less than 10 words should be a sign that you're point might not actually be that defensible - like a sandcastle facing against a moderately sized wave.
News flash, school starts in the spring in Japan - in April, to be more specific - not in the fall like in the west. Since the game takes place over the characters' summer break in August, that means that the characters have all been in their senior year for about four months; plenty of time for all the characters to have had their 18th birthdays, which, by the by, can quite often occur during one's senior year or even leading up to it; you're circumstances and experiences are not universal. The characters weren't legal in the OG Morenatsu, but this is not the OG Morenatsu, so it's not fundamentally right (in any way) to judge it as such. Nevermind the fact that this game, in fact, is not actually set in our real world, and that the schooling of a foreign country in a fictional alternate universe populated by anthropomorphic animals - including mythical creatures such as dragons - could very well be different in some aspects compared to your own frame of reference.
Furthermore, a person's level of schooling doesn't invalidate the legal prospects of their age. Would you be making this much of a fuss if the characters were all 40-year-olds who re-enrolled in high school after dropping out when they were younger? No, of course you wouldn't, because that would be beyond ridiculous. If the concept of "suspension of disbelief" is that difficult for you to comprehend, then just don't play; it's literally as simple as that.
If you're that desperate to rip into a game for problematic content, how about going after something like After Class for blatantly admitting that Gil was sexually harassing the MC and other high school students throughout MC's entire high school career? Or maybe the Lagoon Lounge games - both OG and remake - for their veritable laundry list of issues and problematic content, including but not limited to sexual assault, rape, mind control, corporate espionage, and - in the case of the OG games - actual pedophilia involving actual minors?
If you want to be offended by something, that's your prerogative, knock yourself out. But keep your "BuT tHeIr In HiGh ScHoOl So ThEy'Re AcTuAlLy MiNoRs" bs to yourself; no-one here asked for you to spew your SJW preaching in the comments, so get off your soap-box and just be quiet, because nobody is actually listening to you. Just leave your 1-star review and scurry off back to your Tumbr blog or Twitter account or wherever it is you crawled here from.
Congratulations, if you are actually bitching about school and their age then I award with the trophy of the "saddest life in the world". It's just so stupid I don't even know what to say. Is it so hard to just close the browser tab instead of looking for reasons to bitch and complain? God, you are so awful... Ugh I'm disgusted
"The fact that the creator said they're 18 proves my point. They would only do that if they know making porn of minors is wrong or knows people will rightfully criticize then for making porn of underaged teens."
Well damn, I wouldn't want to look at anything that was depicting people having sex while underage! Where are they again? Japan? Okay, so the age of consent is... ::quick Google search:: ...12 years old. Glad we cleared that up!
Seriously, the only reason for the "all characters are a certain age" disclaimer is to make sure it's not violating any laws, which change from region to region. Even within the US, there are plenty of areas where people can legally have sex as young as 14, as long as it's not with anyone more than a few years older than them. The disclaimer just avoids the headache.
I don't think you should care much about it. Since the character are characters and not real people on a screen.
That is a fiction after all.
Only that people under age shouldn't play those games. (Without parents permission!) and that game aren't even porn since the original had only two sex scenes per route and not all routes had those two those just showing a piece of life.
Add the characters are not even humans.
Maybe if that showed a real teenager 13 years old having sex with a 40 years old real person in a photo or video. But I do remember some king centuries ago married with a 13 woman somewhere in Europe.
I played this game when I was 15 :)
I still don't understand what's the matter about they being underage. It's not like they are kids, they are almost adults at 16 yo.
sips tea*
i think only the old one had underage characters
Well, I'm have question ... in origin has special ending is ten route. So will be there any chance for his route (after finish everything)
Just curious no pressure.
Heyo. I believe there will be no intention to add Ten's route as it was just a little fun thing these creators wanted to add in the revisited version.
Okay~~ but so bad You know?, ending dialog could be another true ending. Because it has same scene like shin. Ahhhhh!
Yee. But such is life haha Oh well, I am excited what they have in store for the other characters in Homecoming.
