Due to popular request, guides for obtaining each character's perfect affection value have been released.
Simply visit https://stormsingerstudios.com (force a cache refresh on the homepage - Ctrl+Shift+R [Win]/Command+Shift+R) [Mac]. Then, navigate to Projects -> Homecoming. The guides will be on the page just above the download links.
Please be aware that these guides may be subject to change, and that efforts were made to make them as easy to understand as possible.
This information has also been added to this page's description.
Hey, we are on our 73rd playthrough trying out all the routes and absolutely loving it! Some of the surprise um, 'omg Konusuke, where are your clothes' have had us in stitches. So much good fun!
Just letting you know that in the beach scenes, Shun has lost his bathers - well they kinda have shifted all the way off his legs lol - so just in case you hadnt noticed :P
That was a bug in build 6.1, and was fixed in 6.2.
If you haven't downloaded the newest version (which was uploaded about 20 hours ago from the time of this post), I recommend doing that, as not only is the bug fixed, it also includes Shun and Tatsuki's beach routes, as well as day 9.
OOOOOOO we just tried shuns beach day last night and realised it wasnt done! thanks for the heads up! me and my bud are absolutely loving playing through it together! Keep up the good work :)
I have been writing the guides as I go along, because there is always the potential to have changes made in the future. However, I can provide you with what you need so far to get a perfect ranking for them. Just hit me up on Discord. Frostclaw#0548 is my user name.
Shun's beach event is almost completed. I'm just working on the finishing touches, and I will be providing the team with a test build for QA. Once it passes/I receive feedback on what adjustments should be made, I can get ready to release it.
I appreciate your patience and support, and hope to get it out soon. :)
At the moment, I have small guides for each character for their events so far. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Frostclaw#0548) and I'll provide the optimal guide to you.
I have to say that I cried playing it, because the wave of nostalgia that I felt. And the way you did your own thing too. I have to thank everyone involved. Thank you everyone. <3
If I can help in any way, shape or form, just say the word and I'll be ready !
Loved it so far. I noticed there's an option to choose the language. So I was wondering if you guys plan to translate this game to spanish? I think it would be awesome if you do that and it could get atention from spanish-speaking countries.
Keep up the amazing work, and thanks for this~a mexican fan
The language option is there as a placeholder, and no translations will be available until the game is completed. However, once we do complete it, we will likely be seeking translators.
For the time being though, it's not something we're concerned about yet.
My only complaint about the game is why do they need hair its like saying they have fur for hair i'm questioning that. Everything else is really good love the characters and the background art
I wish Torahiko's route won't be that short like in the OG Morenatsu. They could more until they reach the end of the month. Though still this is a great game including the OG Morenatsu.
Somewhere in the comment chain (may have to scroll through for a hot minute) they confirmed that Ten will not be getting a route. It was just a fun thing that was added to Revisited only as far as I can tell.
As said above, the developers commented that there won't be a Ten's route, but they are going to implement elements of his route (since it was well received) in other routes of the main cast (it was not specified as to which character or characters)...
Thanks! At least he's going to have more screen time. I'm looking forward to that. I'm sure it could be either Shun (as he's her sibling) or Juu (as he's his senpai), but we'll see.
I played the OG Morenatsu a long time ago and decided to look it up again and was surprised to see this game, and I have to say that it is awesome! It is great how you guys are covering all the characters stories and filling in the spots the original game left behind. I would say one of the best differences is making the player character a anthro-fox as opposed to simply being a boring human in a world of beastmen. I am really looking forward to seeing more of Torahiko in his speedo and of his great story, left on a big cliffhanger on what he is holding back from telling Hiroyuki.
This is something that we need to get sorted between the two artists. It will be done eventually, but for the time being, we don't know when this will be.
Like to report a bug in Kouya's beach scene where you are talking to him and Shun and Shun's swinsuit is 1/3 of the way off his body and shows some skin, just reporting to fix it once you release Tatsuki and Shun's scenes.
Thanks. The bug was reported within minutes after release, and I have since fixed it. This bug affected all beach events that showed Shun. It was just a simple fix of horizontally flipping the sprite for the swimmers. I can rest assured it will not be an issue for the next build.
Why can't I give you money? I want to give you money! :( In all seriousness, Morenatsu Homecoming is like the sequel of Morenatsu that nobody expected. And like every younger project, it's supposed to exceed people's expectations, which it certainly did. This update clearly shows what visual novel creators are capable of when they put their mind behind it.
I LOVE the new design, new UI, and especially the backgrounds! All in one gives the game a dream-like appearance, such a gorgeous artstyle too. I don't think I have to say more about character art, but I can at least confidently say, I'm getting used to those. No problem. Topping of with really good music, not too distracting and not too boring either.
Glad to see progress <3 Is only Frost appointed to updating Morenatsu for now? I know you guys have Santa Lucia to focus on now. Still it was worth waiting. Keep up the good work :D
As far as Homecoming goes, I'm the one overseeing it, although Lesli has been helping me with the writing, and Devilizer and Nova are providing some sprites when they can. Dzahn also helps out with a few things when he gets time.
The game is under construction. Makes sense for them to only make the gallery when all the assets are done for the game. They need to program how those asses are unlocked too you know? =O
Yeah, those assets are likely going to be done much later on, as we're focusing on getting everything else done. The guides are definitely going to be one of the very last things, because of plot stuff. The afterword section could easily be added in, but I figured it would be best to wait until a bit later. Just think of the gallery as low priority for the time being.
As mentioned in the description, because of scheduling, plus the fact that we all have busy lives, we can't commit to a regular schedule. However, I am hoping to have the next update out by the end of this month. The next update only needs to have Kyouji's beach event completely coded, as well as some minor adjustments to Tora's beach event, and after some Quality Assurance, I'll be ready to release the next update.
This game is perfect, I love his story, even, my favorite character is Soutarou (he's cute), anyway, I can't wait to see the new updates! I'm already promoting it to everyone!
Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. To be completely honest, Soutarou is actually my favourite of the main cast to write for.
I do have a relationship map for what currently exists in the game. If you need a certain character's, please feel free to send me a message on Discord (Frostclaw#0548), or DM me on Twitter (@gcnofficial), and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you haven't already been able to get it to show, feel free to send me a message on Discord (Frostclaw#0548) or DM me on Twitter (@gcnofficial), and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Hey what's that about a special scene with Tarou? I have completed his route like five consecutive times and I don't think I got any special scene with him and I'm super curious about it
Edit: is the special scene related to a phonecall?
Actually, we don't accept any monetary contributions for this project. It just boils down to me being a derp and not seeing the original comment.
@TheBlackBeltDemon, if you still haven't seen the special scene with Tarou (I'll give a hint, it involves ice-cream), just send me a DM on Discord, and I can provide you with a guide on what you need to do to access it. My handle is Frostclaw#0548.
I recently played the original Morenatsu and I found Morenatsu Homecoming. I liked everything you did! You are going to add routes for all characters(Ten: ಥ╭╮ಥ) and you are going to add other languages to the game(I hope that the game will be Russian language, because I am from Russia🇷🇺), I was happy when I found out about all this! But I am a little afraid that we will wait for the game to be released for a very long time. It has been almost 2 years and only 1 act has ended. I think that the game will be released somewhere in 2022-2023
Hey:) I found out about the game yesterday and had to try it out (Cause i like Furry stuff and Visual Novels), and i really really liked all of it so far, all about the writing up to the interactions between the Characters and stuff. Though im sad that the demo ends after the beach event, i am really looking forward for the next updates and hope the game is finished soon. Thus said, thx and again for this beautiful game and pls let me know if i can support u guys somehow.
Thank you so much for your feedback! It’s awesome that your introduction to Homecoming has been a good one. I agree that it is sad the demo ends after some of the beach events, but we’re still working on it.
As far as support goes, we aren’t accepting any support by way of payment. This is because the original Morenatsu was free, and since this is a retelling of an existing, albeit abandoned story, we feel that any profit made on this project would be in poor taste. Just knowing you’re happy with our work is support enough. :)
Also, your English wasn’t bad at all, and in fact, better than many native speakers. Heheh.
Heh, I spammed too, on Nekojishi's thread, but it wasn't for nothing. I commented under everyone's comment, who asked for an Android version that I found one. The NSFW patch aswell.
i was checking in and i see people want the name Isaac add to the game, can you do that, make him datable? Since the new update is at the beach make him appear there.
Love the new update and hope you can keep them coming! I do have a quastion though? How do you get the special scene with soutarou? Are you like not supposed to interact with someone to unlock it?
I'd be more than happy to explain how to get the scene with Soutarou. However, to prevent spoilers, I would prefer to do it via private message. If you have Discord, feel free to contact me, and I will provide you with the choices you need to make.
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Heheh, we have a lot planned for Nanafuse, but I'm not divulging what it is.
Route Guides
Due to popular request, guides for obtaining each character's perfect affection value have been released.
Simply visit https://stormsingerstudios.com (force a cache refresh on the homepage - Ctrl+Shift+R [Win]/Command+Shift+R) [Mac]. Then, navigate to Projects -> Homecoming. The guides will be on the page just above the download links.