I'm not gonna lie, I am very much grateful that someone is trying their best to bring back the love and joy from our past. True I don't like certain aspects of the game either but then again, I don't see anyone else making a game soooooo yeah. To the developer and their team or if they're solo, wonderful stuff, keep up the excellent work.
Ayy on Twitter frost got a new keyboard and he said he has intentions of adding a little extra he also said please look forward to it. (For those who do not have or look at twitter.)
Do you guys have a patreon?
I doubt they have a patreon for this game specifically. Morenatsu is not their property, making a fan-game is one thing (a risky thing by the way because your work can be ultimately thrown into the trash if the owners of the original game decide to sue for example) but a fan-game that makes money with it is deffinitely something the original owners would fall on to stop right away. You can't just borrow someone else's project just because it was canceled and start making money with it. The legal issue can be really threatening.
I'm pretty sure they have a patreon for the other project they have though, Santa Lucia I think the name is.
The creators cant sue the developers are putting their own stuff on the game. In the copyright law it says u are allowed to take a project/video/music/etc and add ur own thing to it. (Hence reaction channels are a thing)
hey! So I was playing the game and the end came out of nowhere? So I just wonder if the game will continue or it got cancelled? Otherwise it’s such a good game, with a good storyline!
The mod isn't dead, sometimes it just takes a few months for an update to come out. This is a free vn and people have a lot of other commitments and personal situations, so just be patient.
They're currently focusing on another visual novel, Santa Lucia. They haven't abandoned it.
Aw, that end came out of no-where. I was enjoying playing with Shun and Kouya
idk why they changed the art up so drastically but they really did my mans kouya dirty. other than that its a decent continuation of the story and honestly a fun revisit to a classic. I'd love to see someone mod in the original artworks tho ngl.
I have a theory about Kouya: They don't like him. At least, that's it. The change on the protagonist for him to be a fox is also not good on my eyes.
That being said, the design of the game is something you get used to, I prefer the Torahiko of this version better than the original, but Kouya on the original is better designwise. The personality though is the same.
This is in the end, a fan free of charge project with artwork, music and all of that complete, so we cannot complain. Let's just be happy they are trying to finish the original game with their own version of it and trying to be original. The script of the story is also good, and there's no more horrible questionable rape endings too, which is good. And no one is way underage now, everyone above 17.
well said buddy.......well said, im with you......
Give the people some time its only been two months also one of them has been in and out of the hospital.
Bruh the game is not dead, it will probably take some time cuz they are working on Santa Lucia for the time being.
There is something off about that crow...I just don't know what...
The backgrounds being morphed from photos with some weird filter makes my eyes strain pretty badly.
I can't say I'm too fond of some of the character design changes. For example I know Shin was originally supposed to be black, but I liked him a lot being purple. Another is Kouya.. I don't know how but he's gone from very attractive to unattractive..
It's great work otherwise, it's nice to see people working on this!
I understand your feelings towards the current Shin sprite but the more I played through the game, the more I actually came to really like the sprite. It might just be a case of getting used to it. But if the case isn't the same for you, then that's just as fair. Different tastes and all that.
As for Kouya, his sprite (along with Torahiko's) were drastically changed in order to fit their backstories. As an example, Torahiko with his original build and him being a swimmer doesn't make much sense. Swimmers usually have leaner body types. For Kouya, I don't quite remember but I think it was related to his lifestyle and eating habits that didn't line up to the build that he had in the original game. This is what I remember from a post that the developers have made in the past, anyways.
(Also I do think I should apologize, I didn't intend to create a wall of text lmao)
Is there nsfw pictures in the game btw? :D
In Tora's route the only nsfw(don't wanna spoil much) thing I saw is a otter.
Idk maybe there are more in other's route also.
There's also one in Kouya's, if I remember correctly.
Ahh, what a great visual novel. 2 months are completed, really happy the update will be soon here :)
Wow the credit soundtrack(Homecoming) is pretty awesome.
Just found this out. I've played the original before. Is Shin's route gonna be mostly the same with some changes or has it been rewritten completely?
Wait a minute i love this by the way its amazing- but I just noticed tatsukis name is Tatsuki midoriya- COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT.
Really not sure what you're on about bro?
Do you mean his name being the same as Midoriya Izuku from My Hero Academia? In that case it definitely is a coincidence as Morenatsu is far older than MHA; goes way back to 2010.
Or did you mean his name matching his character well? Of course it does, Japanese writers love to pick kanji that apply to their characters (like how Western writers like to look up meanings of names to apply to their characters).
I think it's probably because Midoriya is a Japanese surname meaning "green valley". Both characters have green as a prominent color in their design. If you really wanted to read further into it, you could say that "valley" is appropriate for Izuku because it indicates depth, and his potential was far greater than what it appeared on the surface. Also, Midoriya is a fairly old surname in Japan, which makes it appropriate for Tatsuki, since his family runs a generational business. And now I feel like a weeb.
For anybody else reading this, Midoriya Tatsuki (翠屋 辰樹) is a different spelling of the Midoriya surname compared to Izuku's (緑谷 出久).
Tatsuki's name means: 翠(Midori- green), 屋 (ya- shop, house) 辰 (Tatsu- Chinese zodiac dragon) 樹 (ki- wood, tree). Clearly purposely picked to fit his character.
amazing game and how can I download the new builds in a wat that my over progress will be saved?
I have a question will there be a rivalry between soutaro and Hiroyuki for kouji?
Gotta ask when the next update 😅😆
Heyy~~~ Good Idea to make this content anyway,
Can I suggest something?
Who don't want spoil, scroll down~.
No need to quick do it, just want to know.
Time never escape me. :)
I know it's hard and long, he can be done after everything.
When time pass, many fan may ask so I remind you that`s it.
what is this VN thing?
Visual Novel maybe? uwu"'
no thay said something like being in testing
No, it simply stands for "Visual Novel"
It's DEMO Version
i cant wait to play it owo
I really love this game, I hope the complete game is ready quickly
Same nwn
will have sex in the game
Let's hope together man🤣
yeah thats what im want
are there any sex scene or naked scene pl
The VN still in demo version after it may take some time to finished it.
very tr
Yo! Is well be there another route? Like Ten's route upcoming on the homecoming?
I'm wondering if this VN was finished?
No. We're almost 1/3 of the way through as far as story goes, but it will likely be a while before it's fully completed.
will the full game cost money or no just curious
It will still be free. We are not and will not be making any profit from this project.
They are honoring the previous (original) Morenatsu creators with not making any profit either of the game. I suggested Patreon, but only their secondary team, which is working on Santa Lucia, is using it.
Question, do you guys want to follow the original script for the more... Sad/Creepy and sometimes Sick situations of bad endings of the Original or you pretend to change something?
I really love the content, some of it remembers me of the original events and some not which is good. I mean, at this point, if I want a OG morenatsu I can just play the original game that was ported to ren'py after all. xD
We're gonna be removing a lot of the questionable content that the original had. There will still be a few bad endings, but we won't be keeping in the worst endings that involved the more sickening elements.
That's good! I mean, if I want to see something sick I could just play some Corpse Party XD
I know a lot of Japanese games has some weird content, but in the end, a bad ending doesn't need to have traumatizing stuff especially on a cast of characters that are mostly 17's.
Anyways, thanks! Loving the content so far. =)
I've got a question, why don't Juuichi and Kouya have nipples?, I mean the others have them, it just struck me as odd...
Also I wasn't aware Kyouji was crushing so hard on Hiroyuki, definitely didn't saw it coming...
I asked Nova about that, since it completely escaped my attention. Considering he tends to draw nipples, he said it's likely he forgot. He will be working to adjust that at his earliest convenience.
Also, regarding Kyouji, I just hope you liked his content.
So far, yes. Considering what happened in the original Morenatsu and Revisited in Juiichi's route the urge to throttle him is less urgent...