Please be aware that these guides may be subject to change, and that efforts were made to make them as easy to understand as possible.
This information has also been added to this page's description.
Hey, we are on our 73rd playthrough trying out all the routes and absolutely loving it! Some of the surprise um, 'omg Konusuke, where are your clothes' have had us in stitches. So much good fun!
Just letting you know that in the beach scenes, Shun has lost his bathers - well they kinda have shifted all the way off his legs lol - so just in case you hadnt noticed :P
That was a bug in build 6.1, and was fixed in 6.2.
If you haven't downloaded the newest version (which was uploaded about 20 hours ago from the time of this post), I recommend doing that, as not only is the bug fixed, it also includes Shun and Tatsuki's beach routes, as well as day 9.
OOOOOOO we just tried shuns beach day last night and realised it wasnt done! thanks for the heads up! me and my bud are absolutely loving playing through it together! Keep up the good work :)
Great update! (ótima atualização)
Thank you for your support! I'm glad you like it. :)
thank you for the work = )
Heheh, thank you so much for your support. :)
Hi, I can't wait to play new update ^^ I wanted to ask if is there any guide for perfect Tora, Juuichi and Kouya routes? Love your work guys <3
Thanks so much for your support!
I have been writing the guides as I go along, because there is always the potential to have changes made in the future. However, I can provide you with what you need so far to get a perfect ranking for them. Just hit me up on Discord. Frostclaw#0548 is my user name.
im unluck im was doing shun route and hes not have beach event (kk)
Shun's beach event is almost completed. I'm just working on the finishing touches, and I will be providing the team with a test build for QA. Once it passes/I receive feedback on what adjustments should be made, I can get ready to release it.
I appreciate your patience and support, and hope to get it out soon. :)
Heyya where do i find the kouya route guide ?
Sorry I didn't notice this.
At the moment, I have small guides for each character for their events so far. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Frostclaw#0548) and I'll provide the optimal guide to you.
I have to say that I cried playing it, because the wave of nostalgia that I felt. And the way you did your own thing too. I have to thank everyone involved. Thank you everyone. <3
If I can help in any way, shape or form, just say the word and I'll be ready !
Hello Stormsinger/Frostclaw
Can you give the mega link for android? Can't download from here for some reason.
There's no MEGA link, however, you can download directly from our official website. http://stormsingerstudios.com/homecoming
I made sure to upload there as well, since itch can be a pain in the ass at times.
Hey Stormsinger/Frostclaw
I can swear i saw Haru nude in an earlier version
Was nudity patched out until you release the game or do i have to focus on Tora and do some specific choices?
Haru only shows up nude once (for now), when you first meet him on August 5th (provided you have NSFW activated).
If however, you're playing on Android, Demo 6.0 and onward enforced a SFW only status.
Yep, i play on android
Thanks for letting me know
I love the game so far can’t wait for the next update
Me too, I wonder when they will update the game. Check out their other game too called "Santa Lucia"
Loved it so far. I noticed there's an option to choose the language. So I was wondering if you guys plan to translate this game to spanish? I think it would be awesome if you do that and it could get atention from spanish-speaking countries.
Keep up the amazing work, and thanks for this~a mexican fan
The language option is there as a placeholder, and no translations will be available until the game is completed. However, once we do complete it, we will likely be seeking translators.
For the time being though, it's not something we're concerned about yet.
My only complaint about the game is why do they need hair its like saying they have fur for hair i'm questioning that. Everything else is really good love the characters and the background art
I wish Torahiko's route won't be that short like in the OG Morenatsu. They could more until they reach the end of the month. Though still this is a great game including the OG Morenatsu.
Yeah, one of the reasons for the remake is to exactly give our beloved Tiger a route like the others had ^^
yeah, tora was one of the reasons, there were many others...
Will there be a route for Ten? I'm really hoping for his route, even if it's a branch from Juu's route like in Revisited.
Somewhere in the comment chain (may have to scroll through for a hot minute) they confirmed that Ten will not be getting a route. It was just a fun thing that was added to Revisited only as far as I can tell.
Thanks for the info! That's unfortunate, but I can understand.
As said above, the developers commented that there won't be a Ten's route, but they are going to implement elements of his route (since it was well received) in other routes of the main cast (it was not specified as to which character or characters)...
Thanks! At least he's going to have more screen time. I'm looking forward to that. I'm sure it could be either Shun (as he's her sibling) or Juu (as he's his senpai), but we'll see.
Note: Ten isn't a girl and not Shun's sibling, but Shun's cousin or relative or something (dunno if it was ever specified)
I played the OG Morenatsu a long time ago and decided to look it up again and was surprised to see this game, and I have to say that it is awesome! It is great how you guys are covering all the characters stories and filling in the spots the original game left behind. I would say one of the best differences is making the player character a anthro-fox as opposed to simply being a boring human in a world of beastmen. I am really looking forward to seeing more of Torahiko in his speedo and of his great story, left on a big cliffhanger on what he is holding back from telling Hiroyuki.
I've always wanted to try playing the OG Morenatsu but i never could find it do you have a link to it by chance?
Was greatly saddened to not see the group photo at the beginning.
This is something that we need to get sorted between the two artists. It will be done eventually, but for the time being, we don't know when this will be.
no worries, i just enjoy seeing the group photos in the other VN's i've read.
Why Kouya doesn't have nipples? Seems strange...
Like to report a bug in Kouya's beach scene where you are talking to him and Shun and Shun's swinsuit is 1/3 of the way off his body and shows some skin, just reporting to fix it once you release Tatsuki and Shun's scenes.
Thanks. The bug was reported within minutes after release, and I have since fixed it. This bug affected all beach events that showed Shun. It was just a simple fix of horizontally flipping the sprite for the swimmers. I can rest assured it will not be an issue for the next build.
Why can't I give you money? I want to give you money! :(
In all seriousness, Morenatsu Homecoming is like the sequel of Morenatsu that nobody expected. And like every younger project, it's supposed to exceed people's expectations, which it certainly did. This update clearly shows what visual novel creators are capable of when they put their mind behind it.
I LOVE the new design, new UI, and especially the backgrounds! All in one gives the game a dream-like appearance, such a gorgeous artstyle too. I don't think I have to say more about character art, but I can at least confidently say, I'm getting used to those. No problem. Topping of with really good music, not too distracting and not too boring either.
Keep at it, for us~ TYSM
My Friend: Hey! Kyouji's Beach Routine! Is out! Wanna play it?!
lol hope you enjoyed it. :)
I do Enjoyed it! Thank you! Very much!
Glad to see progress <3 Is only Frost appointed to updating Morenatsu for now? I know you guys have Santa Lucia to focus on now. Still it was worth waiting. Keep up the good work :D
As far as Homecoming goes, I'm the one overseeing it, although Lesli has been helping me with the writing, and Devilizer and Nova are providing some sprites when they can. Dzahn also helps out with a few things when he gets time.
Glad you're liking it so far.
They are working on "Santa Lucia" now. But I really wanna see the next update of Homecoming...
Check out Frostclaw's twitter, he said the next update will be out in the next few days
New update is out now. :)
is the gallery sill under construction?? when i click on it, the only thing available is the music room and credits.
i love the game i have only played Juuichi route so far and loving it
The game is under construction. Makes sense for them to only make the gallery when all the assets are done for the game. They need to program how those asses are unlocked too you know? =O
true true, i figured they would working on it. i just wanted to make sure i wasn't having an error.
thank you for the reply
Yeah, those assets are likely going to be done much later on, as we're focusing on getting everything else done. The guides are definitely going to be one of the very last things, because of plot stuff. The afterword section could easily be added in, but I figured it would be best to wait until a bit later. Just think of the gallery as low priority for the time being.
Regardless, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.
when would the next update be?
As mentioned in the description, because of scheduling, plus the fact that we all have busy lives, we can't commit to a regular schedule. However, I am hoping to have the next update out by the end of this month. The next update only needs to have Kyouji's beach event completely coded, as well as some minor adjustments to Tora's beach event, and after some Quality Assurance, I'll be ready to release the next update.
Understanable. Dont overwork yourselves.
This game is perfect, I love his story, even, my favorite character is Soutarou (he's cute), anyway, I can't wait to see the new updates! I'm already promoting it to everyone!
Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. To be completely honest, Soutarou is actually my favourite of the main cast to write for.
do you have a relationship map you could show us?
I do have a relationship map for what currently exists in the game. If you need a certain character's, please feel free to send me a message on Discord (Frostclaw#0548), or DM me on Twitter (@gcnofficial), and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
How do you get the Beach event for Soutarou?
If you haven't already been able to get it to show, feel free to send me a message on Discord (Frostclaw#0548) or DM me on Twitter (@gcnofficial), and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
**possible spoilers**
I think when you visit Tora with him, choose to help him instead of Tora with the cleaning and he will tell you why he is so, like that
I can't believe you kept in THAT reference.
which one?
The "But for me, it was another Tuesday" line, which came from Street Fighter: The Movie.
Hey what's that about a special scene with Tarou? I have completed his route like five consecutive times and I don't think I got any special scene with him and I'm super curious about it
Edit: is the special scene related to a phonecall?
You need to be a patreon in order to get an answer from them I believe
Actually, we don't accept any monetary contributions for this project. It just boils down to me being a derp and not seeing the original comment.
@TheBlackBeltDemon, if you still haven't seen the special scene with Tarou (I'll give a hint, it involves ice-cream), just send me a DM on Discord, and I can provide you with a guide on what you need to do to access it. My handle is Frostclaw#0548.
Oh I'm sorry! Itchio didn't notify me your message! Oh then yes I got the special scene hehehe
Wait what?! I can't spend the day at the beach with Tora? (´;д;`)
oh I see, thanks!
I recently played the original Morenatsu and I found Morenatsu Homecoming. I liked everything you did! You are going to add routes for all characters(Ten: ಥ╭╮ಥ) and you are going to add other languages to the game(I hope that the game will be Russian language, because I am from Russia🇷🇺), I was happy when I found out about all this! But I am a little afraid that we will wait for the game to be released for a very long time. It has been almost 2 years and only 1 act has ended. I think that the game will be released somewhere in 2022-2023
Sorry for my bad English (٥↼_↼)
Where did you find the original one?
What's the difference between this version and Morenatsu Homecoming?
He asked a link to the original Morenatsu, not Morenatsu Revisited ._.
Links to the original Morenatsu:
Windows 7: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorenatsuGame/comments/4pm6aw/morenatsu_download_guide/
Windows 10: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorenatsuGame/comments/i0v5in/morenatsu_windows_install...
Best way to play the original game is through the Morenatsu Revival Port. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25106013/
That way, you don't have to worry about installing any extra software or fiddle with your system settings.
This is going to sound pathetic af but... the idea of finally playing Torahiko's route makes me wanna cry out of happiness and excitement!
Thank you very much for making Morenatsu Homecoming!! ❤
Hey:) I found out about the game yesterday and had to try it out (Cause i like Furry stuff and Visual Novels), and i really really liked all of it so far, all about the writing up to the interactions between the Characters and stuff. Though im sad that the demo ends after the beach event, i am really looking forward for the next updates and hope the game is finished soon. Thus said, thx and again for this beautiful game and pls let me know if i can support u guys somehow.
Sry for my bad english.
Greetings from Austria o/
Thank you so much for your feedback! It’s awesome that your introduction to Homecoming has been a good one. I agree that it is sad the demo ends after some of the beach events, but we’re still working on it.
As far as support goes, we aren’t accepting any support by way of payment. This is because the original Morenatsu was free, and since this is a retelling of an existing, albeit abandoned story, we feel that any profit made on this project would be in poor taste. Just knowing you’re happy with our work is support enough. :)
Also, your English wasn’t bad at all, and in fact, better than many native speakers. Heheh.
Oh really it would be nice to have a person to be added to this game named Isaac, I love that Idea, PLEASE add him.
... Stop writing this, it's annoying already. You're clogging up comments, and it's very bad
Stop it
That person is spamming this senseless comment and nobody likes it.
Heh, I spammed too, on Nekojishi's thread, but it wasn't for nothing. I commented under everyone's comment, who asked for an Android version that I found one. The NSFW patch aswell.
i was checking in and i see people want the name Isaac add to the game, can you do that, make him datable? Since the new update is at the beach make him appear there.
... Stop writing this, it's annoying already. You're clogging up comments, and it's very bad
Stop it
Yeah, add a character named Isaac that would be cool, I like that name too. Please.
... Stop writing this, it's annoying already. You're clogging up comments, and it's very bad
Stop it
I have question, can you add a character to the game named Isaac, please?
I am going to leave these comments up for posterity.
Do NOT do this.
That goes for anyone who thinks making alt accounts to "pressure" us into doing something is a good idea.
That is all.
If I'm not mistaken, you have the option to delete these comments since you are a developer. Why don't you do it?
For posterity. It's to show people the kind of things we don't want to see posted here.
Any further comments alike to those will be deleted, and bans will be issued.
I would like to thank you for your continued support though, Walter. It means a lot. :)
... Stop writing this, it's annoying already. You're clogging up comments, and it's very bad
Stop it
Love the new update and hope you can keep them coming! I do have a quastion though? How do you get the special scene with soutarou? Are you like not supposed to interact with someone to unlock it?
I'd be more than happy to explain how to get the scene with Soutarou. However, to prevent spoilers, I would prefer to do it via private message. If you have Discord, feel free to contact me, and I will provide you with the choices you need to make.
OK, what is your username and tag?